African beautiful gerbera proudly holds her head. She could be the sister of the Russian chamomile. These two flowers are very similar in appearance. There is even a common way to propagate flowers such as chamomile and gerbera - growing from seed.

In the wild, gerberas grow in Africa, China, Japan, Australia, South America and the island of Madagascar. There are about 70 species of this flower. Not only her appearance is interesting, but also her history. The Dutch botanist Jan Gronovius discovered the gerbera for European society as early as 1717, but then it was not widely recognized. For the next 20 years, she did not even have her own name, and then began to be named after the famous doctor from Germany, Gerber. And for another hundred years, she remained in oblivion, like a sleeping beauty, waiting for the hour of her triumph. All modern gerberas have been selectively bred from two main species: the Jameson gerbera and the green leaf gerbera. Now it is one of the most popular flowers for a bouquet for any occasion.
Plain and terry, white, yellow,orange and pink are all gerberas. Growing from seeds of this plant is quite a common activity these days. Its height is from 25 to 60 centimeters. Flowers can reach a diameter of 12-16 centimeters. Gerberas have a number of significant advantages. First, they do not require complex care. Secondly, their flowering period is quite long - from early spring to late autumn. Thirdly, they keep their freshness in the bouquet for a very long time.

It is possible even at home to obtain a "gerbera" flower from seeds. Growing it is not very difficult. Seeds are sown in February or March in light soil at a shallow depth and left to germinate at room temperature. The first sprouts appear in a week or two. For constant growth, the flower is planted after the formation of its 4-5th leaf. Such a plant will bloom no earlier than 10-11 months from the date of sowing. For gerberas, growing from seeds is the most favorable way to reproduce.

Many women are very fond of receiving gifts in the form of fresh flowers in pots. Gerberas can grow in pots too. However, only one type of plant is suitable for this. Having received such a gift, you must follow a number of rules for caring for the gerbera plant. Growing from seeds was the first step. Now you need to observe the temperature regime and provide sufficient lighting. Gerberas love bright sunlight. From late August to early March - a dormant period when the flowergrows leaves. The optimum temperature for him during this period is 12-14 degrees. Gerberas should be watered abundantly, but not excessively. If you follow these recommendations, then the rest of the year the plant will delight with abundant flowering.
In the climatic conditions of Russia, the best way to grow a "gerbera" flower is from seeds. These flowers are bred in greenhouses, where they grow as a perennial herbaceous plant. In open ground conditions, gerberas are annuals, as they are very tender and not able to endure winter cold. No, even the warmest shelter, will save them from freezing.