Delphinium perennial: description of varieties, planting and care, reproduction

Delphinium perennial: description of varieties, planting and care, reproduction
Delphinium perennial: description of varieties, planting and care, reproduction

Probably, there is no gardener who would not dream of growing beautiful flowers on his plot, pleasing to the eye with bright petals and delicious aromas. Of course, there are a lot of such plants, but some of them are of particular interest. For example, the delphinium is perennial. Novice flower growers think that the name of this flower is associated with the appearance of an unblown delphinium - there is an opinion that its shape resembles a dolphin's head. However, there is a more romantic version. Today we propose to talk about the perennial delphinium, planting and caring for it. We will also tell an interesting legend.

Description of the plant

What is a delphinium? This is the name of a genus of herbaceous plants belonging to the buttercup family. There are other names for it: for example, larkspur and spur. In general, there are about 500 varieties of this plant, both annual and perennial. We will talk about the latter today.

Delphinium perennial: care
Delphinium perennial: care

Often gardeners askthe question: "Is the perennial delphinium poisonous or not?" There are no reasons for concern. This plant is dangerous only for herbivores. However, it is not recommended to plant a delphinium next to the apiary, because some of the toxic substances may remain in the honey from the pollen of the flower. Of course, in order to get poisoned, they will not be enough, but it's still not worth the risk.

The legend of the delphinium

Many millennia ago, a talented sculptor lived in ancient Greece. When his beloved died, he could not come to terms with the loss and carved her statue out of stone. He even managed to revive his beloved. Such audacity angered the gods of Olympus, and therefore they turned the young man into a dolphin. The girl waited a long time for her lover on the seashore. Once a dolphin swam up to her and laid a beautiful flower at the feet of the beauty, which seemed to absorb all the blue of the sea and the azure of the sky. It was this flower that was called the delphinium. Of course, there is a more prosaic version. Some believe that this flower got its name from the city of Delphi, which is located in Greece.

Today the perennial delphinium is a frequent visitor to Russian gardens. It literally fascinates with its unearthly beauty, resembling light air clouds in appearance. But in order to enjoy the beautiful appearance of flowers, you need to know how to plant this plant and how to care for it.

delphinium flower
delphinium flower


Delphinium flowering begins in June and can last for a whole month. Incidentally, this plantmay re-bloom in autumn. This is possible if you cut off all flower stalks after the first flowering. Inflorescences, more like tall candles, consist of 50-80 flowers. Flowering starts from below. It is possible to consider the delicate inflorescences of this plant for an incredibly long time, because each variety has its own form of petals: there are sharp, wide, rounded, with curls. In addition, there are such hybrid varieties in which petals of different shapes are located on the same flower.

Most of the perennial delphinium varieties have a branched root system, which lacks the main rhizome. The roots lie horizontally, every year they release young shoots.

Species of delphiniums

Gardeners divide perennial delphiniums of hybrid varieties into several types:

  1. New Zealand. Delphiniums of this species are distinguished by large double or semi-double flowers of rich shades, collected in dense brushes.
  2. Mafinsky. This species is characterized by tall bushes reaching 200 cm. The flowers of these delphiniums are semi-double.
  3. Pacific. Another name for this hybrid is Pacific. The length of terry inflorescences can reach one meter, the bushes themselves grow up to 2 m.
  4. Elatum. This species of delphiniums is characterized by the general color of the inflorescences: from light blue to deep purple.
  5. Belladonna. This species differs from others in that its inflorescences hang in panicles.

It is worth noting that in each group there are about 15-20 varieties. Let's take a look at some of them.

Delphinium perennial: cultivation
Delphinium perennial: cultivation

Domestic varieties of perennial delphinium

Among domestic hybrids, such a variety as the Memory of Cranes deserves attention. This delphinium reaches a height of 160-180 cm. It is characterized by purple semi-double graceful flowers with a black eye, collected in tall inflorescences. This hybrid should be planted in well-lit areas that are shaded during the midday hours. The memory of cranes does not tolerate soil salinity, it is drought-resistant and winter-hardy.

Among the most interesting specimens of domestic selection is the variety of perennial delphinium Pink Sunset. This herbaceous plant can grow up to 140 cm. Large flowers of rich pink color are collected in dense cylindrical brushes.

Another representative of domestic delphinium hybrids is the Lilac spiral flower. It is characterized by the following parameters: height - about 180 cm, semi-double flowers with a diameter of 7 cm and blue-lilac petals.

Delphiniums of the Elatum group

Lady Belinda's delphiniums are considered one of the most beautiful representatives of this group. They are characterized by the following parameters: height - from 170 to 200 cm, the length of the inflorescence is usually about half a meter. Delphinium flowers of this variety are semi-double, very large, have a delightful white color.

It is impossible to ignore the variety Abgezang. The length of such a delphinium is about 170 cm. The flowers of this variety are characterized by a bright cornflower blue color.

Another interesting representative of the group is the delphiniumNakhtwakhe, characterized by flowers of bluish-purple hues.

Delphinium perennial: planting and care
Delphinium perennial: planting and care

Delphiniums of the Belladonna group

If you want to grow unusual flowers on your site, Pay attention to the representatives of this group. Among the varieties are Lamartine, which is characterized by dark blue semi-double flowers, Piccolo with delicate bluish petals, Arnold Böcklin, whose petals are distinguished by a juicy blue color, and Merheim with delightful white corollas.

Preparing seedlings

It is worth noting that the old bushes of this garden culture do not tolerate long autumn, rains and often die. Therefore, flower growers recommend rejuvenating plants or replacing them every 4-6 years. One way is to grow from seeds. It allows you to get the first flowering after six months. We offer to talk about how to sow a perennial delphinium.

