Once summer cottages were a place for growing garden and horticultural crops. Ornamental plants did not attach much importance, if they were planted, then somewhere on the remaining patches of land. At present, much has changed, but the love of the garden remains. If you prefer to use the land for practical purposes, an ornamental garden is the best solution. How to equip it, read the article.
Forms of garden arrangement

Crops can be placed in different ways. The most common forms of ornamental gardening are:
- Flower beds. More recently, this method was considered standard for placing vegetables during planting. Today, the beds have great appeal, but the free space is used less rationally. However, the flowerbed method is still in demand, as plants planted using this method give high yields.
- Modules. Decorative garden, photowhich is presented for review in the article, equipped according to this method, is used in large areas. A characteristic feature is the presence of beds in the form of geometric shapes, repeating at regular intervals. The modular way in the design of an ornamental garden is costly in time and effort, which will have to be spent to ensure that the appearance of the site is always attractive.
- Vases. The method is very popular due to its ease of care. Its advantage is that it is always possible to quickly change the design of your garden by placing flowerpots in a different way.
- Vertical garden. This method is ideal if the territory of the site is planned to be delimited by fences, hedges. A vertically placed decorative garden is an excellent decoration for the design of the facades of buildings in the country and gazebos.
Choosing a seat
To make the garden always look decorative, it is important to consider some recommendations:
- Plants should have access to sunlight as most vegetable crops are thermophilic.
- The vegetable garden should be placed in such a place that the direct rays of the sun do not fall on the plants, otherwise the leaves will begin to dry and the beds will lose their attractiveness.
- An ornamental garden in a garden should not be planted in the shade of tree crowns. This is especially true if you plan to equip permanent beds. Since the roots of the trees are large, they will take moisture when watering the plants. Vegetables without getting enough water will not develop fully.

A DIY decorative garden will always be attractive if you choose the right plants that will be comfortable next to each other. Very often, some cultures do not tolerate the neighborhood of others. Such growth should be excluded.
In addition, we should not forget that the main task when creating decorative beds is beauty. In order for it to remain throughout all seasons of the year, you need to select plants for your garden in such a way that they fit in shape and colors. However, the characteristics of each culture should be taken into account. Plants of the following types are very popular:
- Cabbage crops - cabbage: white and red, kohlrabi, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts.
- Root vegetables - beets, carrots, radishes, celery, parsley, parsnips.
- Tube vegetables - potatoes.
- Bulb crops - onions of different types.
- Leafy plants - dill, spinach, lettuce.
- Fruit - peppers and tomatoes, eggplant and cucumbers, squash and pumpkin, zucchini and watermelons, melons and beans, beans, peas and corn.
- Perennial crops - asparagus, sorrel, rhubarb, horseradish.
When combining crops, you need to pay attention to the admissibility of their neighborhood. For example, sweet and bitter peppers, vegetable crops and poisonous herbs should not be planted nearby.

French garden
This is the name of a decorative plot, furnished in a classic style. The tradition of planting plants in the beds,having a geometric shape, originated in France, hence the name. The idea came from the son of a gardener who worked at the court of Louis XIV. He was the first to create such a garden, the beds of which had an impeccable shape of geometric shapes. A style where naturalness and irregular shapes are unacceptable is called regular. The beds, which are distinguished by strict geometry, are French.
For such a garden, large areas are needed. The alleys should be straight, the shape of the flower beds should be strict. The use of natural materials and soft shades of elements of decorative beds is a must.
Landscape style
People have different tastes. Many prefer naturalness in everything, complete immersion in the surrounding nature. In this case, it is best to arrange a decorative garden with your own hands in landscape design in a landscape style. Its use facilitates the planting of vegetable crops in flower beds, they are easy to care for in the future. It does not require strict adherence to the lines. The main thing is to choose a lighted place for plants. They should not be planted in the shade of trees. Vegetables will develop poorly, their leaves will begin to fall off, and this will create a mess in the garden and spoil the overall look. Intervention in nature should not go beyond the reasonable, the creation of human hands should not stand out.

