Growing bananas at home: instructions and recommendations

Growing bananas at home: instructions and recommendations
Growing bananas at home: instructions and recommendations

Many of us love all kinds of exotic fruits. Among the favorite delicacies, bananas occupy a leading position. The very idea of growing fruits in our latitudes seems fantastic. And yet in our article we want to talk about how to grow a banana at home. In good conditions, a tropical plant is able to please the owners with fruits and greenery.

What is a banana?

Banana is a herb, not a palm tree as many people think. Outwardly, the herbaceous plant, although it resembles a palm tree, has nothing to do with it. Its root is deep in the ground and has a spherical shape. But on the surface of the soil we see the foliage, tightly adjacent to each other. The leaves form a pseudostem, on which the inflorescence later appears. The stem dies off after fruiting, but a new one quickly appears in its place. The roots of the plant live in the ground for up to 40 years, constantly giving new shoots. During all this time, bananas bear fruit.

banana is grass
banana is grass

Plants are propagated by seeds, as well as amniotic sprouts and division of rhizomes. The bananas we buy from the supermarket do not have seeds. They reproduce vegetatively. Plants growing from seeds are usually not used for food, because there is very little pulp inside the fruit, and it is not tasty. These plants are bred solely for decorative purposes. Some varieties of culture reach a height of 12 meters. Others are so small that they can be grown at home. Bananas are demanding on the conditions of detention.

History of the plant

Specialists say that the history of the plant goes back more than 10,000 years. In Southeast Asia, an exotic crop appeared as a valuable food product long before the appearance of rice and sugar cane. Presumably the birthplace of the plant is Ceylon. Images of bananas are found on the frescoes of ancient Egypt and Assyria. Also, mentions of it are present in Greek manuscripts, the annals of the Romans and other peoples. In the Middle Ages, banana trees took root on the African continent. Very imperceptibly, the culture became an important food item for the locals. In the following centuries, the plant successfully spread to the Canary Islands, as well as to South America. And at the beginning of the twentieth century, the decorative banana became a favorite exotic for Europeans, thanks to its unusual appearance.

Crop varieties

Despite the fact that a banana is a grass, it reaches a considerable height in open ground. Conventionally, all varieties of plants can be divided into two types: fruitand decorative. It is the latter that are grown at home for landscaping and decoration. The fruits of these plants should not be eaten. As an indoor banana, you can grow a lavender variety and a velvety one. They reach a height of 1.5 meters. A bright red banana that reaches a height of one meter is popular.

Mini bananas growing at home
Mini bananas growing at home

From fruit varieties, the most popular variety is "dwarf cavendish". Mini bananas are grown at home for their delicious fruit. The plant can reach two meters in height. In 1998, the variety "Kyiv dwarf" (1.7 meters) and "Kyiv super dwarf" (1 meter) were bred. Breeders claim that all these varieties can be grown at home. And the taste of the fruits will not be inferior to the store.

Banana seeds

If you plan to grow a banana at home, then there are two options to get the desired plant - buy it in a store or grow it yourself from seeds. The first option is simpler, and the second will require more effort and attention from you. "Where to buy banana seeds?" - you ask. It is worth visiting any specialized store that presents exotic plants. Also, seeds are widely represented in online stores. Having acquired them, you can start landing. But first you need to figure out how to plant banana seeds. It is even outwardly noticeable that they have a rather dense shell, therefore, when landing, it is necessary to make notches on it. To do this, just rub the seeds on sandpaper. This will be enoughenough for them to sprout.

How to grow a banana at home
How to grow a banana at home

Next, you need to choose the right pot or box for planting. Too large a container is not suitable, because the soil in it can turn sour. Seeds must be planted at a distance of 15 centimeters from each other. To obtain nutrient soil, peat and sand are combined in a ratio of 1: 4. Seeds are laid on the surface of moist soil, slightly pressing them. It is not necessary to sprinkle earth on top. But it's worth spraying with water from a spray bottle. Next, the containers are covered with a film on top. Pots should be in a bright and warm place, but direct rays should not fall on them. The soil must be moistened as needed. But this should be done carefully so as not to provoke decay and mold.

If you did everything right, then shoots will certainly appear. True, they will have to wait two or three months. But after their appearance, rapid growth will begin. In a couple of weeks it will be possible to remove the film and plant the plants in a permanent place.