You can do this at a variety of times: in the fall, immediately after the seeds are harvested, before winter, when the soil is frozen. However, experienced gardeners recommend starting sowing at home at the end of February. To do this, you need to disinfect the seeds: they should be placed in a gauze bag for 20 minutes and immersed in a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate. Immediately after this, the seeds must be thoroughly washed and placed in a solution of epin for a day. Literally 2 drops are enough for 100 ml of water.

The next step is the preparation of the soil mixture. Ideal composition: humus (you can replace it with compost), garden soil and peat - in equal parts. Recommendedadd 0.5 parts of sand. The soil mixture must be thoroughly steamed in a water bath: this will destroy fungal spores and weed seeds. After that, it is necessary to fill the containers prepared for sowing with a wet mixture. Leave some soil to cover the sown seeds.

Delphinium perennial: poisonous or not?
Delphinium perennial: poisonous or not?

Spread the seeds evenly over the surface of the soil. Sprinkle with earth on top, the layer should not exceed 3 mm. Compact the soil a little, otherwise the seeds will float at the first watering. After that, it is necessary to spray the crops with cold boiled water. Since the delphinium grows best in the dark, cover the container with a black film or opaque covering material. At the end of April, perennial delphinium seedlings can be planted in a permanent place.

Delphinium landing: site selection

Experienced flower growers recommend planting this horticultural crop in warm, sunny places. This plant is ideal for temperate climates, it develops best in the middle lane. In the southern regions of Russia, the delphinium can suffer from heat, so here it must be planted in places protected from the scorching sun and watered on time. It is extremely important that the plant is protected from the wind. Strong gusts can break tall and fragile flower stalks and stems.

Cultivation of delphinium is possible both in mixborders and in separate groups. You can combine these flowers with perennials that bloom until the end of summer, which means they can decorate the delphinium after it has faded. Gardeners say: delphiniums are extremely harmoniously combined with daisies, phloxes, lupins and coreopsis.

Soil preparation

Perennial delphiniums - both short and tall - can grow on any cultivated soil. However, gardeners recommend planting this crop in fertile loam, but acidic soils should be discarded. If the pH is below 5, lime should be added to the soil: 50 g per square meter will be needed. Before planting, it is recommended to add rotted horse or cow manure to a depth of about 40 cm.

Delphinium perennial: varieties
Delphinium perennial: varieties

Delphinium Landing

The first thing to do is prepare the pits. Their depth should be about half a meter, and the diameter should be 40 centimeters. For planting tall varieties, a distance of 60-70 centimeters should be observed between the pits. Humus (half a bucket), a couple of tablespoons of any complex fertilizer and a glass of ash should be poured onto the bottom of each, then all this must be mixed with the ground, make a small depression and place a seedling in it. The earth around needs to be compacted and watered well. Flower growers recommend covering each seedling with either a glass jar or a cut plastic bottle for the first time. As soon as the delphiniums begin to actively grow, such a shelter should be removed.

Features of care

Growing and caring for this plant includes watering, fertilizing, removing weeds and loosening the soil.

The first time you need to feed the delphinium when the shoots reach a height of 10-15 cm. The best fertilizer during this period is a solution of cow dung: for 10 buckets of water you will need one bucket of organic matter. This amount is enough to fertilize 5 large bushes. Mandatory procedure - mulching flower beds. It should be carried out immediately after weeding and loosening. It is important to thin out the bushes in time: this should be done when the stems reach 30 cm in height. Florists recommend leaving no more than 3-5 stems on each bush. It is necessary to remove weak shoots located in the inner part of the bush. Usually they are broken off or cut off near the ground. Thanks to this pruning, the plant will avoid diseases.

Delphinium perennial
Delphinium perennial

When the delphinium grows up to one and a half meters, next to each bush you need to carefully dig 3 supporting rods, the height of which will be 180 cm. The stems of the plant must be tied to the supports with ribbons or wide strips of fabric. The next tying is usually done when the flower grows up to 100 cm. Every grower knows: during the season, the delphinium is able to “drink” about 60 liters of water. Therefore, every week it is necessary to pour about 2-3 buckets of water under each bush. After the earth dries slightly, it should be loosened to a depth of no more than 5 cm.

Preparing for winter

When the plant stops flowering and leaves dry, its stems should be cut at a height of about 30 cm from the ground. It is recommended to cover the top of the hollow stems with clay. This will prevent moisture from getting to the root neck, which means that the plant will not rot. Almost all delphinium varieties are characterized by increased frost resistance. If aa cold and snowy winter is expected, flowerbeds with delphiniums should be covered with straw or spruce branches.

Reproduction of perennial delphinium

We have already talked about the reproduction of this delightful flower with the help of seeds, we suggest discussing other ways to get a strong and he althy plant. Perhaps the easiest way is to reproduce by dividing the bush. Plants that are 3-4 years old are ideal for this. The optimal time for digging bushes is spring. The separation must be carried out when the young leaves are just starting to grow. It is somewhat more difficult to determine the autumn dates: during this period, it is necessary to separate the delphinium bushes when its seeds begin to ripen, and flowering has already been completed.

Delphinium perennial: description
Delphinium perennial: description

You need to extract the rhizomes very carefully, you should leave a large earthen clod. Then they must be broken or cut with a shovel or a large knife - always between young sprouts or buds. You should get delenki with at least one shoot, a dormant bud and a bunch of roots. Please note: the resulting plants must be immediately planted in a permanent place. They will need enhanced care, in response to which they will bloom profusely this year.
