How many lining in a cube: units of measure, number of boards, formula, calculation rules and examples

How many lining in a cube: units of measure, number of boards, formula, calculation rules and examples
How many lining in a cube: units of measure, number of boards, formula, calculation rules and examples

Vagonka is a thin board made of natural wood. Such products are additionally equipped with special grooves located on the sides of the boards and functioning as latches for attaching the cladding elements to each other. Today, the quality of this material is quite high, and this kind of “boards” is suitable for both interior and exterior decoration. Often lining is also used for the construction of elite class housing. Therefore, today the question of how much lining is in a cube is relevant in its own way.

How many lining in a cube
How many lining in a cube

What is this material?

According to experts, lining is one of the best materials for cladding interior surfaces. These thin products demonstrate excellent properties when used for facade decoration. Of the total number of advantages of the material, the following are distinguished:

  • appearance, which turns out to be much better than some finishing materials;
  • good soundproof properties;
  • ability to additionally insulate rooms;
  • using lining is a great opportunity to hide not too aesthetic outdoor communications;
  • natural, eco-friendly, hypoallergenic;
  • long operating period;
  • variety of performance options, not only in relation to the type of wood, but also in general the material itself;
  • today on the market you can find not only wooden, but also plastic products.

How many lining in a cube: how to determine

For the correct calculation of the required volume of the considered type of finishing material, it is worth familiarizing yourself with some features in calculating the required amount of material. So, for a wooden lining, in principle, it does not matter what breed the finish is made from, the calculation cubic capacity is approximately the same.

In order to find out how many linings are in a cube and carry out calculations with maximum accuracy and fidelity, take into account the following instruction.

How many boards are in a cube of lining
How many boards are in a cube of lining

Instructions for calculating the cubic capacity of lining

Starting this process, measure the main parameters of the material, including the thickness, length and width of one unit of lining.

On an example, it is easier to consider the calculation of these indicators, therefore we take the following dimensions: 18 x 16 x 5000 (mm).

The purpose of the task: to calculate how much lining in the cube.

First of all, you should know the volume of one product. Before proceeding with the calculation, do not forget to convert millimeters to meters and only after that substitute the numbers in the formula: 0.016 x 0.14 x 5=0,0112 m3.

Having received this number, you have to divide 1 m3: 0, 0112=89, 28.

Thus, it is easy to quickly calculate the quadrature, both for 7 cubes of lining, and for 70 cubes of material. In addition, you can determine how many units of lining are in the package.

When making these calculations, it is extremely important to follow the given instructions in order to get the correct figure as a result.

Many people ask how many boards are in a cube of lining, but this concept is relative and directly depends on the parameters of the products. With different parameters, there can be from 4-5 to 16 pieces.

Please note that there are also such sellers on the building materials market that deceive gullible buyers. As a result of rounding the numbers, you get an inaccurate quadrature, which ultimately leads to an increase in the amount of material you purchase and leftovers. In order not to throw money away, we recommend that you read the instructions that describe in detail how to calculate how many meters of lining in a cube.

Cube lining how many square meters
Cube lining how many square meters

Some rules that will come in handy during the calculation

To avoid overpaying for material or not to purchase more lining than you actually need, you should figure out the calculation related to how much area is in 1 m3 area (m 2). Calculate in advance the area to be covered. In this case, the thickness of the products is not the last in value, as it can be completely different depending on the selected material.

Setpeople are interested in the question: "Why do you need to know how many square meters of lining are in a cube?" This is necessary first of all so that everyone can easily calculate the area that is supposed to be covered by the selected type of material, whether it is lining, panels, drywall or even wallpaper.

Algorithm for calculating the area in 1 m3 of material

The calculation is not difficult - the instructions will be enough to cope with the task.

1 cube lining how many pieces
1 cube lining how many pieces

All lining parameters are written, as a rule, in millimeters. When calculating, all indicators are converted into meters and the values \u200b\u200bare substituted into the formula.

Calculations begin with measuring the thickness of one finishing panel (lining). When buying wooden products, be guided by the fact that the thickness of such a finish ranges from 13-26 mm.

After that, a certain number is converted into meters, since the volume is measured in these units.

Let's look at an example where the specified panel thickness is 19 mm (0.019 in meters). At the final stage, the cube is divided by this number, which looks like this: 1/0, 019=52, 63 m2.

During calculations, you should pay attention to such an important point: you can calculate everything even in your head, but when using a calculator, you can get a more accurate figure by rounding not only to tenths, but also to hundredths or even thousandths. This result will be as accurate as possible.

Features of calculating the volume of material for finishing

So you've moved on tothe most important stage - the selection of material and its acquisition in the required quantity. Here, it would seem, everything is simple, but the numbers matter, or rather their accuracy.

Please note that the amount of material used during finishing will depend on the type of decoration itself: internal or external, so it is important to mention this in advance. Let's deal with both examples.

Lining how many square meters in a cube
Lining how many square meters in a cube

Calculation for internal surface cladding

It should be determined how many meters of lining are in one cube, as well as how much material is required for facing the room. To do this work, the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room will have to be divided into several squares (separate areas). This way you can come to the application of simple geometric formulas.

Often the room has the shape of a rectangle, although there are also atypical layouts. It is with this variant of the organization of space that the length of the lining boards is of no small importance. Ceiling level may vary.

Please note that if a ceiling finish is also planned, then this area must also be calculated and summarized.

The length of the boards in this case plays an important role, since it can be different, so it is necessary to measure the length of all segments.

To determine the total area, you will have to measure the height and length of the wall. It is enough to measure only one of the walls, since in standard house designs the parallel areas of the rooms are identical with respect to each other.

Calculating all areas using the formula for determining Srectangle (ab), add up all the areas to get the sum. Here it is important not to forget about the door and window structures, which are to be subtracted from the total square of the room.

One more moment! It is recommended to add +10% to the result obtained, since it is impossible to do without waste and force majeure during the finishing. Even if all indicators are accurately determined, waste will be present, albeit in small quantities.

Features of external cladding clapboard

If it is necessary to perform the outer skin of the house, for example, a gable, calculations are made by analogy with the scheme described above. The only nuance in such work is, some difficulties in performing calculations related to the area of \u200b\u200bthe gable.

1 cube lining how many pieces
1 cube lining how many pieces

The walkthrough looks like this:

  1. Determine the area of the sheathed surface in the same way as in the previous version.
  2. To calculate the gable area, take the length of the base and multiply it by the height.
  3. Divide the result in half.
  4. Add the numbers, not forgetting to subtract the area of door and window openings.

So you get a number that determines the amount of material, and based on this result and the lining parameters, determine how many pieces of lining in 1 cube.

Everything is extremely simple, the main thing is to know in which direction to move.
