Scindapsus: home care, types and characteristics of reproduction

Scindapsus: home care, types and characteristics of reproduction
Scindapsus: home care, types and characteristics of reproduction

Beautiful indoor plants create a cozy atmosphere in the room. They produce oxygen, normalize the level of humidity. A well-groomed plant will become a real decoration of the room. One of the beautiful decorative flowers is scindapsus. This is a spectacular vine with rich green foliage. Many grow their own scindapsus. Home care for this plant will be discussed later.

General Description

One of the spectacular vines growing in the forests of Southeast Asia is scindapsus. Home care (a photo of the plant is presented below) allows you to achieve good results. Liana looks he althy and beautiful. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with several recommendations for growing scindapsus.

Scindapsus painted plant care
Scindapsus painted plant care

You should know about the features of this flower. It has several names:

  • damn ivy;
  • gold pothos;
  • husband;
  • widow ivy.

This is a poisonous plant that cleans indoor air well. Liana does not cause any particular difficulties in growing. It is a perennial herbaceous evergreen plant. It belongs to the Aroid family. There are about 25 types of scindapsus. Care at home for them is almost identical.

Plants of the presented species belong to the semi-epiphyte, although they look like a luxurious liana. Flower growers call scindapsus epipremnum. It can often be found in offices, theaters, shops. Its ability to purify the air, as well as its spectacular appearance, make the plant popular.


You should consider in detail the description of this wonderful plant before studying the features of home care. Scindapsus (see photo of the flower in the review) is a relative of the monstera. It has fibrous underground roots, as well as aerial processes. They help the plant in natural conditions to climb the tree trunk to a height. At home, it is also a climbing plant. It has bright green leaves, sometimes covered with variegated stripes. This scindapsus is similar to the philodendron.

Scindapsus home care photo
Scindapsus home care photo

The leaves of the flower are simple, have an oval shape. They are leathery and have a shiny surface. Arranged alternately on the stem. The inflorescences of the plant are small. Outwardly, they resemble corn cobs. They are wrapped with stipule. At home, the plant almost neverblooms. However, it is valued for the beauty of climbing shoots with foliage of rich color, as well as unpretentious care.

Golden Scindapsus

One of the most fashionable species of the presented plant is golden scindapsus. Care at home for him does not cause any difficulties. This is an ampelous flower that has beautiful bright green leaves. They are embellished with chaotic golden strokes and dots. For this species and got its name.

Scindapsus home care
Scindapsus home care

Today, several spectacular varieties of this plant have been bred. They have several characteristic differences:

  • Neon - differs in lemon color of leaves. They gradually become darker. Looks very unusual and impressive.
  • Golden Queen - has beautiful yellow leaves with green dots and stripes.
  • Tricolor - the foliage is distinguished by a light green color. The streaks on them can be cream or dark green.

Flower growers claim that this type of plant removes stagnant energy from the house. He makes people who are next to him move forward, realize their creative abilities.

Scindapsus spotted

Another interesting species is the spotted scindapsus pictus. Care at home involves paying special attention to its watering. This is a complete epiphyte. The leaves of this plant are large, have a silvery greenish color. This is an iconic Pacific Islander.

The plant is very hardy. It doesn't createproblems for their owners. Often used in modern residential or office design. The flower looks really unusual and interesting.

Painted Scindapsus

Popular among flower growers is a plant such as painted scindapsus. Home care is also easy. This is a large vine that grows in the Malay Archipelago. It is also called marble epipremnum.

Scindapsus home care transplant
Scindapsus home care transplant

A home plant becomes covered with warts on the stems over time. Its leaves are dark green in silver stains. They can even be decorated with white and blue dots. The leaves are oval, up to 15 cm long.

This plant is represented by several new varieties. The most popular of them is Exotica. The leaves of this plant have many beautiful silver spots and long strokes.

Temperature and location choice

Some recommendations are given by flower growers to those who wish to grow a painted, spotted, golden look, tricolor or neon scindapsus. Care at home should maintain a certain level of temperature. The plant feels good if the air in the room is warmed up to + 20 … + 25ºС. In winter, this figure may be lower. The temperature may drop gradually. The minimum allowable level is +12ºС.

Although scindapsus is a heat-loving plant, you should not leave it in direct sunlight. This creeper does well in the shade. Therefore, it is installed inside the room. You can leave the pot at a distance of 2m from the window. If the room is dim, it is better to place the plant closer to the light source.

There is a certain rule. If the plant has a large number of variegated spots, it needs more light. For vines with dark green leaves, a lot of light is not required. If variegated plants are left in the shade, they will lose their bright color. Any scindapsus will grow poorly in a dark room. If left without light, the vine will quickly shed its leaves.

Water and air humidity

Does not require frequent watering flower scindapsus. Home care involves irrigating the soil only after the surface layer dries. Even in summer, the plant requires moderate watering. In winter, this procedure is carried out even less frequently.

Scindapsus neon care at home
Scindapsus neon care at home

Flower growers say that at an average air temperature in the room, the scindapsus is watered once a week. Moreover, this schedule is followed throughout the year. In this matter, plant care is extremely simple.

