Decorative gypsum stones for interior decoration with your own hands

Decorative gypsum stones for interior decoration with your own hands
Decorative gypsum stones for interior decoration with your own hands

The use of natural stone in the interior has always been highly valued in terms of attractive appearance, durability, reliability and variety of choices. However, the use of this excellent material has some limitations that prevent the product from being used universally. This statement is especially true for the private sector, since only we althy people can afford to clad a house from the inside, while the average developer cannot afford it. This is due to the fact that high-quality natural stone has a fairly high cost. Last but not least, also for the reason that its extraction is carried out in certain regions. Among other things, the products are heavy, therefore, a more reliable foundation or strengthening of the old one will be required. As you know, holding additional events involves material investments.

Budget finishing

Alternatively, you canuse a material that has found its wide application among the average consumer. You can make such a finish yourself, waiting for the appropriate mixture to harden. A variety of substances can be used as components, but gypsum is one of the most popular. If you use it in the interior, it will be able to adjust the microclimate, give the walls the ability to breathe. Among other things, you can do this work yourself, without resorting to the help of specialists. The finished product has high environmental properties, it can be used in premises for any purpose, there are no restrictions.

decorative gypsum stones
decorative gypsum stones

To save even more, you can make these items yourself, no special skills required. As a result, the surface will turn out to be lined with a material that can have all kinds of textures and shades.

Formwork preparation

In order to make decorative stones from gypsum, you will need a form, which you can purchase at a building materials store. The cost of such products can start from 2700 rubles. a piece. You can make molds yourself, their number will depend on the time that is supposed to be spent on production. It's easy to understand that one shape will slow down the process, and the samples will turn out the same. Therefore, the quantity will be determined by the features of the finish and material capabilities. The more forms you can buy or make, the more diversethere will be products according to texture and size.

decorative gypsum stone for interior decoration
decorative gypsum stone for interior decoration

If you decide to make decorative stones from gypsum, then you first need to find a sample from which copies will be made. It can be any natural stone, including the one that is offered for sale. The dimensions of the form should be slightly larger than the dimensions of the template.

Work methodology

The production of artificial stone is made by pouring the mixture into a template, which is a silicone matrix. For this, formwork for silicone is being prepared, and the choice of material for this is quite large. This can be moisture-resistant plywood, pieces of PVC panels, etc. Before starting work, it is necessary to consider how many samples will need to be made, and also whether the form will withstand the weight of the mixture to be poured.

gypsum stone trim
gypsum stone trim

Preparing for pouring

If you decide to make decorative stones from gypsum, then initially the natural product must be placed in the formwork in the center, placing a separating layer. This surface treatment is required to prevent the material from sticking to the silicone. It will be cheaper and more convenient to process with grease, which should be coated with the inner surface of the formwork, including the sample. Experts advise using Ciatim lubricant, but it is quite expensive.

The frame should be installed on a thick polyethylene film, it is important to ensure that the surface is even. formwork edgespress firmly enough to prevent the silicone from flowing.

production of decorative stone from gypsum
production of decorative stone from gypsum

Working on the matrix

You can find a wide range of sealants on sale, but their cost is quite high. Considering that this material will need a lot, it is best to follow the recommendations of home craftsmen who advise using silicone. It is just used for such purposes. In the process of pouring, it is necessary to check that the mass is distributed over the entire area as evenly as possible. In order to correct the position of the composition, you can use a brush, soaking it in a solution of detergent. However, it should not contain alkali. For this reason, it is not recommended to use laundry soap if citric acid is added to the mixture. The thickness of the template should be such that its operation lasts as long as possible.

decorative gypsum stone with your own hands
decorative gypsum stone with your own hands

As soon as the mass dries, it can be removed from the formwork and inspect the quality. The resulting shells are sealed with silicone, and the resulting protrusions are smoothed out, that is, cut off. It is important to note that silicone hardens slowly over the entire depth. As practice shows, with a layer of one centimeter, it will be necessary to wait about a week or more. It is important to take this into account and allow the template to rest in the formwork. The period can be shortened by placing the frame in a warm room. It is not worth it to force the silicone to harden by heating.

