Potato is a rather whimsical vegetable that reacts sensitively to improper storage conditions in winter. The root crop does not like cold, heat, it is subject to rotting under the influence of high humidity. You can find out how to store potatoes in the cellar and how to equip the necessary place for harvesting in the article below.
Preparation of the premises

After collecting or buying a root crop, you need to take care of its storage location. It should be a dry, dark and cool room that does not lend itself to freezing. The best option for storing potatoes is in a cellar or basement, where the temperature practically does not change. The average storage temperature in winter should be between 2 and 4 degrees, while the humidity should not exceed 70%. To reduce dampness, crushed stone or pebbles are strewn at the bottom of the cellar. If the room temperature is lower, the potatoes will begin to grow moldy and fungus, then take on a sweet taste. If there is a window in the cellar, care must be taken that direct sunlight does not fall on the crop. If possible, the premises periodicallyshould be ventilated so that stagnant air and lack of ventilation also do not harm the potatoes. Successful storage of potatoes largely depends on careful preparation of the crop. Before laying the potatoes, they must be placed in the fresh air and dried well for several hours to prevent rotting and mold. It is worth mentioning that not every variety of root crop is well and long stored. The most well-preserved are mid-ripening (by no means overripe) and yellow varieties. Potatoes harvested at the very end of autumn are filled with moisture, which will quickly lead to decomposition and decay. Before laying, a careful selection of potatoes is made: they must be free of flaws and defects, approximately the same average size. It is not recommended to leave fruits stored on a bare floor. There are several ways to store potatoes: in nets, in bags and boxes.
Storing potatoes in nets

When the room for the harvest is ready, the question remains: how to store potatoes in the cellar in nets? This method is quite simple and effective. Before leaving the crop for storage, it is stored on pre-built boxes or pallets without removing it from the mesh bag.
The mesh promotes free access and air circulation between the tubers, which has a beneficial effect on potatoes, preventing various diseases from appearing. Straw is laid on top of the laid root crop, which retains heat and protects the tubers from frost. You can also lay on top of the cropbeets in several layers. This method of storage is considered short-term and is suitable for potatoes intended for everyday consumption.
Potatoes in bags

Speaking of how to store potatoes in bags in the cellar, it should be said that this is a rather convenient and most common way. Burlap warms well and protects vegetables from the cold. It is also a natural material that is well breathable. Today there are sealed paper bags, but they are less breathable. In order to avoid damage to the lower layers of potatoes, it is also necessary to install a pallet or other flooring under the bags that protects the fruits from frost and decay. Filled bags are stacked on pallets in a circle or 5 pieces in a lying position up to 3 meters high. After that, vegetables can be covered with old blankets, sawdust or hay. If the shelf life is long enough, it is necessary to keep a small space between the bags, thus leaving room for air to enter. It is very convenient to store the crop in bags if there is a need for frequent unloading or loading. It is forbidden to store potatoes in plastic bags and bags in which there is little air. The fruits in such a container become wet and begin to rot.
Storage of potatoes in bulk

Storage of potatoes in bulk includes several options: bulk and bin method. Bulk way when it comes tohow to store potatoes in the cellar - in bags or in bulk - has been used since the time of the first delivery of potatoes to Europe. It is considered the simplest, easiest and cheapest option that does not require special skills and efforts. It is only necessary to pour potatoes 1-1.5 m in height and, having covered, leave until the moment of consumption or planting. The disadvantages of this method include the difficulty of adjusting the temperature inside the potato pile, reaching a height of 1.5 m, and the large occupied area on which the potatoes are located. All of the above factors will provoke decay and the appearance of fungi, as a result of which it will be necessary to mix the crop into a new ventilated space. The bin storage method is used primarily to ensure the safety of fruits laid as seeds for the next year. The layer of seed potatoes should not be higher than 80 cm or 1 meter so that the seeds can be easily aerated and, if necessary, checked for safety, the presence of fungi and pathogens. As in the bulk method, there are drawbacks here: the crop takes up a lot of space, it is difficult to fill it up, get it out, and it is not known when it will begin to germinate. In this regard, it is also necessary to periodically check and measure the temperature inside the crop.
How to preserve crops in an unheated room?
Answer the question of what to do and how to store potatoes in the cellar of an unheated garage, old wadded blankets will help. A bag, mesh or box of potatoes must be wrapped with several layers of old blankets, bedspreads and thingsunsuitable for the economy. It is important that there are small holes that allow air to pass through. Many store vegetables in unheated garages and basements using a variety of wooden crates and crates. The advantage of this storage is that the boxes can be divided into sections, sorting the potatoes by variety, size and purpose. In addition, it is convenient to approach the boxes, they do not take up much space and are well ventilated. Potatoes in boxes are easy to transport and stack. There are also various electrical appliances and light bulbs with which you can save and heat vegetables, while avoiding high financial costs.

Understanding how to store potatoes in the cellar is a simple matter. The main thing is to periodically check the temperature and humidity in the room, as well as timely control pests, mold and fungi. Proper stacking, storage and compliance with all precautions is the key to keeping potatoes whole, beautiful and unharmed!