When it is impossible to relax within the walls of your own home due to the noise coming from your neighbors or from the street, the issue of soundproofing is acute.

Various materials are used to ensure silence, but we will focus on the newest of them - soundproof plaster.
What are the features of such compositions, in what cases is their use appropriate and is it possible to independently apply them to the walls? All this is described in the article.
Description and composition
So, how does acoustic plaster differ from other wall leveling compounds? In this case, sound absorption is carried out due to the porosity of the material. The smallest particles of pumice, expanded clay, vermiculite are added to the composition of soundproof plaster. The wall covering is quite light and cellular.
Often, aluminum powder is added to such compositions, which, when dried, releases gas, which further increases the porosity of the soundproofingplaster.

Knowing that sound breaks down on contact with an obstacle allows us to judge that its penetration through a porous coating will be difficult, due to which the work of the material we are considering is ensured.
If you study the composition of acoustic mixtures in more detail, you can see that they are made on the basis of the following components:
- cement;
- astringent polymer additives;
- one of the porous fillers.
Properly applied to the surface, the mixture can greatly dull, and sometimes completely extinguish sound vibrations.
Scope of application
Sound-proof plaster is used in various noisy establishments and residential buildings located near industrial facilities. It is advisable to use such compositions in cases where the area of \u200b\u200bthe room does not allow the use of traditional materials in the form of plates and mats.
Excellent soundproofing plaster for rooms where silence is required. For example:
- library reading rooms;
- courtrooms;
- meeting rooms;
- relaxation rooms (massage rooms, emotional release rooms).
You can apply the mixture both on indoor walls, which are sources of unpleasant sounds, and on the surface of building envelopes. With this approach, reflected noise is attenuated, which guarantees a higher degree ofacoustic comfort.
Positive properties and disadvantages
If we compare sound-proof plaster for walls with other sound-absorbing materials, then its most important advantage becomes obvious - versatility. Liquid mixtures are easily applied on surfaces of complex geometry, act not only as soundproofing, but also as a means for decorating and leveling walls.
Has material and two flaws:
- Difficulty of application. Plastering walls is a wet and messy process. To cover walls of this type with soundproofing, you should completely free the room from furniture, properly prepare the surfaces.
- Duration of the process. If it takes about 2-3 days to arrange sound insulation from gypsum sheets or polystyrene foam, then plastering work lasts much longer. After applying the composition to the walls, subsequent finishing work can only be started after the base has completely dried, and this takes 2-3 weeks.
If you have not previously performed such work, the arrangement of the soundproofing layer may be delayed. You will also have to purchase the necessary tool and independently calculate the required amount of material.
What tools do you need to do the work yourself?
Before applying soundproofing plaster to walls, make sure you have the following tools on hand:
- container for mixing the working mixture;
- long rule for leveling plaster and quality control of work;
- laddersuitable length;
- narrow spatula and trowel;
- brush-brush for applying a primer on surfaces.
If the walls are too crooked, you should plaster on the beacons. To do this, purchase special metal strips and fasteners. Use a laser level to install them. The width between the beacons should be slightly less than the length of the plaster rule.
Selection of materials
In the construction markets, you can find several varieties of heat and sound insulating plaster. However, all formulations are presented as a dry mix packaged in paper bags.
When purchasing material, pay attention to its main component: if the work will be carried out in a damp room or outdoors, do not purchase gypsum compositions.

Also consider the degree of sound absorption you need. The greatest effect is provided by mixtures with aluminum powder, for example, sound-proof plaster "Knauf" or "Ceresit". Such materials cost an order of magnitude more expensive, but their sound protection indicators are 10% higher than the capabilities of conventional analogues.
Do not forget about the expiration date of bulk mixtures. These materials do not last long, so always pay attention to the date of their production.
General recommendations for working with soundproofing compositions
Applying a soundproofing mixture to walls is a fairly simple process, but it requires strict adherence to technology and basic rules.

If this is the first time you are planning to work with such materials, please consider the following guidelines:
- If the plaster is applied over the lighthouses, after the work is done, the iron strips must be removed from the wall, otherwise they will conduct sound waves.
- Plaster is applied in 3 layers: 1 - spray from a thick mixture, 2 - filling and leveling, 3 - fixing layer.
- Depending on the type of surface to be treated, select the optimal thickness of the spray layer. For wooden bases it is 9 mm, and for brick and concrete surfaces it is 5 mm.
Please note that dense finishing materials (such as viscous paint or thick wallpaper) fill the numerous cells of the soundproofing layer, which significantly reduces its effectiveness.
How do I make my own working mix?
Preparation of a solution for arranging a soundproof layer should take place at moderate humidity (no more than 60%) and at a temperature of 18 to 20 degrees Celsius.

Before starting work, read the manufacturer's instructions for preparing the composition, as special requirements may be noted in it. To date, the most popular material is Knauf soundproof plaster, so let's consider the technology for preparing the compositions of this company.
Mix the solution as follows:
- Take a large container (30-40 liters in volume) and pour the bag into itpowder mixture.
- Add the right amount of cool water to the bucket. 1 bag of plaster requires 9 to 12 liters of liquid.
- Stir thoroughly for 10 minutes until the mixture is completely smooth.
- After that, leave the solution for 5-10 minutes, mix it well again.
Now the plaster is fully prepared for application. The resulting mixture must be used up within 4 hours.
Applying technology
Sound-proofing plaster mixtures are applied to any surface, but first they need to be covered with a primer several times.
If you want to enjoy absolute silence indoors, put soundproof panels under the plaster. They are represented by mineral mats and corrugated cardboard products with various fillers.

The plates are fixed on the walls, and the plaster itself is applied over the resulting base.
Perform the work in the following sequence:
- If necessary, level the walls with cement mortar. It is prepared from 3 parts of sand and 1 part of cement. The thickness of the initial layer depends on the curvature of the walls, but it is better that it be 10-12 mm.
- When the base is completely dry, proceed to the arrangement of the soundproof layer. If you use gypsum compositions, apply the mixture with a spatula; a plaster ladle is better suited for cement counterparts. The thickness of each layer should be about 15mm.
- When the first coat is dry,apply a second and a third. The total thickness of the soundproofing plaster should be about 40 mm.
Please note that acoustic plaster will not rub off. The beacons are removed from the walls, the voids are filled with soundproofing compound.
Common Myths About Acoustic Lineups
Reviews on soundproofing plaster are the most controversial. Some masters accuse manufacturers of quackery, others attribute miraculous properties to the material.

In fact, acoustic compositions are not able to completely suppress sound vibrations, but they can significantly reduce noise. With proper work, soundproofing compositions can improve the acoustic comfort in the room by 25-30%. At the same time, the noise level is reduced by as much as 8 dB, which corresponds to the sound transmission capabilities of a thick brick wall.
If the subsequent finishing is incorrect, the plaster completely loses its ability. It is for this reason that homeowners who have covered the walls with thick enamel complain about the lack of the expected effect.
Photos of soundproofing plaster cannot convey the degree of noise reduction in the room, however, statistics and measurements show that the material really does its job.
To improve the result, experts recommend coating not only internal, but also external walls with the composition. The combined type of sound insulation performs well: when not only plaster is used, but alsoother analogues.
Most of the positive reviews mention Knauf materials. The products of "Vetonit" and "Ivsil" have also proven themselves well. However, remember that the listed compositions will provide you with silence only if the technology of their application is strictly observed.