In the modern market of chemistry for the needs of construction, glue "Joiner" is popular. This composition, which is also known as "Moment", is produced at the production facilities of Russia by the German concern Henkel. The product is known as an excellent adhesive that copes not only with repairs, but also with the manufacture of wood products. It is often used in the field of production and in everyday life. It contains a polyvinyl acetate dispersion with special plasticizers and additives that improve adhesion and increase the reliability of the connection.
Why choose Moment Carpenter?
No toxic or toxic substances are used in the manufacturing process. This indicates the environmental friendliness and safety of the material and allows it to be used if it is necessary to repair household items. You can verify the safety of the product by reading the information from the quality passport. Having requested a certificate of conformity from the seller, you can understand that the Stolyar glue meets European standards.
Consumer Reviews
In the manufacture of various items and furniture made of wood, it is not alwaysnails are used as a connection of elements. According to consumers, the aesthetic appearance deteriorates if there are extra holes on the surface. In this regard, manufacturers are trying to refuse them whenever possible, using other connection methods.
An excellent alternative to self-tapping screws and nails is Moment Stolyar glue. According to home craftsmen, in terms of grip, it is only slightly inferior to metal products, but remains invisible after the product is completed. Consumers like that the adhesive does not contain impurities that could disrupt the natural structure of the wood.
More consumer opinions
Composition can be used to work with any material of this type. What buyers love. The composition is not afraid of pests, is resistant to high temperature and moisture. With its help, according to buyers, it is possible to carry out not only the assembly of new furniture, but also the repair of finished products.

Described glue can be used for gluing:
- plating;
- fabrics;
- foam rubber.
With its help, products are completely assembled from pre-made blanks. At the same time, there is no trace of fasteners left on the furniture, which improves aesthetics. The material has an increased water resistance class according to the international classification. It is able to withstand temperatures up to + 70 ° C. It has a high adhesion density and is characterized by a quick setting afterapplication.
The application temperature should not be lower than +10 °С, so that the composition does not thicken, because under such conditions it quickly loses its characteristics. The average consumption of glue moment "Joiner" is 150 g per square meter. After the seam hardens, it acquires the color of wood of light tones. If necessary, dry glue can be painted or varnished on top after curing.
Issue Forms

If you want to achieve a high setting speed, you should purchase glue marked "Express". It contains additives that accelerate the evaporation of the solvent. As a result, only solid fractions remain. Glue is used for small parts, because it is not as reliable as the standard version. It can be used to glue edging or decorative elements, which are usually not subjected to high loads.
Glue Moment "Joiner" is offered for sale in five packaging options. If you want to purchase a composition for domestic use, a 125-gram tube will suit you. With it, you can repair the furniture in the house. The spout in the package has a structure that allows you to control the consumption of glue and store it after use. There is no risk that the glue will dry out.
You can choose jars that contain 250 and 750 g each. They are usually purchased for the needs of a small carpentry workshop. Usually such glue "Joiner" is enough for a long time, because on average a little mixture is spent on one product. It makes no sense to purchase more capacious packages, because they can simplydry up. For large furniture factories, buckets of 3 kg or 30 kg are needed. Several dozen pieces of furniture are made daily at the factory, so the product will be used up quickly.
Instructions for using glue
Special knowledge to work with glue is not required. It is only necessary to observe the technology and be more attentive to the preparation of the workplace. Before proceeding with the application of the "Joiner" glue, workpieces should be processed. They should be free of chips, wood dust and burrs. The surface must be sanded and leveled as imperfections can reduce adhesion.
Before the final work, it is necessary to dock without mounting material. This is necessary to understand if additional processing is required. Once everything is ready, you can open the container with glue and apply it to both surfaces to be joined in an even thin layer. For maximum uniformity, use a soft-bristled brush.
After Moment Joiner glue is applied, the parts are left for 15 minutes in the open air. It is not recommended to walk around the table during this, so as not to raise dust. It should not settle on the surfaces to be glued. Beforehand, all sawdust and shavings that may interfere with normal bonding should be removed from the parts. When the treated surface is dry, you can start joining.
For the correct alignment of the parts, it is necessary to prepare the guide grooves. If you hit them, it means that the element has fallen into place. Products are pressed against each other with maximum effort. After that, the glue should dry for a day. If necessary, after drying, it will be necessary to remove the remnants of the mixture mechanically, only then you can proceed to the final processing of the furniture.
Appointment and feedback on the Express glue
On sale you can also find Moment Stolyar Express glue. It is moisture resistant and suitable for all types of wood. A mixture is made on the basis of an aqueous dispersion. Already after 15 minutes there is a reliable setting. Consumers are loving the benefits of this blend, including:
- moisture resistance;
- possibility of use for outdoor and indoor work;
- no toluene and solvents in the composition;
- quick setting.
You can use glue not only for wood, but also for wood products, namely:
- veneer;
- plywood;
- MDF;
- Fibreboard;
- chipboard;
- fittings;
- facing materials.

Glue "Moment Stolyar Express" can be used for gluing straw, cardboard and paper. With it, you can create crafts, as well as use for heavy tasks, such as for repairs or small finishing work. The parts to be glued are pressed against each other and fixed for 15 minutes. If you are a professional, then you should use clamps or a vise. When such tools are not at hand, the parts are pressed down with a press, for example, a bucket of water, books orother heavy objects.
Appointment and reviews of PVA Universal glue

This glue is based on PVA water dispersion and is suitable for all types of wood. Consumers like the main benefits inherent in this composition, among them are:
- short setting time;
- initial setting force up to 30 kg/cm2;
- transparency after drying;
- lack of ability to stain wood.

Among the main areas of application of Moment Joiner Universal glue should be highlighted:
- Glue fiberboard, chipboard, MDF.
- Glue plywood parts.
- Installation work, if necessary, gluing all types of wood.
- Paper laminate bonding.
- Working with veneer.

Glue "Moment Joiner PVA" is applied to parts that need to be fixed within 20 minutes. Additionally, you can use clamps or a vice. The composition is sold in containers of different capacities, these can be cans of 250 and 750 g, as well as buckets of 3 kg.