Modern manufacturers of building materials offer a lot of options for ready-made primers for walls. However, as practice shows, you can prepare this composition yourself at home. Let's consider further the main, most effective ways to create a material for covering walls and other surfaces.

A few words about self-made primer
Before considering how to make a primer with your own hands, you need to pay attention to the reviews of such compositions, as well as some recommendations given by experts in the field of construction and interior decoration regarding their use.
First of all, in the reviews of such mixtures, it is noted: the composition, which was properly prepared, has the same properties as store-bought products. Fans of homemade soil solutions are attracted by the cheapness of their compositions, as well as the simplicity of the process itself. As many builders note, cookeddo-it-yourself primer saves a considerable amount of money if a large-scale renovation of the premises is planned.
Speaking about the features of the use of home-made solutions, many builders pay attention to the fact that it is necessary to use the created mixtures on the first day, otherwise they will simply lose their bonding property later.
In order for the created remedy to be as effective as possible, experts recommend strictly observing all the proportions indicated in the recipes below.
Let's consider further the main options for how to make a primer for walls with your own hands.

Adhesion primer
The primer prepared according to this recipe is excellent for applying it to metal surfaces. In addition, it tends to make excellent contact with any wall, including those that have a glossy finish.
To create a solution you need to take:
- 30 ml drying oil;
- 200g paint glue;
- 2 kg of chalk (preferably ground);
- 250g aluminum alum;
- a bar of laundry soap.
The mixture must be prepared in an aluminum container. To create it, you need to pour a liter of water into the dishes and, bringing it to a boil, add alum to it. After that, mix the mass well.
In another container, prepare the adhesive mixture (10%), following the instructions. After heating it over low heat, put soap into the container, previously grated on a medium grater. Without turning off the fire, the mass must be mixed, bringing itthereby achieving uniformity. As soon as the desired consistency is reached, drying oil and a solution of quartz must be poured into the mass. At the final stage, chalk should be carefully introduced into the mixture, stirring the mass until all lumps are completely dissolved, otherwise the primer will turn out to be of poor quality.
In the event that the composition prepared according to the presented recipe turns out to be too thick, it can be diluted with heated water.
To increase strength
The mixture prepared according to the technology below is an excellent tool for strengthening walls and other types of surfaces. What's more, it's even great for concrete substrates.
To create such a primer with your own hands you will need:
- bar of laundry soap;
- 500 ml wood glue;
- 100 g of copper sulfate.
To prepare the primer according to this recipe, you need to take an enamel pan that is not used for cooking. Pour 7 liters of water into it and, putting it on fire, bring its contents to a boil.
As soon as the water boils, pour grated soap into it and stir the mass until it is completely dissolved. Next, add vitriol and glue to the solution, then stir again.
After that, the mixture must be left on the stove to simmer. Within 30 minutes, it must be stirred regularly (every 5 minutes) - this will prevent the appearance of lumps in the mass. After the specified time, the broth must be filtered through cheesecloth and cooled, and then used for its intended purpose.
In reviewsbuilders about this type of do-it-yourself primer for wallpaper are often said that the prepared solution can act not only as a reinforcing coating, but also protect walls from mold and fungus. Recommended for use on bathroom walls, roofs and cellars.

