Favorite flower growers - gray spirea. Spirea. Features of care

Favorite flower growers - gray spirea. Spirea. Features of care
Favorite flower growers - gray spirea. Spirea. Features of care
gray spirea
gray spirea

Grefsheim gray spirea belongs to the type of ornamental deciduous shrubs. In general, spireas are very much appreciated by flower growers for the color of the leaves, which in the fall before the start of leaf fall becomes especially bright.

All spireas bloom very beautifully. With certain skills, you can choose a combination of species so that the shrubs will be fragrant from spring to late autumn, striking the eye with stunning beauty with flowers.

For hedges, a shrub like gray spirea is ideal. Caring for a plant is not difficult. The most important thing is the landing site, it is desirable that there is always sun there. Of course, such an unpretentious plant as spirea will also grow in a shaded area, however, in this case, one should not expect rapid growth of the shrub. The gray spirea has gained the most popularity among gardeners. These spireas are hybrids of species such as St. John's wort and whitish-gray spirea. These are branched bushes up to two meters high. Flowering begins in April. It is impossible to look away from this type of spirea even in autumn. Before the start of leaf fall, the color of the leaves becomes bright yellow, which, in combination with shoots that have a red-brown color, distinguishes the plant from other shrubs.

Spirea gray. Care and plantingThe ideal time for planting spirea is autumn (until the leaf fall ends). Of course, you can plant or plant a large shrub in the spring. But this must be done before the plant begins to bloom, otherwise it will not take root in a new place.

spirea gray grefsheim
spirea gray grefsheim

If you decide to plant a shrub as part of your hedge, don't stop at one species such as gray spirea. Spireas themselves have completely diverse natural forms of the bush. If you combine them correctly, you can get a whole work of art: bright, blooming and unique.

Before planting in a permanent place, it is advisable to hold the seedlings in water for some time, adding fertilizer to it for better rooting. If the plants have broken roots, they must be carefully trimmed. When planting a small bush, the root collar should not be lower than the root collar of the plant. Usually the topsoil is mulched with peat. You should also carefully water the gray spirea plant just planted in the soil.

Spireas need good soil drainage if it is infertile and clayey. After the plant has taken root, all care for it comes down to planned feeding and pruning of the bush. Pruning should be done in spring or autumn. In the process, the bush can be shaped into a ball, a pyramid, you can experiment as you like - gray spirea is very malleable.

Spirea gray - care
Spirea gray - care

Spireas are responsive to feeding. As a fertilizeryou can use superphosphate or manure diluted with water. In dry weather, the shrub must be watered. Despite the fact that spirea is a winter-hardy plant, it is better to play it safe and cover the roots with fallen leaves.

Take care of spirea quite a bit, and she will not be in debt - she will delight you with her appearance from spring to late autumn.
