Professional or amateur gardeners do their best to protect the orchard from various pests. For this, various kinds of spraying and other procedures are used. It often happens that there is a need to trim the branches of trees, as they can be affected by diseases or pests to such an extent that they can no longer be saved. In this case, it is necessary to protect the tree from drying out. How to do it?
Why do we need garden var?
What is a var? This is a viscous substance that does not dissolve in water and adheres well to damaged wood, contributing to its healing. The cut or wound site is vulnerable to fungal diseases and pests, so it needs to be protected. How to apply garden pitch? It is required in the following cases:
- if the tree has damage resulting from pruning;
- with cracks and natural fractures of the crust;
- if availabledeep tree anomalies such as hollows.
The substance can be used on garden trees such as apple, pear, plum, cherry, apricot, peach.
Funds from the store
What is a var? It is a substance that can be based on wax, rosin and other elements. It can be easily purchased at any garden store. The most common products are:
- "Garden Var";
- "RanNet";
- "Bee";
- "Blagosad".

Also in some places you can buy "Garden Entomological Glue", which has shown itself well in healing the wounds of garden trees. However, it is not recommended to use low-quality or too cheap products, as their components can leave burns on the wood.
Paraffin Recipe
Despite the fact that it is easier to purchase a ready-made remedy, many gardeners prefer to make it with their own hands. What is var on paraffin? This is a substance, the basis of which is exactly paraffin. The crafting recipe is:
- six parts of paraffin must be melted in a water bath or microwave;
- add three parts of powdered rosin to the liquid;
- after which it is necessary to stir the resulting mass, in parallel introducing two parts of any vegetable oil.

After hardening, the substance becomes ready for use. It is important that theturned out to be a homogeneous consistency, if it is not, then after solidification it must be further kneaded and mixed.
On beeswax
Do-it-yourself garden brew recipe can also be implemented on the basis of wax, as it has many healing properties.

You need to act according to the following recipe:
- four pieces of beeswax must be heated in a water bath to a liquid consistency;
- add 10 parts garden resin;
- inject 10 parts of powdered rosin.
After removing the mixture from the heat, pour in one part of linseed oil and mix thoroughly.
According to an alternative recipe with beeswax, the var is made in the following proportions - two parts of wax, four parts of rosin and one part of lard. The mixture should be infused until completely cooled and thickened, after which it is ready for use.
With alcohol
Garden pitch for an apple tree or other trees can be prepared with your own hands with the addition of ethyl alcohol. This mixture is quite soft and plastic. Cooking is recommended, adhering to the following recipe:
- eight parts of alcohol must be combined with one part of melted lard;
- mix thoroughly;
- then add 16 parts of crushed rosin.
There is another recipe:
- one part of beeswax must be added to one part of wine spirit;
- then add to the compositionten parts crushed fir resin.
In this recipe, you can use the resin of any coniferous tree. Keep the product in an airtight container.
How to use?
What is a var and what are its properties are detailed above. But how should you use this tool for garden trees? Regardless of the cooking recipe, the principle of use is the same.
Most often, garden var is used in the summer, when large branches are pruned, but in some cases it is acceptable to use in spring, winter and autumn. In this case, after wintering, it is recommended to renew the product layer.
The order of using a useful mixture is:
- before applying, you need to carefully clean the cut of the tree from bulges and growths;
- after cleaning, rinse wood and tools with clean water;
- if it is required to treat a hollow in a tree, then a 5% solution of copper sulphate must be applied inside it for disinfection;
- if it is necessary to treat a tree for cytosporosis, the affected areas must be treated with a 5% solution of ferrous sulfate.
After finishing the preparations, apply the mixture to the affected area of the tree. To do this, you can use an ordinary construction spatula, thanks to which you can achieve uniform application on a cut of wood.

These mixtures are quite budgetary and economical to use, but at the same time they are of great benefit to the tree, because they do not giveinfection to spread further along the trunk and branches.