Preparing for planting a banana

How to grow a banana at home if you bought it in a store? At first, the plant must be kept in partial shade, as it needs to get used to changing places. After two weeks, indoor banana can be transplanted. The culture is growing rapidly, so the transplant will have to be done every two months. The pot must be chosen based on the size of the plant (from 3 to 10 centimeters in diameter). Each new container should be two centimeters indiameter wider than the previous one. Initially, spacious pots cannot be used. In addition, the plant needs good drainage.

indoor banana
indoor banana

For planting, you need to prepare the ground. It can be obtained by mixing humus (150 g), wood ash (100 g) and river sand (250 g). You can also use ready-made soil purchased at the store.

How to plant a banana at home?

Planting a plant is not difficult. A layer of expanded clay is poured into the container. Holes must first be made in the pot through which excess moisture will escape. Their presence is a prerequisite for growing a banana at home. Otherwise, the water will stagnate, causing the plant to rot

A layer of soil is poured onto the drainage. The plant is planted in the center of the pot and covered with soil. After planting, the banana must be watered. For culture, choose a sunny place, protected from direct rays. For growing a banana at home, the optimum temperature is + 25 … + 30 ° С. In winter, the plant can withstand +20 °C.

Organization of watering

Proper care is very important for a plant, which consists in observing air humidity, watering regime and making regular top dressing. Since the banana is a resident of the tropics, it loves moisture very much. Therefore, it must be watered abundantly, but not too often. If you notice that the top layer of soil has dried up a few centimeters, then it's time to moisten the soil. At the same time, you need to remember that the plant does not tolerate excessive moisture. Stagnation of water leads to rotting of the roots and death of the banana.

How to plant banana seeds
How to plant banana seeds

Culture tolerates drought much better than waterlogging. Bananas love a humid environment, so at home the plant must be sprayed frequently. Humidity should be monitored especially in the summer. Experienced flower growers recommend placing pots on expanded clay or sand to avoid stagnant water.


In conditions of home cultivation, the culture needs regular feeding. To do this, you can use organic fertilizers (manure, litter, humus) and inorganic substances (nitroammophoska, superphosphate).

Where to buy banana seeds
Where to buy banana seeds

The use of bird droppings is very effective. However, a slightly increased concentration of fertilizer can lead to the death of the plant. No less useful are fertilizing with yeast water, tinctures of nettles and weeds. Under comfortable conditions, after the appearance of 15-18 leaves, the plant begins to bloom.


All diseases of the plant are associated with improper conditions of detention. They lead to the appearance of undesirable consequences. If you notice any changes in the color of the leaves, you need to take a closer look at the plant. It is necessary to distinguish diseases from physical problems. So, for example, browning of the edges of the leaves and their drying out is not an ailment. Similar signs indicate that the banana is experiencing a lack of potassium and moisture in the air. If the plant lowered its foliage, this indicates that it is cold. When the soil is swamped fromthe plant begins to emit an unpleasant putrefactive odor, and the lower part of the trunk begins to soften. In the future, brown stains appear on it. If you do not take action, the plant may die.

How to plant banana seeds
How to plant banana seeds

If we talk about pests, then spider mites and thrips are the most dangerous for indoor bananas. In summer, the plant can also suffer from leaf aphids and meadow borers. If you live in a city apartment, then the likelihood of danger is low. Experts recommend "Fitoverm" as a means of combating ticks. You can also use garlic infusion (for 0.5 l of water 6 cloves of garlic). Agravertin and Fitoverm saves from thrips, as well as a decoction of onions (70 g of husk per 350 g of water).

Flower plant

The flowering of the culture begins from the moment the sprout with the bud-bud is released. After the fall of its petals, beige inflorescences will appear. It is from them that the fruits will appear in the future. Mini banana blooms throughout the year. During this time, his bunches will fall lower and lower. After the bananas ripen, the ground shoot dies off. And new shoots will grow from the roots.

Instead of afterword

According to experts, growing mini-bananas at home is quite possible. With good care, you can achieve their flowering. An exotic plant is valued by lovers primarily for its unusual appearance. The tropical dweller loves the high temperature and humidity that are characteristic of his homeland. Therefore, in an apartment culture, it is necessary to provide suitable conditionssuccessful cultivation.
