The importance of the well is difficult to overestimate. After all, drinking water is one of the key resources that a person needs for life. In other words, without it, nothing. But it is one thing to build a well, and quite another to protect it from ingress of surface rain and seasonal waters. It is for these purposes that the clay castle is being built.

This technology was invented a long time ago. But this factor can be considered its main advantage, because it has stood the test of time. In general, a clay castle is a technology for waterproofing various surfaces that come into direct contact with the ground. It got its name from the natural material used - clay. But not every clay is suitable for such purposes. Only the fatty variety can be used to build a castle. This is due to the fact that such material does not crack when dried, otherwise there will be no effect from such waterproofing. Usually clay is chosen for these purposes, the sand content of which does not exceed15%.
You can find a lot of information about how to build a well, but not all sources tell you how to protect it from surface water. And this is a very important aspect of the operation of a source of drinking water. It also happens that a clay castle for a well is recommended to be replaced with sand or a sand and gravel mixture. But in this case, melt or rainwater still seeps into the mine, being cleared only of large debris. And therefore, there can be no talk of any purity. Such water can only be used as technical water. And instead of a well there will be a reservoir for irrigation.

People who know little about such issues may have a reasonable doubt: "Why clay? How is it better than the same sand?". Everything is very simple. It refers to waterproof materials. Those. it is able to prevent the penetration of water. And this means that the clay castle is able to perform high-quality waterproofing functions.
But don't think that you can just throw clay around the well and enjoy life. No, that won't work. It is necessary to clearly understand how to make a clay castle correctly so that the insulating layer being created will properly perform its functions. The whole arrangement procedure can be divided into several stages.
- The well shaft must be dug to a depth of 1.5–1.8 meters. The width of the pit must be at least 0.5 meters.
- The resulting trench should be covered with mashed clay in layers of 20 centimeters. Each layer must be carefullytamp.
- The last layers of clay are poured 15 centimeters above the ground level with a slope from the well.

As you can see, it is quite possible to equip a clay castle with your own hands. But one construction of a waterproofing layer is not enough. Timely maintenance is necessary, which consists in eliminating the gullies formed around the well and soil failures. Such procedures will prevent the flow of contaminated water into the well, as well as increase the time between periodic cleaning of the well.