Globular willows for landscape design

Globular willows for landscape design
Globular willows for landscape design

As a common tree, willow has many varieties and hybrids. Due to the ease of crossing, there is a wide variety of its species: from creeping to 20-meter specimens.

globular willows
globular willows


Due to their decorative properties, globular willows are often used in horticulture. They got their name from the shape of the crown. Their beauty is multiplied by rich green dense foliage. In height, they can reach 20 meters. A sprawling crown in the form of a tent, straight drooping branches, openwork foliage, decorative young shoots in early spring - thanks to these qualities, the spherical willow (brittle) is very popular. Four years later, the branches become brittle and small pieces cover the near-stem circles of trees. The life span of these plants is about 75 years. Since globular willows tolerate the gassiness of city streets well, they are often used for landscaping parks and avenues.

Willow in landscape design

globular willow photo
globular willow photo

There is an opinion that gardens can only be designed using willows of various shapes. There are types for borders,have for hedges. From them you can create whole works of art. Combining willows with various ornamental plants, they achieve interesting solutions in landscape design. It is good to plant a low tree near a reservoir, lay out stones in the foreground and decorate them with ground cover flowers. You can also use willow in a single planting and to strengthen slopes. In this case, it is recommended to plant globular willows reaching a height of three meters. They have leaves with a grayish tint, curving branches with a light bark.

Choosing a landing site

An interesting point is the flowering of the tree, which occurs in April. And in early June, the fruits ripen. They have a sweet taste and blue color. How beautiful willows are, so undemanding to care for. They love an open sunny place. During the dry period, they must be well watered, and in normal times, make sure that the soil always remains moist. Willow grows, to the delight of the owners, quickly. If the planted young tree begins to dry out, continue to water it. New shoots will grow from the root. You can grow a spherical bush instead of a single-stemmed plant. In small garden areas, it is better to plant low (up to 7 m) spherical willows, such as the Bullata variety.


planting a globular willow
planting a globular willow

A tree grows both in the sun and in a little partial shade. It tolerates various types of soil, but it is better when clay is included in the composition of the earth so that moisture is constantly preserved. Planting a spherical willow is carried out to a depth of 70 cm, previouslyyou need to make a drainage about 25 cm thick from sand or gravel. The distance between several plants should be up to 2 meters. The spherical willow grows (photo on the left) quickly, but it does not tolerate transplantation well. If such a need suddenly arises, it is better to carry it out before the age of 3.

Crown formation

Care comes down to loosening the soil on a shovel bayonet, mulching with peat or mowed grass, cutting dry branches. The crown is formed by removing long lower shoots. You can renew an old tree by cutting down the trunk to a stump.
