Are there folk remedies for midges

Are there folk remedies for midges
Are there folk remedies for midges

Mosquitoes, although small creatures, can cause very great harm. If we talk about their bites, then they are not the same as those of mosquitoes, but much more painful and unpleasant. Some people suffer very much: their bites swell, the wounds bleed, bumps form. In addition, these small insects often carry dangerous diseases.

folk remedies for midges
folk remedies for midges

It is not only possible, but it is necessary to get rid of them. Folk remedies for midges can help with this. But where do these nasty creatures come from? The main reason for their appearance is non-observance of accuracy and cleanliness. Uneaten fruits, garbage not taken out in time, unwashed dishes, as well as indoor flowers - all this is their habitat. Insects can also start in cereals, nuts, vegetables. Some people think that midges fly into the apartment through open windows (although this also happens). However, most often they enter the house with fruits or vegetables brought from the market. Improper storage of food attracts these little creatures.

folk remedies for the fight against midges
folk remedies for the fight against midges

How to get rid of them? There are folk remedies for dealing with midges. But the very first thing to do isfind out the reason for their appearance. So, folk remedies for midges. First, you need to get rid of spoiled products. Good products should be kept under tightly closed lids in a place specially designated for them. Thus, we destroy the midge with folk remedies, simply by storing food correctly. Secondly, you need to regularly do wet cleaning in the house and keep the trash can clean. The main weapon is perfect cleanliness in the house.

Folk remedies for midges imply another option for their destruction. This method is suitable for the most dexterous. You need to take a jar or other container and put the bait on its bottom. It can be a piece of some food, fruit, or something else that midges love. Over time, they will begin to flock to food. Then you need to close the container with a lid, take it out of the house and throw it away. Some put the bait on the table, and then try to cover the flying midges with a jar from above (turning it over). This method is only suitable for the very dexterous, and it is most likely from the realm of fantasy.

we destroy the midge with folk remedies
we destroy the midge with folk remedies

It is also common for midges to live in indoor plants. Folk remedies for midges will help to cope with this phenomenon. It's very simple: before each watering, you need to let the topsoil dry. Thus, the soil will not be constantly wet and will not turn sour. You need to water the flowerpots with settled or cool boiled water. If the midges are deep in the ground, then the soil must be treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This solution should be watered not onlyinfected, but also completely he althy plants. If there are small children in the house, all safety measures must be taken.

Mosquitoes are nasty little neighbors who cause a lot of nasty trouble. They must be disposed of by all available methods, as they can adversely affect human he alth. In addition, as mentioned above, midges are carriers of serious diseases.