But there are special requirements for air humidity. Liana loves when this indicator is at a high level. Dry air has a bad effect on the well-being of the scindapsus. Therefore, you need to systematically spray the flower from the spray bottle. This is especially important in winter. Heaters dry out the air. You can install a humidifier next to the plant. This will benefit not only him, but also the microclimate in the room. Do not leave the plant near the battery.

Fertilizer andtransfer

Scindapsus transplant deserves special attention. Care at home involves a similar procedure with a certain frequency. If the flower is young, transplantation is carried out every year. When he grows up and gets stronger, this should be done every two or even three years.

Scindapsus home care transplant
Scindapsus home care transplant

Transplantation should be done in late February or early March. At this time, the active growth of the scindapsus is just beginning. You need to pick up a shallow, but wide pot. It will be possible to plant cuttings in it for rooting. So the bush will be lush, beautiful.

It is better to use special soil. It consists of humus, leaf and peat soil, as well as sand. All ingredients are mixed in equal amounts. You can add perlite to the soil. Be sure to create a good layer of drainage.

In the warm season, the plant is fed with liquid fertilizers. The procedure is carried out every 2, 5-3 weeks. You need to use half the dose. In winter, the procedure is carried out once a month (less often).


You should also pay attention to the reproduction of scindapsus. Home care involves a simple procedure. This picturesque liana is propagated by cuttings. To do this, the material is cut off from the top. The cuttings root quickly in water as well as in the ground.

Scindapsus home care reproduction
Scindapsus home care reproduction

The temperature in the room in which the plants will take root should not be lower than 22ºС. Also, the procedure should be carried out in goodlighting. Each cutting should have 2-3 leaves. They are cut at an angle. The soil in which the plant is planted should consist of moss and sand.

The cut is treated with a root formation stimulator. Each cutting is covered with a jar or transparent polyethylene. After 15-20 days, the cuttings will have their own roots. You can also propagate the plant by layering or by dividing the shoot.


Since the plant grows quickly, it is necessary to cut it periodically. Otherwise, the scindapsus reaches a significant size. Home care involves systematic pruning. This inhibits the growth of the vine. The flower will be a normal size.

To make the bush more magnificent, pinching is carried out. However, over time, the stem of the plant becomes bare at the base. The appearance of such a flower becomes unattractive. To keep the plant young and beautiful, you need to grow new shoots from cuttings. This procedure is performed every three years.

To form a flower, supports, arches are used. Can be used for young vines stairs. If the plant is an adult, a tube with holes is suitable for it. It is filled with moistened moss. The aerial roots of the plant are directed into these holes. So it gets extra nourishment.

Pests and diseases

Scindapsus is a long strong, resistant to adverse effects plant. Home care is not difficult. However, if some requirements are not met, the flower may hurt. It becomes susceptible to viral and fungaldiseases.

Scindapsus home care types
Scindapsus home care types

Cuttings help to solve this problem. So you can just grow a new, he althy plant. In this case, you need to take into account what mistakes were made in the process of growing vines.

The main enemies of the plant are aphids, spider mites, thrips. Shields may also appear. To combat them, you need to buy an antiseptic in a specialized store. The drug is mixed with water according to the manufacturer's instructions. The composition is sprayed on the plant.

Processing, if necessary, is carried out in a week. It is important to create the most comfortable conditions for the plant.

Flower bugs

There are a number of characteristic signs that indicate a violation of the basic rules for caring for a flower. If you notice that the leaves of the plant have turned yellow, this may indicate an insufficiently nutritious substrate. It needs to be fertilized.

Scindapsus flower home care
Scindapsus flower home care

If dry spots are visible on the tips of the plant, this indicates a too dry microclimate in the room. It is also possible that the flower was left close to the battery. Leaves need to be sprayed. They will eventually become he althy again.

Leaves fall due to lack of light. Sometimes this is due to the appearance of drafts in the room.

If the soil is often waterlogged, the stems will rot. Also, this situation occurs with a sharp or strong decrease in temperature.

Discoloration of green leaves indicates that the plant needs to be rearranged deep into the room. Himtoo much light. Variegated leaves may turn green and shrink in size due to lack of light. Mistakes need to be corrected. The plant regenerates quickly.


People call this plant muzhegon. In other words, according to signs, the flower "expels the husband from the house." However, there are many examples of families in which a husband and wife live in perfect harmony, and a flower grows calmly in one of their rooms. It's not about the plant, it's about the relationship itself.

This flower is very useful for the microflora of the room. It produces oxygen, which makes a person feel good. Improves memory, creativity. Therefore, we can safely say that this plant has a beneficial effect on the human body.

If you believe in such superstitions, don't push your luck. Get another picturesque vine at home. In other cases, feel free to grow scindapsus at home. The personal life of the owners of the house does not exactly depend on which plant decorates the interior of the room.

One of the most beautiful indoor plants is scindapsus. Care at home, performed according to all the rules, will help create comfortable conditions for him. Liana will look well-groomed and beautiful.