Deep penetration primer
To create a deep penetration primer with your own hands, you need to prepare the following components:
- liter of PVA glue;
- 1 cement trowel;
- 8 liters of water.
To prepare the mass, it is necessary to dilute the glue in water. Stir the mass until the ingredients are completely dissolved. After that, you need to gradually pour cement into it and stir again.
When the self-made PVA glue primer becomes homogeneous, it must be filtered through cheesecloth. After that, the resulting product can be used for its intended purpose.
Reviews about this composition often say that a self-made PVA primer is better if you add water to the glue at the first stage of creating the product, and not vice versa.
Before applying the made solution to the walls, it is necessary to check its quality on a separate area of the surface. When, after drying, the coating turns into a film, the mass must be diluted with water before further use. If this does not happen, then the solution can be used for further work.
Primer for paint
How to make a primer for walls with your own hands? In order toto create a coating intended for processing walls for lime painting, you need to take:
- 1.8 kg of quicklime;
- 10 liters of water;
- 100 g drying oil;
- 200 g laundry soap (bar).
The process of preparing such a product should begin with the preparation of soap - it should be crushed on a coarse grater and dissolved in three liters of heated water. Gradually pour drying oil into the prepared soap mixture and, after mixing well, set aside.
Next, you need to take 5 liters of water and extinguish the lime in this liquid. After the resulting solution, pour the previously prepared mass with drying oil and soap, and then pour a couple more liters of water there. After mixing, the resulting solution should be filtered. After that, the composition can be applied to the surface, fully following the rules.

Primer for adhesive paint
Before covering the walls with adhesive paint, their surface must be treated with a special primer, which can also be done independently. To create it, take:
- 2.5 kg of crushed chalk (or pre-prepared powder);
- bar of laundry soap (200 g);
- 150 g copper sulfate;
- 200g dry glue;
- 10 liters of water;
- 25 g drying oil.
The indicated number of ingredients will make 10 liters of high-quality ground cover. To create such a solution, it is necessary to boil 3 liters of water, after which it is necessary to dissolve the vitriol in the liquid and thoroughlystir.
Separately, you need to take a couple of liters of hot water and dissolve laundry soap in it. In another container, dissolve the glue in 2 liters of hot water. Next, the last two solutions must be mixed. Add drying oil to the resulting composition. After mixing, the solution must be combined with the vitriol mass, and allow the prepared product to cool.
After the base for the primer is ready, it is necessary to gradually pour chalk into it and, after mixing, dilute the mass with the remaining pre-heated water. After straining through a sieve, the primer can be used for its intended purpose.

Conventional technology
In order to make a primer with your own hands, you need to take 4 liters of water and dilute 3.5 g of biocide preservative No. D75 in it (about half a teaspoon). After mixing the mass well, add a teaspoon of defoamer (AFE-0310) and a drop of monoethyl ether (dipropylene glycol) to it. After that, 500 ml of styrene-acrylic dispersion XZ91930 must be poured into it. Mix the finished mass well until smooth.
The prepared primer should be used immediately for its intended purpose.
The builders' reviews note the following: the primer prepared according to this recipe does not have the ability to penetrate deep into the base, but is a higher quality product than that made on an acrylic basis.

How to reduce consumption
Practice shows that in order to save building material, brushes should be used to process walls. Atwhen choosing a tool, you should pay attention to the length of its pile - it should be about 8 mm. It is known that the roller is a tool that absorbs a large amount of primer. But if you choose a product wrapped in thin foam rubber, this will also save up to 30% liquid product.

What to look for when cooking
In the process of preparing a home-made solution, you need to ensure that there are no lumps in the mass. In the event that they appear, they can be broken with a mixer.
Construction specialists advise not to prepare large volumes of the mixture. The material must be made exactly as much as is used in one day, since the remaining mixture will simply lose its properties.
Often, builders recommend replacing PVA with wallpaper glue, which has a higher cost, but subsequently does not turn yellow. Thanks to this, yellow spots do not appear on the wallpaper. This is especially true when, after applying the primer coating, it is planned to stick light wallpaper.
How to properly apply a primer
It should be noted that adherence to the application process of the primer ensures its durability and a high level of protective and bonding qualities.
First of all, we must remember that it is necessary to apply such a composition only after the walls are completely cleaned of the previous coating, as well as dust and dirt. After that, it is necessary to pour the primer into a special bath and, dipping a roller or brush into the solution, apply it onsurface.
In the process of work, it is necessary to ensure that in one place the wall is processed only once - this will ensure uniform drying of the coating. Apply a second coat, if necessary, only after the first one has dried.
Building and decorating professionals do not recommend using sprayers to apply homemade primers.