Do-it-yourself plasterboard putty for painting - technology

Do-it-yourself plasterboard putty for painting - technology
Do-it-yourself plasterboard putty for painting - technology

There are two ways to achieve the geometric correctness of walls and ceilings - to plaster uneven surfaces or to sheathe them with sheet materials on profiles. In both cases, the final leveling is the treatment with special dry mixes. Puttying drywall for painting has its own characteristics that must be considered when carrying out repairs.

drywall putty for painting
drywall putty for painting

How and how to treat the surface so that the paint lasts a long time? This will be discussed in this article.

Types of putties

Modern putties in their physical state are of two types: dry and pasty. In the first case, the mixture must be diluted with water before use. Pasty putties are already ready for use without prior preparation, it remains only to open the package lid. In both cases, these are finely dispersed compositions. This distinguishes them from plasters, which are designed to eliminate large surface defects.

The binder in dry compositions is cement, polymer, gypsum. Pasty leveling compounds are made mainly from polymer binders. Fromthe main component depends on the scope of putties. Traditionally, leveling fine compositions are applied to the surface in several layers. The first layer is leveling (preliminary, rough) mixtures, the second - final (finishing).

What putty to putty drywall for painting?

Gypsum binder mixtures are used in indoor dry rooms. This species is now the most common. Such compositions are easy to apply and grind, while the color of the material remains white. And this is the determining factor in the subsequent coloring.

plasterboard ceiling plastering for painting
plasterboard ceiling plastering for painting

Gypsum is incompatible with hydrosetting binders. These are cement mixtures. Therefore, the use of such compounds on gypsum bases is prohibited. Drywall putty for painting should not be based on cement. In general, it is allowed to treat gypsum plasters with cement leveling mixtures, but only with a high-quality primer.

Polymer putties are an ideal base for painting. Their grain size is very small (almost imperceptible), it is due to this that a flat surface is achieved.

Technology for applying mixtures

Building materials are supplied to the consumer, accompanied by instructions for their use. Most of the requirements for different types of putties are the same.

Leveling dry mixes are prepared before work, diluting them with water in the ratio indicated on the package. The properties of finished putties are valid forcertain time. It is different for each type of mixture. The average "life time" of putties ranges from 5 hours to a day, then the ability to evenly distribute over the surface is lost.

plasterboard walls for painting
plasterboard walls for painting

Do-it-yourself plasterboard puttying for painting is done with a spatula. There are stations for the automatic application of such compositions, but they are used on large-scale construction sites. And polymer compounds are used as putty.

Mix application technology: main steps

The surface on which it is planned to apply the first draft layer of putty must be cleaned of dust, grease stains. Plasterboard sheathing should not contain irregularities at the joints and protruding parts of fasteners. If there are such defects, then the connecting seams are cut with a knife, and the heads of the self-tapping screws are deepened by 1 mm.

The technology of plasterboard puttying for painting consists of the following steps: preparing the base, applying the starting mixture, finishing composition, priming, grinding the surface after each coating and dedusting.

finishing putty plasterboard for painting
finishing putty plasterboard for painting

The composition is laid into the seams with the first layer, each cap of fasteners is smeared. So that the joints do not crack after painting, a reinforced paper tape is attached to the dry first layer along the connecting seams of gypsum boards. After 12 hours of drying, it is necessary to sand, dust and prime the surface.

Such processing is necessary for alignmentabsorbency of the substrate. Puttying drywall for painting requires a two-layer rough application of leveling compounds. Moreover, the second time it is necessary to create a continuous cover.

Final step before painting

When the top layer dries, it is sanded. If up to this point the starting putty was used, then the third layer is created by the finishing composition. It helps to achieve a flat and smooth surface due to the small particles in its composition. That is, the finishing putty of drywall for painting is mandatory. It can be neglected before wallpapering, as the irregularities under the layer of rolled material will be hidden.

The final coat is applied very thinly before painting. There is a special technique for applying the finishing composition, called "on the sdir". This is when, after applying the mixture, it is removed with a spatula perpendicular to the surface. As a result, the smallest irregularities are filled with microparticles, and an even base is obtained.

After complete drying, the surface is cleaned, dust is removed from it. Next, you need to go through the primer. These actions will ensure that the paint is evenly distributed over the surface. If you do not prime the finish layer before painting, then the consumption of the coloring material will increase.

