A huge range of products is presented on the construction markets, which is designed for finishing wall alignment. The compositions have different cost and technical characteristics, which allows the buyer to choose the right product for any operating conditions and a different budget.
Today we will talk about gypsum plaster "Teplon" from Unis. Its main difference from similar compositions is lightness. However, the material is valued not only for this. Read more in our article.
Composition of plaster "Teplon"
Unis plaster mix is made on the basis of gypsum, which provides the composition with a white color. In addition, the manufacturer uses modifying additives that give the product high strength, fast setting and resistance to cracking.

Gypsum plaster "Teplon" acquires extreme lightness thanks to the unique natural mineral that is part of it -perlite. This component significantly reduces the weight of the solution, endows it with high thermal insulation properties.
In the process of plaster production, the manufacturer does not use harmful additives, which allows us to talk about the absolute environmental friendliness of the product.
Positive and negative properties
The main advantage of Unis-Teplon gypsum plaster is its light weight, so the composition can be used to seal deep cracks without increasing the load on the walls.
High plasticity of the finished mixture contributes to the cost savings of the owner of the premises, since alignment can be done without the use of additional materials. The composition forms a smooth surface, which is ready for finishing.
Also positive properties include:
- good vapor and breathability;
- resistant to mold and mildew;
- nonshrinkage;
- crack resistance;
- high noise and heat insulation properties;
- easy to use.
If we talk about the shortcomings, then first of all we should emphasize the weak moisture resistance. The plaster can absorb moisture up to 400% of its own volume. The material is recommended to be used only in dry rooms or as a base for ceramic cladding.

Inexperienced craftsmen may have difficulty applying the composition, as it begins to set 50 minutes after preparation. If you are doingwork for the first time, do not knead a large amount of the mixture in 1 run.
Product Specifications
Eunice's plaster composition is designed for leveling and insulating walls inside the premises. The material is sold as a dry mix packed in bags. The weight of one pack of gypsum plaster "Teplon" is 30 kg.

The maximum allowable layer thickness is 50 mm. Under correct operating conditions, the composition has the following technical characteristics:
- setting with base - 0.1 MPa;
- strength - about 2.5 MPa;
- frost resistance - up to 35 cycles;
- thermal conductivity - 0.23 W/m;
- suitability of the finished mixture - within 50 minutes;
- primary setting - 50 to 180 minutes (depending on layer);
- drying a layer of 1 cm - for 5-7 days.
Apply the mixture on the walls at a temperature of +5 to +30 degrees. For each square meter of wall (with a layer of 0.5 cm), you will need about 4-4.5 kg of the mixture.
The main color of gypsum plaster "Yunis-Teplon" is white, but you can find greyish compositions. The final shade depends on the type of plaster used.
The main purpose of the plaster "Teplon"
Eunice's plaster composition is intended for leveling horizontal and vertical planes. In this case, the thickness of the layer on the walls should not exceed 50 mm, and on the ceiling - 30 mm.
Gypsum plaster "Teplon" can be used when filling up defects and cracks up to 7 cm deep. It is possible to use the material when preparing walls for finishing using a reinforcing mesh.

Perlite, which is part of the product, makes it possible to equip a reliable heat and sound insulating layer from plaster. The high vapor permeability of the material contributes to the establishment of a favorable microclimate in the room, which makes the composition suitable for use in all public, children's, he alth institutions.
Material is great for leveling surfaces on top of which wallpaper will be glued and paint will be applied. The smoothness of the dried substrate allows finishing without the use of putty.
On what surfaces can "Teplon" be used?
Gypsum plaster Unis "Teplon" after drying forms a smooth and glossy surface on all bases. This allows the material to be used on walls made of wood, brick, plaster, foam and aerated concrete.
Before applying the finished mixture, the base must be treated with a deep penetration primer. If the surface is porous and quickly absorbs moisture, it is coated with a primer 2-3 times. Otherwise, the base will quickly absorb moisture from the solution and the quality of the leveling layer will be significantly reduced.

Before starting work, make sure thatthe surface is strong enough, does not have dirty and oily stains, there are no weakly fixed and interfering elements on it. Reinforce joints, corners and cracks as needed. This can be done with reinforcing stacks or sickle tape. After that, you can start preparing the working mixture.
How to knead the plaster "Teplon"?
In the process of preparing the solution, you should strictly adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations. If you knead the mixture too thick or too thin, the work will be significantly hampered and the quality will be reduced.
Since Teplon gypsum plaster sets quickly enough, you do not need a large container for mixing the mortar. It is enough to use a capacious bucket.
To properly prepare the solution, pour 4 liters of water into it and pour 10 kg of powdered mixture. Important! In no case do not pour water into the mixture, just the opposite - gradually pour the powder into the liquid.

In the process of pouring the plaster, start stirring the solution (for 2-3 minutes). It is better to use a drill with a mixing nozzle for this purpose. As a result, you should get a composition that, in its consistency, resembles thick sour cream. If it seems to you that the plaster is too thick, add another 0.5 liters of water to the diluted powder. This should be done gradually, without ceasing to knead the mixture.
Instructions for applying the composition on the walls
If you need to apply plasterwith a large layer (more than 1 cm), first place the beacons on the surface. To do this, make marks in the places where the guide rails are to be installed and, along the drawn lines, apply gypsum plaster "Teplon-white". Do not wait for the composition to dry, immediately press the planks into the mortar.
Check the correct installation of the beacons using a building level or a plumb line. Correct their position if necessary. After 3 hours, you can start applying the composition to the walls. The technology of work is as follows:
- Using a wide trowel, apply the finished solution into the space between the beacons.
- Take a wide rule (its length should be greater than the distance between the beacons) and start leveling the walls, moving from the floor to the ceiling. Align all the walls in the room in this way.
- If you need to apply a layer of more than 50 mm, do the work in several stages. Apply the first coat first, let it dry completely.
- Place the plaster mesh on the walls, treat the walls with a primer.
- Reapply Teplon plaster.
If you apply several layers of plaster, then the thickness of each of them should not exceed 30 mm. 2 hours after applying the finishing layer, it is necessary to polish the surface. To do this, the surface is moistened with water and rubbed with a sponge grater. Smooth out any unevenness with a spatula and trowel and leave the walls to dry completely.
Reviews of the masters about the plaster of the company "Eunice"
If you haven't previouslyused mixtures of this company, reviews of gypsum plaster "Yunis-Teplon" will help you appreciate all the advantages of the composition and learn about the nuances of its use.
To begin with, the material is recommended by 85% of the masters who have ever worked with it. Experts note that the mixture is very easy to apply, it is plastic and lays down fairly evenly the first time.

Residential owners appreciate "Teplon" for a significant reduction in repair time and cost reduction, which is achieved due to the lack of need for puttying.
The disadvantages are: the lack of a mixture in some stores, high consumption, the inability to use in rooms with a specific microclimate.
Plaster "Teplon" is an ideal option for those who need to level and insulate the walls in the room with a minimum of expenses. It is so easy to work with the material that even an inexperienced master with minimal ideas about the repair of premises can apply it. However, in such situations, one should strictly adhere to the technology of preparation and application of the composition.
Confirm the high quality of gypsum plaster "Teplon" and customer reviews. Most of them were satisfied with the product, which indicates that the manufacturer of this composition can be completely trusted.