Today, orchids have become quite widespread, both among amateurs and surrounded by fairly experienced flower growers. With proper care, this flower will easily decorate any interior. He captivates with beauty. Orchids come in a wide variety of colors and shapes. But sometimes the flower suddenly fades away. In this review, we will try to figure out why orchid leaves turn yellow?
Diversity of species

Indoor orchid is a plant with a thin stem and a luxurious flower at the top. In total, there are approximately 30,000 varieties of orchids in nature, however, only a few species are suitable for home cultivation.
Here are some of them:
- Phalaenopsis: considered the most popular among flower growers. This variety of orchid is characterized by unpretentious care. The petals are similar in color to the wings of a butterfly.
- Dracula:a peculiar flower with a gloomy coloring.
- Paphiopedilum: buds are shaped like shoes. Flower growers especially appreciate this species for its long flowering time, which can be up to two months.
- Aganisia: This is a light-loving houseplant. Poorly tolerates lack of moisture. It is very popular due to the presence of a volumetric inflorescence. On average, up to five fairly large buds ripen.
- Wanda: grow up to 80 cm high.
A flower grower at home must definitely take care of a houseplant. Otherwise, they gradually begin to wither. Often, housewives have a question: "Why do orchids turn yellow leaves?". What to do in this case?
This issue should be given special attention. To properly deal with the problem, you need to know the causes. Why do orchid leaves turn yellow?
Here are just some of the factors that can negatively affect the plant:
- natural yellowing;
- burn;
- lack of light for the orchid;
- too much or too little nutrition.
First steps

In order to avoid negative consequences, it is necessary to take measures in time. Why do orchids turn yellow leaves? What to do first? Most likely, the plant began to wither due to natural dropping. If only one sheet changed color, and the rest remained in the same color, then you should not worry again. It only says that his lifethe cycle is over. A new leaf will soon grow in its place.
If you notice that the sheet turns yellow not at the base, but from the end, then most likely the problem is insufficient lighting. This problem can be solved fairly quickly. You just need to rearrange the orchid to another window with more intense lighting. Additionally, you can also highlight the flower with a fluorescent lamp. If this is not done in time, the plant may begin to darken, and then die altogether. Why do orchid leaves turn yellow at home? When spots appear, a burn can be concluded. As a rule, it appears as a result of the fact that, after moistening, drops of water remain on the flowers. Under the rays of the sun, they can work like lenses. Also, the cause of the damage may lie in the unfortunate arrangement of fluorescent lamps. The main thing here is not to confuse burns with a fungus. It can disperse all over the leaf and damage the orchid. However, with a timely and competent decision, the flower can be saved.
Proper lighting

Many housewives are interested in why orchids wither and turn yellow leaves. One of the most likely reasons is lack of lighting. The orchid is a warm and light-loving plant. However, the light should be diffused, too bright can destroy the flower. To properly organize the lighting system, before buying an orchid in a store, you need to clarify what type it belongs to. There are light-loving and shade-tolerant varieties.
Why do orchids turn yellow and leaves fall off?A possible cause may be an excess or lack of nutrition. Most likely, the plant needs iron or potassium. With a lack of these substances, the leaves begin to turn pale and eventually may die completely. As a rule, room fertilizer is applied during the period of active growth every three weeks. Special mixtures, such as Bona Forte, are best suited for this purpose. You need to feed the plant only with specialized fertilizers.
How to transplant an orchid?
This process should be paid special attention. Many people face problems when growing a plant such as the Phalaenopsis orchid. Why do leaves turn yellow? What to do? Sometimes a transplant helps. For this purpose, it is necessary to use a special mixture. The flower is transplanted on average once every two years. At first, the plant does not require additional top dressing and fertilizers. It will receive all the nutrients from the soil.
First signs of yellowing

How to recognize them correctly? If you notice that the leaves have become rough, this may be the first sign of tissue destruction. This is a guaranteed harbinger of imminent yellowing. But at this stage, you can still try to eliminate the cause.
To do this:
- Give the plant regular watering.
- Keep out the bay.
- For watering it is best to use a watering can. In this case, water can be avoided in the middle of the leaf rosette.
- If water gets on the leaves, it must be removed and thereby preventedthe start of the rotting process.
- You can try transplanting a houseplant into a larger container. An orchid pot should not be too small or cramped.
- It is recommended to spray the flower a couple of times a day. This rule must be observed during the heating season. Too dry air can cause the death of houseplants.
Diseases and pests
Many beginner flower growers are interested in why the lower leaves of an orchid turn yellow? Perhaps this is due to their natural change. But the reason may lie in infectious diseases. Quite often, a shop flower is amazed. Before buying, try to inspect the plant as closely as possible.
There are three types of diseases in total:
- viral;
- bacterial;
- fungal.
Let's look at each of them in more detail.
Viral diseases
The danger of infection for domestic orchids is that it can be present for quite a long time without showing itself. The first sign of such a disease is the appearance of light ovals, rings and stripes. Unfavorable conditions of detention can provoke a virus. Unfortunately, such an ailment can completely destroy the plant.
Bacterial diseases

