Wood has always been a popular material, and today, despite the variety of different options, it does not give up its position. To increase the period of operation and preserve the appearance, special coatings are used to make the surface shine.

The glazing composition not only improves external characteristics, but also protects the structure from negative influences, which include:
- mold and fungal infections;
- temperature fluctuations;
- exposure to ultraviolet rays;
- precipitation.
The composition of the coatings depends on the application, according to this parameter they are divided into internal and external.
Exterior trim
For outdoor work, as a rule, materials are used that are based on various synthetic compounds, for example, alkyd-urethane and polyurethane. They are distinguished by high water-resistant characteristics, due to the presence of insoluble components. Apart fromhigh level of moisture resistance, the glazing composition is resistant to negative temperatures, exposure to direct sunlight and temperature extremes. It should be noted that such funds are not subject to established environmental safety requirements, so they are not recommended for use inside buildings. In this case, their use is limited to a corridor and a loggia, since they are completely unsuitable for rooms such as a bedroom.

Indoor application
For internal work, oil and acrylic-based compounds are used, they are safe for human he alth and do not have a strong odor. In addition, acrylic products have many positive aspects:
- layer drying speed is within 2-3 hours;
- the structure of the wood stands out;
- wet material available;
- wood retains the same shade for a long time;
- does not form streaks;
- simplifies surface care;
- minimizes exposure to sunlight and moisture.
Some coatings have special ingredients that provide antiseptic and flame retardant properties.
Oil paints have also become quite popular due to their resistance to mechanical stress and excellent vapor transmission, but their use is associated with a long wait for final drying.

What is a glazing composition for plaster
These products, having a translucent and transparent structure, are used for tinting and coating plasters for interior work. They can have a different form, for example, be realized in the form of wax or varnish. Their use is not limited to decorative purposes, they form an additional protective layer on the surface and can act as a stand-alone or top coat.
Work in progress
Before using the glazing composition, it is necessary to carefully prepare the processed base.
If the surface is covered with paintwork material, it must be removed with a spatula and a building hair dryer. After that, the smallest residues are removed by sanding. In the presence of cracks and damage, before using the glazing composition, they are sealed with a special putty. Then the updated areas are polished.
For applying a glazing coating, any familiar paintwork tools are suitable: it can be an airbrush, roller or brush. In this case, it is necessary that the temperature be at least 10 degrees. Also, painting cannot be carried out on a surface that is too wet. You must first purchase special gloves, when using the spray gun, a protective mask is added to them.

How the glazing composition is applied
Diluted composition has better adhesion properties, so the material for the first layer is dilutedthinner, oil or ordinary water, the choice of one or another option depends on the constituent components.
On loose wood, after the first coat, small fibers may rise and form an uneven, rough surface. In this case, it is necessary to wait for drying and treat the areas with fine-grained sandpaper.
Next, the glazing composition is distributed using any convenient tool. An additional layer may be required for a porous base, carefully sanded beforehand. At the same time, compliance with the established temperature regime is important not only during the work, but also within two to three days after staining.

Many people are interested in the question of how the glazing composition is applied. At first glance, the process may seem simple, but to obtain a high-quality coating, knowledge of all the subtleties is necessary. In the absence of haste and compliance with the rules, the result will please both the owners and guests, because such tools open up vast opportunities in creating an original interior. For example, they allow you to get soft color transitions on flat surfaces, while the pattern can consist of many shades. Various effects are created with the help of special tools, these include a rubber spatula, foam and sea sponge, a mitten or a rough roller. Also, the glazing composition is applied in equal areas equal to one square meter. To obtain an intense shade, a multi-layer coating is used, inwhile blurry patterns are obtained by diluting the product with water.
Paints consist of many components: special additives, water and polyacrylate dispersion. Average consumption per 1 sq. m is within 100 grams. It is possible to tint with various water pigments to obtain any desired shades using an automated and manual method. The optimal component ratio of the pigment and the glazing coating is 1:10, respectively.

What you need to know
Regardless of the brand, for example, “Neomid” or “Olympus”, the glazing composition is optimally suited for various wooden surfaces: country furniture, doors, fences, windows, log facades. The material not only provides a high degree of protection against the negative influence of the external environment, but also increases the decorative characteristics. Also, with knowledge of all stages of work, painting is possible even for a person who does not have the appropriate experience.
Package with material should be stored in a cool, dry place, protected from sunlight, out of the reach of children and pets. In case of contact with the skin, they must be thoroughly rinsed under running water. Like all paints and varnishes, the composition of the decorative glaze is explosive.