Royal lily, symbol plant

Royal lily, symbol plant
Royal lily, symbol plant

In the Christian religion, the royal lily is a symbol of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the flower of this plant is on the coats of arms of the richest families living in various countries. People admire its tropical beauty, and the grace gives the variety the right to be called royal.

lily royal
lily royal

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This type of bulbous plants is grown in open ground or in greenhouses in winter. Lily is not afraid of frost, can grow up to 120 cm tall. White fragrant flowers make up brushes, which contain up to 20 of them. The area where the royal lily will be located must be protected from strong winds, and it must also be well lit. The land should be fertile, loose, absorb moisture well.

royal lily photo
royal lily photo

Timing and planting

Some varieties of these flowers grow on soils that have a neutral reaction. You can place seedlings in the ground in autumn and spring. When the ground thaws well, a royal lily is planted. This usually happens in the second half of April. Sprouts can be protected from frost with straw or hay. You can plant flowers of this variety from August to early September. Before placing them in the ground, you need to prepare the site in 15-20 days. To do this, it is brought in for digginghumus, peat and ash, as well as a small amount of mineral fertilizers. Then the site must be loosened, leveled, watered and left for a while, before planting flowers.


Bulbs with large flowers are planted 20 cm apart and between rows, and smaller ones - after 10-15 cm. Royal lily does not require complex care. The plant needs to be fed, watered, weeded, loosened the ground. This variety requires moist soil, so the flower must be watered in the morning and afternoon under the root, without falling on the leaves with a stream of water. It is also necessary to loosen the earth with great care and not very deep, so that damage to the roots located near the surface does not occur.

royal lily symbol
royal lily symbol

Plant nutrition

Lilies are fed several times during the growing season. The first time fertilizers are applied in early spring, after the snow has melted. Top dressing is carried out with the help of mineral and organic fertilizers containing nitrogen. Flowers must be mulched. To do this, peat or humus is applied to the soil around the plant with a layer equal to 5-6 cm.

Royal lily perfectly absorbs potash fertilizers, as well as ash, which is applied 3-4 times during the growing season. The second time the soil is enriched with ammonium nitrate when the plant has buds, and in July the plants are fertilized with phosphorus and potassium. For better flowering next year, you can remove a few buds.

Autumn care

Royal lily, the photo of which is presented above, can be in one place 4-5years, then the plants must be replanted, because due to the depletion of the soil, the flowers are crushed. In the autumn, the upper part of the plants is cut off, leaving stumps 20 cm high. Then the roots are covered with dry leaves or humus, after which it is advisable to put spruce branches. With the onset of spring, the shelter is removed before the shoots appear.