Another possible answer to the question: “Why do the lower leaves of an orchid turn yellow in winter?” - bacterial diseases. They are classified as harmless diseases. However, they are not always completely possible.cure. They appear as dark brown spots with a yellow rim. To cure an orchid, it should first be isolated from other plants. Then it is worth cutting out the blackened areas and treating the wounds with activated charcoal. If the disease is already running, the use of bactericides will be required. With proper treatment, if no new spots appear within two weeks, the orchid can be considered completely cured.
Often a plant is affected by such an unpleasant disease as bacterial rot. It appears as wet brown or dark yellow spots. Do not delay treatment. If you let everything take its course, then you can destroy the plant. If you find bacterial rot, then you first need to treat the place where the flower stood with hydrogen peroxide. The affected culture is kept in isolation until fully recovered.
Fungal diseases
One of the most favorite plants of beginner gardeners is the Dendrobium orchid. Why are the leaves on this flower turning yellow? A common cause is fungal diseases. They arise due to improper care. Such ailments can manifest themselves in different ways. They are sometimes confused with burns. The treatment process begins with the removal of the affected areas. After that, it is necessary to treat them with ash or coal. Wounds after healing are sprayed with fungicide.
Yellowing due to burns

How to deal with it? Why do orchids turn yellow leaves at the base? We have already covered the main reasons. But if the spots appeared on the main part of the sheet, then perhaps the matterin sunburn. Many believe that orchids are photophilous, they can be placed under direct rays. These plants are native to tropical forests. In their natural environment, they usually grow on trees, but far from the tops. Orchids need diffused light.
How to distinguish a burn from other diseases? First, a small brown spot appears on the leaf. Then yellowness gradually appears around it. The stain itself is dry and light in color. Most often it occurs in the central part of the leaf. The most common mistake among flower growers is the emergency removal of the entire plate, starting from the point of growth. It contains many nutrients that can still be useful to the plant. In addition, such a yellow leaf does not pose any danger to the plant itself. You can safely leave it to grow further until it is completely dry.
Often, housewives are worried about the presence of a yellow leaf on a plant. If this picture does not suit you from an aesthetic point of view, you can carefully cut the leaf, capturing about half a centimeter from the he althy part.
Is it possible to avoid sunburn and still provide the plant with good lighting? This problem is solved with the help of a phytolamp. It is enough just to install such a device over flower pots. In this case, the orchids will have enough light, and direct sunlight will not cause a burn. However, not every home has such a special light source. Therefore, there is no other way out, except to keep orchids on a bright windowsill. It is best to put flower pots on the western orsouth side.
How else can you protect a flower from sunburn? Try to shade the plant. For this purpose, you can use a simple light curtain. It is better to use options made from cotton fabrics. White paper or thick tulle will also do the job perfectly. There will be enough light, but the sun will not cause burns on the leaves.
Root rot
Why do orchid leaves turn yellow? Another reason is root rot. This problem occurs with excessive waterlogging. The plant needs nutrition, and the roots function poorly. The outflow of nutrients begins from the leaves. The roots begin to soften and darken. Also, the flower begins to hang freely in the pot.
In this case, you need to save the home culture immediately. First, the orchid should be taken out of the pot and shake off the old soil. Ruined roots must be cut with sterile scissors. Remove them to he althy tissues. Wounds should be cauterized with a simple medical green. You can also sprinkle cuts with activated charcoal. The land also needs to be replaced. Yellow leaves should not be touched until they are completely dry. In the future, try to avoid flooding the plant.
In closing

In this review, we looked at why orchid leaves turn yellow. The problem may be a lack or excess of nutrients, improper lighting and watering. It is also possible that the plant is affected by fungal or bacterialdisease. The main thing is to correctly establish the cause of the yellowing of the leaves and begin to deal with the problem in a timely manner. Take proper care of your houseplants and you shouldn't have any problems with them.