Do-it-yourself wooden floor in aerated concrete house (photo)

Do-it-yourself wooden floor in aerated concrete house (photo)
Do-it-yourself wooden floor in aerated concrete house (photo)

A building made of aerated concrete has its own design features that require increased attention during its arrangement. When making a ceiling in a house from aerated concrete, it must be borne in mind that this material is quite light and mobile. Therefore, heavy beams in such a house are categorically not suitable, and the best option is a wooden floor. Such a frame will exert a minimum load on the load-bearing walls, which guarantees the subsequent stability of the blocks and the absence of cracks on the walls.

Advantages of wood flooring

In addition to light weight, hardwood flooring has a number of other positive characteristics:

  • This is a completely environmentally friendly material.
  • The cost of a floor made of wood is much lower than a frame made of other materials.
  • Mounting a wooden floor in an aerated concrete house with your own hands is not difficult at all, and with due diligence even a beginner in construction can do it. In addition, the work will take very little time and will not require the use of special equipment.
  • ceiling in aerated concrete house
    ceiling in aerated concrete house

Wood- the material is "breathable", which is very important for proper humidity and air circulation in the room, and even if only the floors are made from such raw materials, this will significantly improve the microclimate in the rooms.

Disadvantages of wood

Unfortunately, in addition to advantages, wood also has disadvantages that must also be taken into account when making a floor in a house from aerated concrete.

First of all, this material is a fire hazard, which dictates certain safety requirements in such a house.

The ceiling conducts sounds quite well, so additional sound insulation must be laid during installation.

wooden floor in aerated concrete house
wooden floor in aerated concrete house

Wood is very susceptible to excessive moisture and does not like temperature changes, under the influence of which it changes its characteristics. This point should also be considered during construction.

Wood is not a strong enough material, therefore, when making wooden floors of a house from aerated concrete, it is necessary to install a sufficient number of load-bearing elements.

Preparation for work on the manufacture of the floor frame

Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare both the material for the manufacture of the frame and the walls of the house. The fact is that aerated concrete is not a particularly strong material that does not tolerate compressive loads well, so it must be reinforced without fail.

This is especially important for interfloor frames, which include a wooden floor in a house made of aerated concrete withbasement. Such foundations bear not only the weight of the materials used in construction, but also the load from the furniture installed in the house and the people living in it. At the same time, the floors experience both vertical and horizontal loads, which subsequently affect the aerated concrete walls.

Reinforcement of aerated concrete walls

Blocks of aerated concrete, simply planted on mortar or special glue, do not always withstand the tensile load, and therefore they reinforce the walls. Moreover, this event is best carried out not only immediately before installing a wooden floor in an aerated concrete house, but also in the process of building walls every 4 rows of installed blocks. In addition, this procedure will prevent the wooden beams from interacting with the material of the blocks.

wooden floors of aerated concrete houses
wooden floors of aerated concrete houses

Beams will subsequently be attached to the reinforcing belt using special anti-corrosion plates. In order to perform reinforcement, strobes 12x12 mm in size are cut into the surface of the blocks, into which reinforcement is laid. In the case of the use of cement mortar, it is permissible to lay reinforcement in the walls and in the seam gaps.

Wood processing

In addition to preparing the walls, it is necessary to compensate for all the shortcomings of wood raw materials. Before making a wooden floor in a house from aerated concrete, it is necessary to treat the material with special impregnations that prevent rotting, the appearance of fungus and mold, and also reduce moisture absorption. All thesefunds can be purchased at a building materials store or use the old methods of antiseptic treatment. For example, use bitumen or mastic as a waterproofing and antiseptic. It is also recommended to coat the material with wood flame retardants.

Mounting Features

The specific characteristics of wood determine some design solutions in the manufacture of floors.

First of all, all load-bearing elements are reinforced with metal, for this all joints in the ceilings are fixed with stainless steel plates. If the area of the room is large enough, it is necessary to add additional elements such as columns or crossbars.

wooden floor in aerated concrete house photo
wooden floor in aerated concrete house photo

The thickness of the beams is calculated depending on the planned load plus 15-20% in reserve.

Depending on the width of the span, the type of wood used and the load on the wooden floor in the house of aerated concrete, the distance between the supporting beams is calculated. At the same time, the rule is observed: the larger the span, the more often it is necessary to install beams. This is necessary to prevent deflection of the beam under its own and accompanying weight.

Installation of bearing beams

The installation of load-bearing beams is perhaps the most important work, on which the reliability and durability of the entire floor structure will subsequently depend.

In order to install the beams, special niches are cut out in the blocks of their aerated concrete, in which they will be laidcrossbars. The end of the beam is cut at an angle of 75 degrees, and the cut is treated with any available antiseptic. After that, the end of the crossbar is waterproofed with bitumen or mastic and wrapped with roofing felt.

installation of a wooden floor in aerated concrete house
installation of a wooden floor in aerated concrete house

The beam is placed in the grooves on the walls, which also need to be thermally insulated with mineral wool or polystyrene foam, this will prevent the wood from getting wet. At the same time, a gap of 3 cm is observed between the end of the crossbar and the walls of the niche.

After the final installation of the beam, the slots in the grooves are filled with polyurethane sealant or a special solution.

Very long crossbeams, over 4.5 m, when bent down, can destroy the lower part of the niche, so a 5 mm chamfer is made along the edge.

Arrangement of rolling and laying insulation

The wooden floor in the house made of aerated concrete (photo below) requires mandatory laying of hydro and thermal insulation. Initially, crossbars are made for attaching the skin. As a rule, bars of 50x50 mm in size are used, on top of which shields from boards are fixed.

do-it-yourself wooden floor in aerated concrete house
do-it-yourself wooden floor in aerated concrete house

At the bottom of the bars, the ceiling is sheathed, while drywall or chipboard is most often used. These materials are also lightweight, and the subsequent processing of such a coating is most preferable for finishing work.

Slabs of mineral wool or a more modern insulation - expanded polystyrene, are laid out on top of the boards.performs a dual function - not only insulation, but also noise reduction.

Usually, the insulation thickness is about 10 cm, but when performing a ceiling between the attic and the floor, as well as in the case of an unheated basement, the insulation height must be increased to 20 cm. preventing condensation. In the case of using expanded polystyrene, this step can be skipped - such material itself is an excellent waterproofing agent.

wooden floor in aerated concrete house with a basement
wooden floor in aerated concrete house with a basement

On top of the insulation, logs are laid out with an interval of 50-70 cm, and a floorboard is mounted on them. At the same time, the gap between the insulation and the boards should not be filled with anything, it is needed for high-quality circulation of air masses, which will prevent the appearance of fungus and mold on the final surface.
