Wherever a person works, no matter what rung of the social and financial ladder he stands, sleep still remains the main column in his life mode. The average person spends eight hours in bed every day, which is why it is important to choose not only the right bed design, but also all the accompanying details. Of the latter, the sleeping mattress stands out, as well as bed linen and pillows. We will talk about the first one, since the main problem lies precisely in this choice.
Why do we even need mattresses?
First of all, of course, this is the basis of any bed. Without it, any bed loses much of its value - mainly because comfort is reduced to a large extent.
Besides, a comfortable bed is a must for sound and he althy sleep.

Otherwise, if there is no sleeping mattress, you risk earning not only insomnia, but also more serious he alth problems. The latter are mostly connected with the back. Insomnia often becomes the cause, albeit indirectly, of other problems, such as,for example, family troubles, quarrels at work, quarrels with friends. All because of growing irritation due to constant fatigue.
Selection criteria
Of course, it is impossible to generalize, since mattresses today are produced very differently, so for the most part the choice depends on your preferences. The level of comfort is the main criterion, but only you can determine this, and not statistics. All people are different, and therefore such a decision will be quite difficult.
Also be guided by the advice of a doctor - the latter may well tell which design is perfect for you. The point here is that the spine during the rest should be even, so that all the curves of the body should "enter" the emerging recesses. So the reaction of the mattress to weight cannot be ignored either.
Size and shape are also important criteria. For example, you have a round bed, which means you will need a mattress of the appropriate configuration. Similarly, with any other form of bed. The size is determined not only by the latter, but also by your parameters.

Feet, hands - all this should not hang over the edge, otherwise the consequences will not be the most pleasant. Although this does not fit well with the example already given above - round mattresses are hardly worth taking much more than the bed itself.
How does it all work?
As mentioned a little earlier, the main purpose of a mattress is to ensure the correct position of your spine while you sleep. In addition, give more and comfortable position.
Mechanism of action herequite simple - most, regardless of whether they are round mattresses or not, work on the basis of a spring block. The s alt lies in the fact that the springs react to the heaviest places of the body. Of these, the shoulders, hips, lower back can be noted. The mechanism lowers, thus leaving you in a level position.
Types of blocks
Again, regardless of the shape, you can talk about different types of construction. The most common today are dependent or independent. The trick of the first is that all the springs are intertwined with each other, which means they will respond well to one “client”. True, this design is more suitable for single beds.
If the spouses differ in weight, it is better to purchase a mattress with an independent spring block. Here, each of the springs used is placed in a separate cloth "glass", and they all react separately. This means that the mattress will be able to adapt to several people at once.
There is another type of mattress that hasn't even been mentioned before. They are most often called monoblocks. Springs are not used in this design, and the effect is achieved in a different way.
They are produced by tightly filling a fabric bag with a certain composition. It is not uncommon to find coconut fiber filling - it is hypoallergenic, which means it can be safely used by almost everyone. For example, round orthopedic mattresses are made in this way. Arranging a spring block for this shape is quite difficult.
In addition, there are other fillers, such as liquid ones.

They are very comfortable and quite popular with users. There is only one drawback - not very high reliability. The fact is that it is enough to pierce the outer coating, and you can put an end to the entire structure. Of course, it is made very strong, but it is unlikely to withstand a direct injection. So it is better not to buy a children's mattress round or any other with such a design feature.
Round beds and mattresses
Fashion never stands still and designs are getting more and more original to keep attracting customers. The same applies to beds, so today it is hardly possible to surprise anyone with a round bed. Indeed, this solution is quite original and has a lot of advantages, but there are also disadvantages here.
For example, round mattresses are not uncommon, but not every company is engaged in their production.

Because you can find them not in the first store you come across, but by thoroughly searching, at least on the Web. In addition, bedding can also be a problem. Here are the same disadvantages as in the previous paragraph.
It's safe to say that round mattresses won't make your choice easier. You will have to go through all the same procedures of “trying on” sizes, checking hardness and softness, using hypoallergenic materials, etc. So you can take into account all the individual features so as not to lose anything.
From the unequivocally positive points, one can name an interesting shape andexcellent aesthetic content. The circle is the perfect mathematical figure. No corners, weaves and broken lines. Everything is nice and smooth.
It should also be noted that round mattresses usually last longer than rectangular ones. The point here is that they can simply be deployed - if this is not done, then after months of constant use (and sleep can be avoided up to eleven days, but no more), sagging areas appear in those places that experience the most pressure. If, however, from time to time to turn the mattress ninety or one hundred and eighty degrees, such an unpleasant problem can be avoided.
Circles everywhere…
Like any other product, mattresses of this form have not only positive, but also negative sides.

It will be about the latter.
The main inconvenience here for couples - especially if the weight of the partners is different. To solve such a problem, custom development is needed, which increases the waiting time for a product such as a mattress.
Price is the next negative point. Be that as it may, but their cost differs from conventional forms not for the better. In fact, you will have to pay one and a half to two times more (15-30 thousand rubles).
Double-sided models
Such orthopedic mattresses are not uncommon today, which means that it is still worth considering such a purchase option.

Moreover, the range of round shapes is not very large, and this option gives someadditional features. More on the latter below.
Firstly, this is the possibility of multi-pole stiffness. For example, you cannot choose which mattress you need. Or you get such a household item for a child, it can be quite difficult to decide. But double-sided models can be soft on one side and hard on the other. So this choice is justified.
Also double-sided mattresses are equipped with anatomical materials for shape memory.

Some materials, such as latex or memory foam, can significantly increase the comfort of sleep, and this is an important plus for the human body.
The last "trick" of such mattresses is the emphasis on comfort in winter and summer. The two sides are made from different materials, such as wool and cotton. So you don't have to worry about being cool or warm depending on the weather. On this review of such a detail as a mattress for a round bed can be considered closed.