Brick walls. Technological approach

Brick walls. Technological approach
Brick walls. Technological approach

Today, brick has gained serious popularity among the consumable materials in

Brick wall laying
Brick wall laying

construction of houses and individual items. Often there are beautiful houses that are lined and lined with bricks. All this is due to the practicality of the material - the laying of brick walls can last more than one century if it is laid out at a professional level. Being a bricklayer is hard work, it is foolish to think that you can master the whole system in one day.

If there is a desire, then it will not be difficult to learn. You need to understand how brickwork is done with your own hands. The lessons of the master can be the impetus after which you can more accurately master the science and lay the brick yourself.

General concepts and terms of brickwork

The execution of brickwork has a whole system of technological processes. Just like in any othertype of work, it has its own terminology, which is not always clear to a person who has never encountered masonry. Brick masonry can be made from several types of building block. These could be:

  • single brick;
  • one and a half brick;
  • double brick.

The dimensions of a brick are almost the same, for example, all three of the above

do-it-yourself brickwork master's lessons
do-it-yourself brickwork master's lessons

length and width is the standard 250x120 mm, only the height indicator changes - single 65 mm, one and a half - 88 mm, double height - 130 mm. The brick has three planes, each of which has its own name "spoon", "bed" and "poke". Let's define these terms:

  • Poke is a short edge, in other words, the end part. To lay out with a poke means to lay a brick with the back side to the outside of the wall.
  • The bed is the edge on which the brick is laid on the mortar.
  • A spoon is the long side of a brick.

At the initial stage, when it is planned to lay brick walls, a tool is prepared. To perform masonry, you will need construction tools of the following type:

  1. Building trowel.
  2. Lace-mooring.
  3. Level.
  4. Pickax.
  5. Groove for cladding.
  6. Plummet.

The process of building a brick wall

The tools are ready, you can move on to the practical part. So, laying brick walls begins with preparationsurfaces. As a rule, this is the foundation - you need it

masonry types
masonry types

clear off dirt. If there are large irregularities, it is recommended to level with mortar or concrete.

When the area is ready for work, then corners are made on both sides. In most cases, no more than five rows are started. The corners are checked for horizontal and vertical deviation. After preparing them in the corners, a lace is pulled to the height of one row. Then they spread it on the base and lay the brick “bed” exactly along the cord, then repeat the steps.

There are different types of brickwork. Basically, they are named similarly to the faces of the brick itself. The three main types are: spoon masonry, bonder and spoon using backing. A brick wall has a system of dressings, which are transverse, longitudinal and vertical. Each type of dressing is responsible for its own functionality, allowing you to get the rigidity of the entire wall.
