A hoe is A hoe, a chopper (photo)

A hoe is A hoe, a chopper (photo)
A hoe is A hoe, a chopper (photo)

Arsenal of hand tools used for tillage, each summer resident is very extensive. Some amateur gardeners even have powerful walk-behind tractors with an engine, which were purchased in order to facilitate work with the earth.

But many of these latest inventions remain lying in the barn, gathering dust and taking up space. The favorite and most convenient tools for a summer resident have remained a hoe (chopper), a rake and a shovel. No garden job is complete without these simple tools.

Many are accustomed to the name "chopper", although this tool has several other names: hoe, flat cutter, ketmen. What does a hoe look like? How is it different from a chopper?

Ancient instrument

In ancient times, people sought to improve their primitive tools. This made it possible to work with the land faster, cultivate the soil, and get a harvest.

hoe it
hoe it

However, the process of modifying agricultural tools did not go as fast as we would like. The hand tool was heavy, uncomfortable and did not make it easier, but,on the contrary, it made the job more difficult. It was necessary to come up with a device that was light and easy to handle.

The hoe is an ancient tool that appeared thanks to the tool of ancient people, called adze. It was used for various types of earthworks.

The first hoe was made from a long wooden stick. It was very similar to a tool called a pickaxe. At the end of the stick, ancient people attached a narrow sharpened stone.

What did the hoe look like? A photo of this ancient instrument is shown below.

hand tool
hand tool

The hoe could be completely made of wood, and the tips could be mammoth tusks, animal horns, shells, turtle shells.


The work of farmers has been greatly simplified with the advent of such a tool as a hoe. This device made it possible not only to loosen the soil, but also to quickly destroy weeds and hill plants.

Ancient settlers used a stick for sowing, with which small holes were built in the ground for laying seeds. But with such a primitive tool, it was possible to master small areas of soil, and only a soft surface that was under irrigation.

hoe photo
hoe photo

The stone hoe easily broke up dense hardened clods of soil, with its help it was possible to make beds and carry out basic land work. The use of this tool helped to increase the areas of sowing and carry it out on a more remote area from the settlements. Although work withthe hoe was very laborious and took a lot of strength, for many centuries it remained the main tool of the farmer.

Such different names

By and large, a modern chopper and a hoe are the same tools, differing only in the width and length of the blade. The essence and features of this device have remained unchanged since the Paleolithic.

Depending on the terrain, the stone hoe changed slightly. First of all, this depended on the type of soil, as well as on the varieties of crops grown. But it has always been a tool with a pointed end and a wooden handle that fits comfortably in the hand.

Based on the fact that among many peoples the details and dimensions of this device were surprisingly similar, we can conclude that the hoe is a universal, ideal tool for tillage.

stone hoe
stone hoe

Instrument Popularity

The most common hoe was among the Eastern peoples: Chinese, Vietnamese, Indians. Where the soil was stony, it took the form of a ketmen with a narrow triangular working part. Also, this tool differed from the usual chopper in the weight that was needed to break up especially hard blocks.

Many land works are not carried out without the use of a hoe. These are weeding, loosening, hilling, making landing ditches. The cultivation of the land, which is carried out using this tool, is called hoeing. At the same time, you can weed the beds, hill the plants and loosen the soil. For processing soil between narrow beds, a flat cutter is used,special kind of hoe.

what does a hoe look like
what does a hoe look like

Varieties of fixtures

Choppers and hoes are of many types these days. They are universal, for weeding, hilling. However, this amount of tools simply will not fit in the pantry, so it is better to have several multifunctional devices. What does a modern gardener's hoe look like?

  • The triangular tool is best for weeding. It is also convenient for them to make small grooves for laying seeds. However, this type of hoe is not suitable for hilling.
  • The tool for digging up the earth is distinguished by its power and weight. It may have one or more blades. Most often used to loosen hardened topsoil.
  • The lawn hoe has a rounded blade. This tool is convenient to form the edges of the lawn. However, such a hoe will not capture individual weeds and is not suitable for this type of work.
  • A versatile hoe can do any kind of ground work. Such a tool has a working part on two sides: a flat part is located at the bottom, and at the top there is a fork with two or three teeth.

Hoe Sizes

Hand tools can have several sizes, as they perform a variety of functions. For soil cultivation between rows, choose a chopper with a massive blade to quickly destroy weeds. For hilling, it is better to give preference to a light hoe so that this type of work is not very laborious.

For very small plantations and garden work, it is better to chooseFokin's hand chopper. This is a new device that has already managed to win the attention of supporters of agriculture. The chopper resembles a flat cutter in its appearance and is distinguished by a sharp blade, which is fixed on the handle in a special way. The tool allows you to destroy weeds, but it does not harm the roots of plants. This is an unusual thin hoe, the photo of which is shown below.

gardening tools
gardening tools

Modern Choppers

Of course, stone tools for working the land today can only be seen in the museum. After all, the material of our era has long been metal. The ideal material for a chopper is carbon steel, as it sharpens well and retains its properties perfectly. However, this metal is prone to corrosion, so it is important to clean the blade after working in the ground. Keep the hoe in a dry place.

Modern manufacturers galvanize, harden steel, which guarantees the tool strength and durability. To increase wear resistance, often the working area of the hoe is painted or special impurities are added to the metal composition.

The latest developments in garden tools are the lightest polyamide choppers. Manufacturers claim that such devices are not only better than their predecessors in terms of convenience, but also have excellent strength, do not rust and are well cleaned from the ground.

hoe chopper
hoe chopper

Choose a cutting

Tilling the land is not an easy task. Especially if it's done by hand. Therefore, tools for the garden and garden should notnot only be light, but also comfortably placed in the hand. If the chopper is comfortable to hold, the work is done easily, there are no calluses and chafing.

Shanks for garden hoes are now made not only from wood. Perfect for this purpose:

  • plastic;
  • hardened steel;
  • aluminum.

Shanks can be made of combined alloys, which provides them with lightness, convenience and ease of care. Choppers with a curved handle have gained great popularity. Such a device allows you not to bend over during work, which significantly reduces back strain and reduces fatigue.

Small subtleties

Before starting labor-intensive activities such as weeding, hilling or weed control, it is very important to properly tune in and also sharpen the tool well. A sharp hoe makes work easier, uses less energy and gets rid of blisters.

A sharpened chopper has a 45 degree angle on its working surface. This procedure should be carried out systematically, otherwise working with the earth will bring you a lot of trouble and turn into hard labor.

When choosing a tool, you should give preference to a light, multifunctional chopper. Pay special attention to the cutting. It is better to refuse a chopper with an all-metal handle. Although it is very durable, it is very difficult and inconvenient to handle it. Such a tool is suitable for people who are not deprived of power, and only for certain land works.

If you want to spend a minimum of energy, choose the latest invention - an electric chopper -ripper. It performs basic ground work and does not require additional effort. Its only disadvantage is the very high price.
