Painting is the most common and cheapest way to finish walls.

In addition, due to the variety of shades, it is quite easy to choose them for a specific room, given its illumination and purpose.
Well, painting the walls with water-based paint, which was used by our parents, can become a universal option for many utility rooms, bathrooms and toilets.
Preparation for applying the composition
Unlike wallpaper, painting is good because it does not need to prepare the surface as carefully. But this does not mean that this important point should be overlooked at all.
First of all, you need to remove the remnants of the old coating from the walls. If you're just repainting the surface using the same compound, then you don't have to mess around much. But at the same time, you still need to make sure that there are no major damages, potholes and cracks.

Since painting walls with water-based paint involvesrather strong absorption of the composition, it is necessary to first prime the places where you plan to apply the composition. The primer must be completely dry, and this can take about six hours.
Wall Alignment
If there are still rough differences on the surface, they must be eliminated using a starting putty or plastering mixture for this. As in the previous case, it should be completely dry by the time work begins. When the first layer dries, apply the finishing composition, smooth it thoroughly, and then leave it for a day to dry. As usual, you have to prime. Only after that begins painting the walls with water-based paint.
The amount of paint you need should be poured into a dry and clean bucket, add the right amount of water (according to the instructions), then mix with a mixer. If you need some special color, you must first add a dye to the composition.
Remember that painting the walls with water-based paint begins only after foam has settled on the surface of the composition, caused by intensive mixing of the solution. Pour it into a special paint bath, and then soak the roller in the paint.

Tricks of the process
Begin at the least visible angle. First you need to go through hard-to-reach places with a brush several times, since with the help of a roller you will not be able to paint them normally. However, painting the walls with water-based paint (photoresults are in the article) can be greatly simplified if you purchase a special corner roller in advance.
Experienced painters say that it is best to apply it in stripes, the width of which is at least 0.7 m. After drying, these places will stand out noticeably. The first coat dries in approximately four hours, and at least five should be allocated for each subsequent coat.
And why is painting walls with water-based paint good from a financial point of view? The price directly depends on the surface area, but with the cost of one can (about 2.5 liters) of about 150 rubles, the repair process is unlikely to be very costly.