Technological progress in the field of construction and decoration does not stand still. There are more and more ways and design tricks aimed at creating imitations of natural materials. This is very convenient, as the finishing process is greatly facilitated and the cost of the project is reduced.
Decorative tiles in design

Stone and brick have been used in construction for many centuries. Currently, it is not relevant to use natural bricks or massive stones. The work on the construction of such a wall is difficult and multi-stage, the future mass will bear a huge load on the frame elements of the room and the foundation, and the cost of such a design will become simply colossal.
The way out of the situation will be the use of decorative tiles with imitation of relief surfaces in the form of stone, brick, and even wood. Due to its lightness, the material for the production of such tiles adheres well to vertical surfaces. The price of decorative tiles depends on the material,which was used in the manufacture.
The most popular direction in interior design is imitation of brickwork. Its relief on the wall looks natural and creates notes of rough framelessness, but at the same time, it is a bright accent in the design of the living room. It is not necessary to cover all the walls in this way, as this can affect the perception of the space and make the room appear smaller. For interior decoration, decorative brick-like tiles are good when used in a dotted version. It is enough to decorate one wall or create accents in the form of separate masonry elements at the doors, or decorate a corner in this way.
Tile molds

In the assortment of building stores there are a large number of varieties of relief tiles. They differ not only in the texture, size and detail of the imitation, but also in the variety of color variations. Choosing the right option that will be combined with your interior will not cause problems.
If you are a jack of all trades and prefer to save money, then you can make such a tile yourself. The casting process is not very complicated. You will need a mix and a mold. When choosing a mixture, rely on the specifics of the room. If it is intended to finish the bathroom or kitchen, then the tile material must be moisture resistant. If such a decor is used in the hallway, then preference should be given to a material with a high level of wear resistance.
Moulds for casting can be of several options. The most common is polyurethane. Due to its flexibility, polyurethane is easy to use. It is more convenient to use a form that includes 6-8 containers for pouring.
Plastic molds can be used, but their fragile structure will shorten their lifespan.
DIY gypsum tiles
For a room with a low level of humidity, decorative gypsum tiles are suitable. The lightness of the material allows you to mount it even on drywall, and the white color is a good background for painting. Gypsum tiles are an environmentally friendly and non-combustible material. Choose high-quality gypsum for the mixture, otherwise you risk getting a fragile tile, which will become covered with defects over time.
Gypsum mass preparation technology is described in detail on the packaging. The result should be a homogeneous paste of a creamy consistency. This mixture is laid out in a mold and aligned along the edge. Gypsum hardens very quickly, so the solution is prepared in batches. DIY decorative gypsum tiles will save you a lot of money.
Gypsum has the ability to absorb moisture, so exclude the use of this material in rooms with high levels of humidity or cover the tile with a special water-repellent agent. Penetrating into the gypsum structure, this component reduces porosity, but at the same time retains the property of vapor permeability. Gypsum decorative tiles for interior decoration should be handled carefully as they are very fragile.
DIY cement tiles
For facade works plasterthe mixture is not suitable, since when exposed to external environmental conditions, such material will quickly collapse. In this case, cement-based tiles are used. This durable blend contains:
- Cement - 5 kg.
- Plasticizer - 30 gr.
- Quarry sand - 10 kg.
Knead the dry fractions first, then gradually add water by eye to get the mass of the desired consistency. We select the forms, fill them and wait for the concrete to dry.
If the concrete tile is for a vertical surface, then don't make it thick. And for the sidewalk option, more massive forms are selected.
Imitation brick

To create an imitation of brick on the wall, you need to choose the right molds for casting decorative tiles for interior decoration. The dimensions of one masonry element should be no more than 20x10 cm. Otherwise, the look of the finished work will be very rough and heaped up.
As a fastening material, you can use dry adhesive mixtures, liquid nails or dispersed adhesive compositions. Remember to prime the surface before laying the tiles.
If you took gypsum material as a basis for making decorative brick-like tiles, then you can leave it in its original form or paint it in a suitable color.
Imitation stone on the wall

