In recent years, gypsum decorative stone has often been used in the design of many interiors. This durable and very aesthetic material is known for its excellent performance properties. Therefore, it is not surprising that its history spans several millennia.

Scope of this material
Gypsum stone is widely and quite successfully used for interior decoration of residential and office premises. This material is characterized by a relatively low specific gravity, so it is the best suited for facing thin interior partitions. Fine and light gypsum is often used to create a variety of architectural forms, which are a harmonious combination of original elements.

Advantages and disadvantages
Like any other finishing material, gypsum stone has a number of positive and negative characteristics. The main advantages include properties such as:
- Easy. The weight of this material is significantly less than the mass of classic brick or natural granite. There are voids inside the gypsum castings, allowing not only to reduce the weight of the product, but also to save consumables.
- Cheap. Gypsum is in the same price category as chalk and alabaster. Its cost is much lower than the prices of materials such as granite or marble. Therefore, finishing with stone-look gypsum tiles is the ideal solution for those who seek to save on repairs.
- Sustainability. It is a "breathable" material, perfectly breathable. Its use allows you to create an effect similar to that observed when whitewashing the ceiling with natural chalk or when pasting walls with paper wallpaper. Thanks to this, a favorable microclimate is created in the room, for the decoration of which gypsum stone was used.
It is also important that this material is characterized by good heat-insulating and sound-proof qualities.
The most significant disadvantages include the fragility of gypsum. The larger the casting, the more likely it is to be damaged before installation begins. In other words, the product requires careful handling and compliance with the rules of transportation.

Main varieties and reviews
Despite the outward resemblance to traditional brick, gypsum stone for interior decoration has a completely different structure. Yes, and it is made using completely different technologies. Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of similarproducts that differ from each other in many ways. The surface of such a tile can be not only matte, but also glossy.
In addition, today you can buy a flat, embossed, concave or convex gypsum stone. Therefore, before you go to the store, you need to decide what exactly you want to receive. Many consumers who have already appreciated the main advantages of this material leave mainly positive feedback about it. According to them, aesthetic gypsum tiles do not need complex care. And with proper care, it can last more than one year.

Is it possible to make such products with your own hands?
Despite the fact that industrial production of this material is well established in our country, if necessary, decorative gypsum stone for interior decoration can be made at home. Some craftsmen even managed to turn this activity into a fairly profitable family business. This business does not require significant capital investments, and the investments made pay off in the shortest possible time.
At the same time, it is very important to use high-quality raw materials and strictly adhere to the technological process. To increase the strength and extend the life of finished products, it is recommended to use compounds from modified gypsum for their production.

List of materials and tools
For the production of such products, you must have on hand:
- white plaster;
- plastic container for mixing ingredients;
- pallet;
- forms;
- fluted glass;
- water-based dyes.
In addition, you need to purchase an electric drill, a roll of polyethylene and a table in advance.

Main technological steps
First of all, you need to prepare a plaster dough. To save consumables, the volume of the quick-drying solution should match the number of molds. The proportions of the components are selected independently. Gypsum is gradually added to a container filled with water. In this case, you need to constantly mix the solution. To increase the strength of thick gypsum dough, it is recommended to add about 10% sand to it.
To make it easier to remove the finished product later, the working surface of the molds is lubricated with a surfactant consisting of three parts of wax and seven parts of turpentine. For complete and uniform dissolution of the components, you can use a water bath. Forms prepared in this way are placed on pallets.
To obtain the desired shade, mix dyes with plaster. And only after that the gypsum dough is poured into molds and gently leveled with a spatula. The containers are then covered with corrugated glass and vibrated to ensure perfectly even stacking. After fifteen minutes, the gypsum tile (stone) is removed from the molds and dried in the open air.
Finished products are not recommended to be subjected toheat treatment to change properties.
How to lay gypsum stone?
Installation is carried out on a flat, pre-prepared surface from which the old coating has been removed. First, the wall must be plastered or sheathed with drywall and treated with a primer. Only after that you can start marking the surface on which the gypsum bricks will be laid. This is done with a ruler, level and rope.
Most qualified professionals recommend starting installation from the bottom corner of the room. The tile is laid on the wall, the surface of which is treated with an adhesive. Bricks can be fastened not only end-to-end, but also at a short distance from each other. To maintain the required distance, you can use pre-cut drywall strips that need to be inserted into the aisles of the masonry. To give the corner an aesthetic look, tiles can be cut with a hacksaw or miter box at an angle of 45 degrees. It will take at least two to three days for the wall to dry completely. After this time, you can remove the drywall strips and start grouting.
Some experienced craftsmen subject the mounted gypsum brick to additional processing with special hydrophobic compounds. These simple manipulations can significantly facilitate further surface care and extend the life of the surface.