Quite often, a change house remains on the building site. It, of course, can be demolished, but it is permissible to continue to use it, making a bathhouse out of it, which will last for quite a long time and will save on creating a new structure. Bathhouses have generally become quite common lately.
Pros of the new bathhouse

If you still have not decided whether to get rid of the change house or make a steam room out of it, then you should consider the advantages of such a building:
- savings in the construction of a new building;
- possibility to sell after reconstruction;
- no need to keep a step away from the neighboring territory, this is due to the fact that the change house acts as a temporary building;
- mobile qualities of the new bathhouse.
Foundation of a new bathhouse

Bath houses do not require a foundation, since their weight is quite insignificant. It will only be necessary to install a certain support under the support profile, inwhich can be, for example, a cinder block or a cut board. The main requirement in this case is the ability to level the floor surface at the required angle. But in the event that a very specific place has been allocated for a new change house, and in the future you do not intend to move it, then you can build a capital foundation, which will be based on foundation blocks or screw supports. It is worth considering that some change houses have a very strong steel frame, this allows you to abandon the construction of a capital foundation altogether.
Building layout
Initially, you should consider where the steam room will be located, since it should be separated from the rest room to prevent steam from entering the latter. In order for the change house to comply with fire safety standards, it is necessary to ensure that the doors open outwards. In terms of dimensions, the steam room should not be more than 2.5x2.2 m, while its height should not be more than 2.3 m, otherwise it will be difficult for you to achieve a high temperature in a short time. In addition, for a steam room with a more impressive area, it will be necessary to purchase an expensive and powerful stove.
It is recommended to use linden lining as a wall decoration, but pine lining will become a more budget option. The most suitable opening size will be 1.93x0.76 m, this is due to the common dimensions of the door to the sauna, which are 1.9x0.7 m.
Interior design

Bath houses must have benches for visitorssteam room. But you should not install them in tiers that contain more than 2 levels. The length of one shelf should exceed the height of a person, the most suitable parameter would be 2.2 m. But if the space of the room is limited, then less impressive dimensions of the shelves can be taken as a basis. As for the width of the bench, it should be equal to 70 cm, if you do more, then it will not be very comfortable to sit.
Performing thermal insulation

Changes under the bath must be insulated. This will allow for a longer time to retain heat in the interior of the steam room. You should not purchase polystyrene foam for thermal insulation work. This is due to the fact that sometimes this material is not of such high quality and contains toxic substances. Among other things, this insulation is not fireproof, but the bath is most susceptible to fire and ignition. The construction of change houses should be accompanied by the use of non-combustible materials such as mineral or stone wool. If construction is carried out in warm regions, then insulation is considered impractical due to the fact that the construction will turn out to be more expensive.
Regardless of the construction of change houses, bathhouses, houses, it is necessary to ensure that the building is completely safe. In the first case, this involves an analysis of the steam room, before using which care must be taken that no combustible or fusible materials remain in it,such as plastic parts. This is especially true for those baths that were originally used only as cabins.
A former change house is great for converting it into a bathhouse, however, this must be done in compliance with fire safety rules, which are paramount among others.