How to weave a cherry? Instruction

How to weave a cherry? Instruction
How to weave a cherry? Instruction

Weaving from multi-colored rubber bands won the hearts of many needlewomen. Such products can not only be left as a keepsake, but also worn as a modern accessory. Even male representatives do not mind weaving something, and then putting on the product. Consider the basic options for weaving, learn how to weave a cherry.

Basic ways of weaving rubber bands

There are two main ways to weave rubber bands:

  • on the machine;
  • on a slingshot.

You can do the job without these devices, but it will not be as neat, and it will be more difficult to stretch the rubber bands.

how to weave a cherry
how to weave a cherry

All complex work is usually performed on the machine, as it implies several rows at once, for which elastic bands can be hooked. On such a device, you can make various bracelets (dragon scales, French braid and others), as well as crafts and key chains.

To make a simple and thin bracelet, it will be enough to use a slingshot, in which there are only two cloves, to secure the elastic bands.

Let's consider how to weave a cherry from rubber bands on various devices and using different techniques. Let us first analyze one of the methods of weaving, whichconsidered the simplest and is used to weave twigs around berries.

How to weave a chain bracelet

The chain bracelet is the easiest way to weave rubber bands, where everyone learns the basics of craftsmanship.

how to weave cherries from rubber bands
how to weave cherries from rubber bands

To work, you will need elastic bands in contrasting colors. You can weave such a pattern on any loom or slingshot. We will consider the fastest way - on the fingers.

Step-by-step weaving process:

  1. Take one rubber band and, twisting it into a figure eight, put it on your index and middle fingers.
  2. Put on top, without twisting, an elastic band of a different color.
  3. Remove the bottom from your fingers.
  4. Without twisting, put the rubber band of the desired color on your fingers again.
  5. Remove the bottom. Continue this weaving to the desired length.

This is how you can weave the simplest bracelet, which even a beginner lover of creativity can easily handle. Now let's look at how to weave a cherry, where the branches will be made just in a chain.

Cherry from rubber bands on the loom

Rubber cherries are a great idea for a keychain or just a souvenir, as well as for decorating pencils and pens. You can weave them in a variety of ways. Consider first how to weave cherries on the loom.

To work you will need:

  • red and green silicone rubber bands;
  • machine.
how to weave cherries from rubber bands on a loom
how to weave cherries from rubber bands on a loom

Step-by-step instructions on how to weave cherries from elastic bands on the loom:

  1. String two red rubber bands on the post. One end - on the right column of the middle row, the second - on the first three fasteners around the first.
  2. Diagonally on the first, second and third columns, string three pairs of elastic bands in the middle row.
  3. Twist one red elastic three turns and string it on the second column in the middle row, completing the weave.
  4. Then, crocheting alternately two loops of elastic bands on the tooth to which they belong.
  5. Now you need to crochet the elastic bands of the extreme columns and transfer them to the middle one.
  6. Crochet a green rubber band through as many red ones as possible.
  7. Now we make twigs from a green cutter using the classic "chain" technique.
  8. Connect the branches together and the work is ready.

Weaving on the loom seems complicated only at first glance, when you learn the basic elements, the question of how to weave a cherry will no longer arise.

Cherries from rubber bands on a slingshot

Now let's move on to another method, consider how to weave cherries from rubber bands without a loom.

how to weave cherries from rubber bands on a slingshot
how to weave cherries from rubber bands on a slingshot

To work, you will also need rubber bands in red and green colors and a hook.


  1. The first 2 red rubber bands twisted into the figure "eight" are put on the teeth of the slingshot. There is no need to twist the following rubber bands.
  2. We put four red elastic bands on the teeth.
  3. We crochet all the twisted elastic bands andthrow off the teeth of the slingshot.
  4. We string one rubber band in green on a slingshot.
  5. Crochet all the red ones and drop them onto the green elastic band.
  6. Then remove the structure from the slingshot and tie a loop with a knot on the green rubber band. This is required for fixing.
  7. To make twigs, continue weaving in green with regular chain.
  8. The ends of the chains must be tied with fixing loops.

In such a simple way you learned how to weave cherries from rubber bands on a slingshot. There are other ways to make these berries, for example, using only a hook.

How to weave cherries on a hook

To weave a cherry on the hook, you will need 56 rubber bands in red and 13 green.

how to weave cherries from rubber bands without a loom
how to weave cherries from rubber bands without a loom

Instructions for work:

  1. One red elastic band, twisted three times, strung on a hook.
  2. Then put two red ones on the hook, and then transfer the triple through it.
  3. The loop that turned out should also go to the hook, and then string 2 more elastic bands of the same color. Transfer already 4 loops to them.
  4. In the same way, continue to weave, throwing on 2 elastic bands and transferring 4 loops to make a pigtail.
  5. Now you should put on the first loop on the hook, which turned out to be at the very bottom of the product, to give the berry a round shape.
  6. On the next two elastic bands, already remove the triple loop, and fasten its second end to the hook. A figure should come out with the same number of loops from twosides.
  7. Continue to weave in the same way, only string two interlaced pairs on new elastic bands, and transfer their opposite edge to the hook, next to the previous ones.
  8. Now we weave a green elastic band, to do this, pass a green elastic band through the resulting loops, for this, transfer a couple of red ones to it and repeat until the desired result is obtained.
  9. So you will finish the work on the first cherry, in order to fix it, you will need a second one, which you do according to the same principle.
  10. Then, pass one green elastic band through the cherry branches and tighten it with a fixing loop.

Now you know how to weave a cherry in a variety of ways. And everyone chooses the one that suits him. And since this is a creative work, you can come up with your own way of making it.

What else can be woven from rubber bands

Elastic bands won the hearts of DIY jewelry lovers for a reason, because you can weave anything from them, from simple bracelets for training to real large and voluminous figures.

how to weave cherries on a loom
how to weave cherries on a loom

You can decorate your hands and neck with them, you can even decorate a summer bag or clothes, and also make a wonderful gift in the form of a keychain for your loved ones.

It's all up to your imagination.

Advice for beginner needlewomen

Before you start weaving cherries, you should master the basic elements of the technique of weaving from colored rubber bands. To do this, often in sets are attachedinstructions, as well as on the Internet you can find various master classes and video lessons.

The simplest element is the chain, which we discussed in the article. Weave the cherries carefully and according to the chosen pattern so that they turn out to be round and beautiful. If you wish, you can add their number or weave a leaf.

Enjoy your creativity!
