Now, almost every all-wheel drive SUV participating in trophy raids and rally tracks is equipped with a winch. It should be noted that this mechanism is mandatory for all motorists who often prefer to conquer off-road tracks. If it is a crossover or a passenger car, which is mostly operated on asph alt terrain, a car winch will only spoil its appearance. For massive SUVs, the opposite is true - this tool only decorates the design of the jeep and makes it more aggressive. And if you install it together with a power bumper, then there will simply be no analogues to such a "monster".

At the moment, an automobile winch, depending on the type and design, can be divided into several categories:
- Mechanical.
- Manual.
- Hydraulic.
- Electric.
To figure out which one is the most suitable for off-road use, let's take a look at each of these types.
This car winch has a high speed of operation, but at the same time, because of this plus, it is almost impossible to control the steering wheel during operation of the device. Because of this, when using this tool, it is impossible to set the desired direction for the SUV, which means that it will move in a straight line to the place where the second end of the cable is fixed. Therefore, not all motorists use it.
These tools are distinguished by their compactness, due to which they do not cause trouble when winding the metal cable. In addition, due to its small size, it can be transported separately in the trunk. Therefore, you can not drill holes in the bumper and, in which case, calmly pull your car (SUV or passenger car - it doesn’t matter) from the swamp or sand, where it “sat on its belly”.

With the help of this winch, you can quickly deliver any vehicle from the abyss of mud to a flat surface. And it works very quickly and efficiently. Due to its special design and the use of hydraulics, the portable hydraulic winch can easily withstand heavy loads. The main disadvantage of this device is only the low speed of winding the cable onto the coil.
Electric car winches
Expert reviews claim that the most high-torque and reliable winch among allis electrical. Due to the fact that it can work with a stalled engine and pull even a 3-ton jeep without problems, it is used on most modern SUVs.

In addition, the main advantages of this device are its relatively small size, high speed of winding the cable and no less quick pulling the car out of the sand and mud trap. Installing an electric winch car is quite simple. To mount it in the bumper, it is enough to have a minimum set of tools and instructions that are attached to the winch by the manufacturer. Thus, an electric winch will serve as the best device for an SUV.