How to choose a beautiful unpretentious indoor flower?

How to choose a beautiful unpretentious indoor flower?
How to choose a beautiful unpretentious indoor flower?

Many busy women want to buy some unpretentious indoor flower. However, they do not dare, because they are afraid to leave the green pet without care due to lack of free time. There are quite a few indoor plants that don't require much attention, but can bring joy and beautify your home or workplace.

unpretentious indoor flower
unpretentious indoor flower

Unpretentious indoor blooming spathiphyllum flower

This is a really unpretentious plant: even if the hostess forgot to water it and the spathiphyllum leaves withered, you should not think that the plant has died. As soon as the water hits the soil again, it will straighten its luxurious glossy leaves as if nothing had happened. However, it needs to be watered regularly and abundantly. But its main positive quality is the ability to continuously bloom almost all year round. He is the leader in the nomination "Unpretentious indoor flowers." A photo of an exotic spathiphyllum flower will help convince you that this is the plant you would like to see in your workplace or apartment. There is only one condition: the flower will delight you with its beauty if it does not stand ondraft, because he is not friendly with the cold. It does not need to be replanted often, it grows beautifully in its pot for years, and if its roots are spacious in a flowerpot, on the contrary, it will stop blooming. If desired, it can be fed with some ready-made fertilizer for flowering plants.

unpretentious indoor blooming flower
unpretentious indoor blooming flower

Unpretentious indoor flower geranium

How to start it? Just cut or break off the stem of the plant you like, put it in water, wait for the roots to appear and plant. Geranium (pelargonium) is one of the most unpretentious plants, but at the same time one of the most elegant and beautiful. For its cultivation, it is enough to choose a good place - it needs bright rooms, but not with direct sunlight. In the summer, watering geraniums should be plentiful, in the winter months - moderately. Geranium is a medicinal plant that is good for various inflammatory processes. The essential oils that this unpretentious indoor flower is rich in make the plant a real “pharmacy on the windowsill”. The very smell of geranium calms the nervous system, and various insects (moths, flies, etc.) are afraid of it.

unpretentious indoor flowers photo
unpretentious indoor flowers photo

Unpretentious indoor flower balsam

This wonderful plant has a huge variety of colors and flower shapes - you can choose according to your taste. Caring for him is simple, and the appearance is fantastic: balsam is called the lights that glow against the background of greenery. This unpretentious houseplant blooms well both on lighted windowsills and in shaded places (evenplaced in water). Watering is normal, but the flower should not be flooded so that moisture stagnation does not form, causing the root system to rot. This plant can be transplanted outdoors for the summer. In order to have as many flowers as possible, it is worth cutting off the shoots, thereby stimulating the growth of young twigs. These cut parts can be used for further reproduction.