Working with a spatula

Putting plasterboard ceiling for painting and walls is carried out using two special spatulas - spatulas: wide (300 mm) and narrow (90 mm). The smaller tool takes the leveling compound and transfers it to the larger one.

Solid putty impliesspreading the mixture in a thin layer on drywall. Moreover, when applied from left to right, the spatula is held so that its left side is located below the right. It turns out that a smooth application is going on to the left of the tool, and a layer of putty is formed on the right, which is removed from the wall or ceiling and used for the next installation.

do-it-yourself plasterboard putty for painting
do-it-yourself plasterboard putty for painting

The size of the applied layer is regulated by the angle of the spatula to the base. The smaller it is, the thicker the putty strip. The standard application angle is 60 degrees. At 15⁰ to the treated surface, smoothing is performed, which must be performed by overlapping the previously smoothed strip by 2 cm.

Fitting joints and finishing corners

Joints between gypsum sheets are sealed with paper tape so that no cracks appear after the final cladding. Initially, putty is applied perpendicular to the seam with a spatula, after which the excess is removed by moving along the seam from the bottom up. Such manipulations are performed when plasterboard walls are puttyed for painting. When working with transverse joints on the ceiling, excess mortar is removed in the direction "away from you".

In both versions, a reinforcing tape is applied to the dry layer, and the joints are re-treated with a spatula.

External corners are sealed using perforated elements. And a sickle is laid in the inner corners, and the spatula is used indirectly.

Mix quality

Puttying a plasterboard ceiling for painting at the exit implies a perfectly smooth surface. Before painting, it is possible to check the quality of the leveling layer. To do this, use a flashlight and a level. It is necessary to install the tool against a wall or ceiling and hide a small light source behind it. If gaps do not appear between the level and the surface, then there are no drops and roughness. And this is a sign of quality grinding.

what putty to putty drywall for painting reviews
what putty to putty drywall for painting reviews

If, nevertheless, small irregularities are present, it is better to go over with sandpaper or a grinder again. Finishing putty is cleaned with a fine-grained abrasive. This applies to gypsum mixtures. Polymer compositions do not require grinding due to their high plasticity.

Recommendations for best results

The application of leveling compounds should take place at an ambient temperature of +5 to +30 gr. The putty surface should also be at the same temperature. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight when leveling. But this is more about outdoor work.

To ensure that the plasterboard putty for painting does not crack after the repair is completed, it is necessary to follow the work technology. A common mistake is improper preparation of the solution. It is necessary to add water exactly according to the instructions and mix the composition thoroughly. Cracks can occur when laying the building mixture with a layer of more than 1.5 mm at a time. Therefore, the use of a primer at each stage of work helps to achieve a fineapplication.

Do not neglect to wait for the putty to dry completely before the next stage of installation. It is an erroneous opinion that forced ventilation of the room is required for a better setting of the material. Drafts are the enemy of uncured plaster. An important condition for achieving a quality result is the choice of good material.

What kind of putty to putty drywall for painting? Reviews about Knauf

At construction forums, a picture of the leaders among the leveling compounds used in modern repairs is revealed. Knauf, Ceresit and Vetonit mixtures have become popular putty compounds for interior drywall work.

TM "Knauf" is known for its building materials based on gypsum. The manufacturer for puttying the interior has developed a technology for the work and adapted its products to it. To seal the seams between the GKL, it is proposed to use the product "Fugen" and "Uniflot". For the finish, the Rotband Profi line has been developed, which is supplied ready-made, which eliminates the possibility of making a mistake in preparing the correct solution. Feedback on the materials of this TM is positive.

what putty to putty drywall for painting
what putty to putty drywall for painting

If you lay the finish "Rotband Profi" "on the strip", you get a smooth and thin strip of white. For comparison: putty "Vetonit LR" (polymer) is more liquid in consistency, and this is a minus in ease of application. In addition, after its leveling, grooves remain, which indicates insufficient plasticity of the material. And color afterlaying it on an off-white surface.

What putty to choose for drywall for painting, the master will tell you. If the repair will be carried out on your own, then it is better to try to purchase Knauf products.


Putties, primers, dry mixes must be bought at the same price level. You should not recruit cheap and expensive materials at the same time, otherwise their incompatibility may occur. Each manufacturer produces a line of its products designed for a specific work technology.

And if you choose TM "Knauf" for sealing joints between sheets of drywall, you should purchase a primer, putty mixtures and finishing mortar from the same company.
