Are there midges in the apartment? Getting rid of the invasion

Are there midges in the apartment? Getting rid of the invasion
Are there midges in the apartment? Getting rid of the invasion

You think you keep your apartment almost sterile, but then you find small insects that look a little like miniature flies. These are the so-called fruit flies. They end up in the apartment together with fruits bought at the market. You can hardly notice microscopic larvae, which, once in heat, begin to develop rapidly. The adults are scattered all over the house.

midges in the apartment
midges in the apartment

Sometimes unexpected guests fly in from neighbors or the sink in the kitchen becomes a hotbed of spread. Aliens should not be ignored. It is better to immediately think about how to destroy midges in the apartment.

Before opening the hunting season, it is necessary to determine the source of the "infection". Make it a rule to store fruits and vegetables in special compartments of the refrigerator. So food stays fresh longer, and the larvae will not have a chance to survive.

Keep the trash can closed, often free from food debris. Feel free to disinfect it. Or at least wash with hot water, then wipe dry with a rag. This rule also applies to your furry pet feeders.

how to destroy midges in the apartment
how to destroy midges in the apartment

If midges are in the apartmentappearing from the sewer, carefully clean the sink with a plunger. So you will remove food debris stuck in the corrugation and on the walls of the pipes. After that, it does not interfere with pouring a solution of potassium permanganate into the drain hole.

A weak solution of potassium permanganate is good to shed the earth in pots with houseplants. By the way, they often become real colonies of annoying little things.

The fight against midges in the apartment includes the conduct of active "combat" actions. For example, you can make effective homemade traps. Take a glass for these purposes (you can use plastic), put a piece of juicy fruit on the bottom, as an enticing yummy. Ideal baits are an apple slice or a slice of an overripe banana. Then we tighten the top of the glass with cling film. In the latter, you need to make several small holes. Through them, and insects will make their way inside. But they can't get outside.

fight against midges in the apartment
fight against midges in the apartment

The second variant of the trap involves the use of a funnel-shaped sheet of thick paper instead of a film. Such a bag is placed in a jar with a bait at the bottom with a narrow end down. And the wide part of the funnel should fit snugly against the neck of the container. The principle of operation of the trap is the same. Midges enter the jar through the narrow opening of the paper funnel. In the apartment, the population of flying annoying people who die in a trap is slowly declining.

Mechanical destruction methods include the use of special adhesive tapes. True, they do not look very aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, some homeowners are more accustomed to usingvacuum cleaner. Flying individuals collected in this way should be immediately placed in a tight bag and discarded.

It has been proven that the smell of camphor is detrimental to fruit flies. The apartment can be "fumigated". Buy camphor at the pharmacy, heat a frying pan on the stove and throw the acquired substance on it. Then walk around the rooms with a frying pan. Vapors are absolutely harmless to the human body, but small pests will die.