What else do you needknow about pattern making

The production of decorative stone from gypsum, as mentioned above, is impossible without the use of a mold. To perform it, you can use a regular box, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich will be able to fit all the stones that act as a template. As soon as the elements can be compactly placed in the box, you can start pouring silicone. Sealing should be done with a paint brush, which is often moistened with regular Fairy. Such molds can dry up even up to 3 weeks, after which the formwork can be freely dismantled, samples can be taken, which will make it possible to obtain finished silicone molds.

production of decorative stone from gypsum
production of decorative stone from gypsum

For reference

If you will be making a decorative stone from gypsum, the photo of which you can see in the article, then the template can be made independently, and not purchased in a store. The cost of a home-made form can vary from 220 to 280 rubles. If desired, up to 40 tile samples can be cast in it.

Mix preparation

A silicone mold should be installed in the frame instead of the stone. Gypsum mixture is not in short supply and is sold in any specialized store. The main question that craftsmen ask before making a decorative gypsum stone for interior decoration is: should the tiles be painted or have a natural color? It will be cheaper to dye products, but the durability will not be too high. If you want a better finish, then your best bet isadd color, while the dye is poured or falls asleep to the ingredients. When you will be making a decorative stone from gypsum for interior decoration with the addition of color, you should be prepared for the fact that the elements are expensive. In order to save money, pouring is best done in two stages, for each of which a different composition is prepared. Dye can be added to the top layer. First, a colored mixture is poured, which provides for the need for compaction. Most often, the mixture is pierced with wire over the entire area, which allows you to remove excess air. A layer of the second composition is poured on top; it is not painted during manufacture. It should also be compacted.

how to make decorative stones from plaster
how to make decorative stones from plaster

Improve strength and grip quality

When decorative gypsum stones are made at home, they need to be given increased strength. To do this, a reinforcing material should be laid on the first layer of the mass, which is a mesh for plastering. Among other things, you can prepare a mixture not from pure gypsum, but with some addition of cement. In this case, the brand of the last ingredient does not matter. You need to use a ratio that involves the use of a part of cement and two parts of gypsum.

The production of decorative stone from gypsum can be accompanied by an increase in the quality of adhesion of products to the surface to be finished. To do this, longitudinal strips must be applied to the upper part of the hardening mass, after which the mixture will set quite quickly. Apply readytiles will be available in about an hour.

Recommendations for using the stone

The resulting products are not recommended for use for exterior decoration. If you decide to lay this material on the walls of a room with high humidity, then it will be necessary to carry out a number of measures that will protect the blocks from the negative effects of water. Additionally, the walls are impregnated with a primer, and the surface is treated with varnishes. And as an alternative option is the introduction of plasticizers, namely polymers.

If you want to make a decorative stone from gypsum with your own hands, then the coloring component can be a substance that is intended for the preparation of concrete mortars. The ratio by weight between the dye and gypsum should be 1:20. After the finished tile is removed from the mold, the template should be washed with soapy water. Experts advise adding citric acid to the ingredients if there is a need to increase the setting time. Of the total mass, the acid should make up a volume of 0.4%. When working at home, 4 templates for each tile size will suffice.

Selection of adhesive composition and recommendations for finishing

As soon as the products are ready, you will face a reasonable question: what to glue the decorative gypsum stone on? Its additional advantage is the ability to use almost any adhesive solution available for installation work. It can be acrylic glue, liquid nails, thick paint, mountingpolymer sealant, putty, PVA, cement dry mixes, tile adhesive, and CMC.

For styling, you can use one of two technologies, the first assumes the presence of seams, while the second provides for their absence. Before making decorative stones from gypsum, it is necessary to choose a more suitable principle for laying the cladding in order to correctly calculate the amount of material. If you decide to go with the seamless method, the material consumption will be 15% higher.

Finishing with a decorative gypsum stone should be carried out on a perfectly flat surface, in which case the consumption of the adhesive composition will be less. The substrate must be solid and dry, and before starting work, it is important to check for loose elements that need to be removed.