Decorative stone tile can have several varieties:
- Round stone fragments.
- Imitation sandstone.
- Cobblestones.
Masonry will fit perfectly into a Scandinavian-style room. Finishing with decorative stone tiles looks rich and extravagant. The texture of such a wall goes well with furniture that is made using chrome elements.
Features of facade tiles
Increasingly, in landscape design, you can find concrete pavements on the street. And this concerns not only the organization of the sidewalk system, but also the construction of protective fences, massive stairs and bridges. To improve the surface of these elements, decorative tiles are used to look like brick or stone. Imitation of natural materials in the summer cottage looks natural and creative.
Facade tiles, unlike those intended for interior decoration, must have the following characteristics:
- Strong and durable structure.
- Immunity to temperature changes.
- Water resistant.
As a rule, for the manufacture of facade cladding, mixtures are used, which include cement. It gives the material such strength characteristics.
Facade tiling
If you are a happy owner of a site on a slope, then you can create a layering on the site in the form of lifts. It is incredibly beautiful, and concrete or brickwork can be used to organize steps. To decorate such design solutions, you will need decorative tiles.
In order for the composition to be complete and self-sufficient, the fences of the terraces andpaths must be designed in the same style. If you decide to use a decorative tile in the form of a stone, then decide on the color and choose the pattern. For open areas, it is better to use a large texture. When making facade tiles yourself, remember the specifics of the material. It must be durable and moisture resistant. To fix the tiles, use the wet method. It consists in the use of special facade adhesive mixtures.
Garden path

The properties of paving slabs are very strong and wear-resistant. If necessary, it must withstand even a heavy car, without forming cracks and any deformations. Therefore, when self-manufacturing such materials, it is necessary to choose the right form for pouring. Tiling can be laid in two ways:
- Using precast tile modules.
- With the help of a special template, which is filled with mass right at the masonry site.
At the first stage of work, you need to decide on the design of the future track and color scheme. Mark the surface and remove the fertile layer from it. Pour gravel at the bottom of the trench, and sand on top of it. Carefully compact the layers and level the surface. Use a level so that there are no deviations. The site is ready for installation.
If you decide to cast tiles in advance and then install them, then it is more convenient to use several forms at once, otherwise the manufacturing process will drag on for weeks.
In progressinstallation of tiles on a sand cushion does not use additional mixtures, since the installation is carried out directly on the sand. A rubber mallet is used for secure fixing and alignment.
A plastic template is used to cast the tiles at the installation site. The mixture for casting will consist of cement and sand in a ratio of 1:3. Add water to the dry composition until a homogeneous mass is obtained. We set the template on the sand, fill it with gravel and fill it with a pre-prepared mixture. We wait a few minutes and proceed to the next block.
Different colors

There are two ways to make a tile colorful:
- Coloring the mixture from which the tile will be cast.
- surface coloring of finished material.
In the first case, you can use dry or liquid dyes. The saturation and brightness of the color depends on the tone of the material. Gray cement, for example, will give a dark shade to the mixture. Titanium dioxide is used to pre-clarify and prepare the solution for painting.
Adding the dye directly to the mix makes the color last longer and the top coat can wear off over time, especially on sidewalks or any type of flooring.
Gypsum-based tiles are painted using acrylic dyes, varnishes, stains and impregnations. As a rule, the background color is applied first. When the first layer dries, we create accents, small dark areas that will make the texturestone or brick more realistic. For such purposes, you can use a sponge, and apply the dye with point movements so that the staining looks like specks. This technique gives the texture of stone or brick a natural look.
Fixing solution
Lightweight tile options that are made of gypsum can be fixed with liquid nails, a special gypsum-based adhesive, or a DIY compound.
Gypsum-based glue is the most common option. It is sold as a dry mix, diluted with water according to the instructions. As a rule, 0.5 l of water is needed for 1 kg of the mixture. The powder should be gradually added to the water, stirring constantly. If you pour the powder with water, then the mixture will not be homogeneous.
Gypsum adhesive must be prepared in portions. We mix the right amount, which will be needed within 30 minutes of work. Otherwise, the mixture will begin to dry out, solid particles dried around the edges will fall into the solution.
The use of liquid nails is justified if spot decoration with gypsum tiles is planned. To decorate a large area, you will need a lot of adhesive material, and the cost of liquid nails is several times higher than the price of gypsum glue, so their use is not fully justified.
Glue for facade tiles must be durable and moisture resistant. In this case, cement-based dry mixes are suitable. It is this material in the composition of the adhesive that gives it such properties.
Tile decorative fountains

Fountain -a stunning solution for both facade design and interior design. Facing its surface in the form of stone will give it a natural look.
Regardless of the location of the fountain, ennobling its appearance allows the use of only moisture-resistant and structurally durable materials. The composition of the material for tiles should be the same as that used for facade work.
You can use decorated tiles to fill the concrete surface of the fountain (if available), and place natural stones of a similar texture nearby.
Fashion design trends, involving the introduction of coarse natural texture into the interior, are a modern trend. Massive forms of stones and rows of stacked bricks add zest to the interior of the dwelling. Easy-to-use decorative tiles will help you create an imitation of a similar surface without causing any particular difficulties during installation.