Raised garden
Such beds in landscape design look very decorative. The design has several advantages:
- You can set up a vegetable bed anywhere, even on concrete.
- Bedreliably protected from trampling. While walking in the garden, hardly anyone wants to climb to a height to harm the plants.
- Easy to care for, you don't even have to bend over.
- When arranging the beds, high-quality drainage is laid.
- Fertile soil is used to fill the structure. If necessary, it is always easy to change.
These beds are most suitable when using a regular style, since the correct geometric shapes are easier to create. Vegetable beds of different heights look more efficient.
Container garden
This method is considered the easiest for arranging beautiful beds. Suitable for any container. It is enough to fill them with soil and plant vegetables and greens. The advantage of growing plants in containers lies in their compactness and the ability to place containers at your discretion: next to fences, walls, on slopes, along paths and in other places. To make such gardens more attractive, you should consider a number of recommendations:
- Use the same containers, especially in the same row.
- When creating potted compositions, one style of pots is important, but different sizes.
- Grow garden crops and flowers at the same time in the same container. To do this, you need to divide the container into zones with different soil composition, which is preferred by certain plants.
- Garden cultures are not always expressive. In this case, the emphasis is on containers, which are multi-level, mosaic,painted.

Pizza garden
It is so called due to the shape of the site. It is round, its diameter reaches two meters. It is divided into segments, each growing vegetables of different types. Such a decorative garden in landscape design looks very original. Vegetables of popular varieties can be grown close to home. In order to fully justify the appearance of the garden, everything that is needed for pizza is grown here: peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, parsley.
Gardens on dog kennels
All roofs are suitable for beds, flat and pitched. Such a garden does not take up additional space, and the animals live in more comfortable conditions. In summer, the roof does not heat up, and in winter it cools less. Suitable for cultivation are plants with shallow roots. It is imperative to pay attention to the location of the booth in order to decide on the choice of plants, since some need shade to grow, while others love the sun.

Vertical garden
The advantage of this type of beds is to get more vegetables using less space. Fences, walls of outbuildings or special structures for containers are suitable for this. In such gardens, both vegetables and climbing plants are grown. They are planted in containers of different sizes. Vertical landings are at the same time screens that shade the recreation area.
Arrangement of a decorative fence
Such an addition to the landscape design gives the appearance of the overall completeness of the ornamental garden. Which fence to choose depends on the style. Wood, vine, modern materials or stone are suitable for its manufacture. The original solution is a design with many steps.
This item is aesthetically worthless by itself. But in the constructions of plants, the mesh is indispensable. If you install it and a forged arch and direct the stalks of cucumbers in their direction, they will braid the structure. Vegetables will replace roses in the composition. If the mesh is galvanized, and the soil surface is covered with beautiful pebbles, you are guaranteed to get an original flowerpot for growing vegetables. A soft plastic mesh is usually used, it is sold in rolls, but a rigid one can also be used.

This element is not only an addition to the decor. Thanks to the borders, the soil is not washed out of the garden. For their arrangement, plastic tapes, fences made of stone, concrete, brick, and wood are used. If the design will be done in a rustic style, vine or picket fences are ideal. Creative lovers can protect their garden with plastic plates, ceramics or bottles. As a border, a hedge of living plants is used. They can be undersized shrubs or vegetables. An important condition for arranging a garden with decorative elements is to provide a passage, that is, paths and paths that you can walk along to take care ofplants and harvest.
Shapes as a decorative element
When choosing decor for the garden, you should focus on the style of decoration and the size of the plot. Gnomes and figurines of other animals are very popular. A small wooden bridge will serve as a decoration and addition to a decorative garden in landscape design (photos of various options can be seen in the article). If the arrangement is based on the antique style, columns or images of famous statues in miniature, made of white stone, are used.