Precise operations for decorative processing of wooden surfaces can be obtained only with the help of special drills - engravers. As a rule, these are small devices that allow the master to create all kinds of patterns on the working area. In addition to the main function, the manual wood engraver is also capable of cutting, grinding and drilling. This optional filling usually applies to multifunction devices, the set of which also includes the corresponding nozzles.
Design and principle of operation of the engraver

Models from budget families intended for amateur use usually have a simple device. Their design, in particular, provides for a housing with a motor and related components, a fastening nut for the working shaft, a fixing spindle, control buttons, etc. Expensive multifunctional wood engravers are provided with similar components, but in a higher quality design.
As for the principle of operation, it is also quite simple. The motor makes the shaft rotatewhich, in turn, is equipped with a nozzle suitable for a particular operation. Depending on the characteristics of the functional element, the corresponding processing of the wooden surface takes place. This can be the formation of holes, and the creation of patterns with patterns. Typically, wood engravers come with equipment designed for a particular area of work. Further, everything depends on the skill and creative imagination of the user.
Key Features

The device is simple, so it has few technical characteristics. The main attention should be paid to the power and the number of revolutions of the motor. The power potential varies from 130 to 170 watts. To perform decorative operations, powerful wood engravers are rarely purchased, since in this case the ergonomic advantages of the device come to the fore. The number of revolutions can reach 30-35 thousand per minute. Actually, 20 thousand rpm is enough for wood, but if you plan to work with stone or concrete, then you should focus on more productive models.
The importance of the engraver's ergonomics has already been noted. This characteristic is determined by the mass of the device, the convenience of the handle, the presence of auxiliary devices and the configuration of the location of the controls. Experienced users always check how handy wood engravers are at the selection stage. It will be useful to make a few manipulations with the device or just hold it in your hand. This familiarity with the tool is very important if you plan to perform with it.delicate work of jewelry precision.

Power tool
In this parameter, everything is quite simple. There are two principles of energy supply for engravers. The first involves the use of a traditional connection to the mains, and the second - a complete battery. The advantages of electrical devices include ease and comfort when performing operations. Despite the binding to the outlet, such a device is very convenient to use at a permanent workplace. If you plan to carve wood with an engraver outdoors, then you can’t do without a battery. Typically, such elements provide many hours of work and give complete freedom of movement. But the presence of a battery in the design inevitably makes the device heavier and less maneuverable - this nuance will be felt when cutting. A good alternative to these options can be a combined model that runs on mains and battery.
3D wood engraver - what's special?

This is a special category of engraving and cutting devices, which are massive structures with electronic filling. Such systems are connected to computers, after which, with the help of a special program, the future pattern is modeled or the cutting parameters are formed, which is planned to be performed. It is important to note that a 3D wood engraver does not require human participation in the work process. It performs operations automatically with high precision - in accordance with the digital sketch,which has been previously scheduled for execution. As a result, you can get, for example, a high-precision complex drawing, but the cost of such equipment is several times higher than the price tags for conventional hand-held devices.
Manufacturer Reviews
Although the segment is narrow, well-known manufacturers are widely represented in it. Owners of such devices leave a lot of positive feedback about Dremel products. The advantages of a comfortable handle, a long cord and a wide scope of supply for models presented in the middle category are emphasized. By the way, such a wood engraver is estimated at 2.5 thousand rubles. The Sturm company also shows serious success in this niche, whose models are praised for their high build quality, the optimal combination of functionality and power, as well as for their attractive design. Domestic engravers are also present on the market - these are, in particular, the Zubr and Caliber devices. This product is worth contacting in cases where you need an inexpensive model with minimum power ratings within 145 watts.

Modern technology allows interested users to perform the most difficult tasks associated with cutting wood products. There are two categories of such equipment. The greatest demand is for specialized machines for construction tasks, which are used to obtain material with the required parameters. The second, less popular group just includes a wood engraver, which allows you to perform more accurate decorative operations. Despite the popularity of automated laser machines, manual devices are still relevant. It is these devices that allow you to maximize the creative vision of the master of curly cutting. And not always engravers are purchased by experienced users. Ordinary connoisseurs of original arts and crafts also have a similar tool in their arsenals.