Attention, moles in the country! Mole Remedies

Attention, moles in the country! Mole Remedies
Attention, moles in the country! Mole Remedies

We won't tell you how to chase away or catch these furry mole rats. For us, everything will be done by special mole repellents that you can buy or make yourself. Let's learn more about them.

Their essence is to scare away and exclude any possibility of the return of diggers. Mole remedies are very different, but they are all based on the impact on the hearing and smell of these pests. Some repellers are based on odorous chemicals, while others are based on sound signals and vibration movements. Let's consider both of them in more detail.

mole remedies
mole remedies

Effective Mole Remedies: Plastic Bottles

On any garden plot there is more than one dug-in metal pin. The essence of the method is to put empty PET bottles on these pins. The wind will set the container in motion, and it, in turn, will knock on the pin. As a result, vibration vibrations will appear, which will be transmitted directly to the soil. This makes the moles very nervous and they leave the place.

Effective mole remedies: sharpscents

1. Solar oil. Saturate unwanted rags with diesel fuel. Throw them into all the found main passages and molehills. The aliens will be forced to leave your garden.

2. The drug "Corvalol". Pour a glass of medicine dissolved in water into each molehill. Assume that 1 bottle of medicine will go to 1 liter of water.

3. Carbide. Use it like this: pour the substance into each molehill and wait for the result.

electronic mole repeller
electronic mole repeller

The essence of the method is that carbide, interacting with soil moisture, will begin to release the substance acetylene. This will discourage moles from hunting in your garden once and for all!

Electronic Mole Repeller

How to choose it

First, decide on the brand of the manufacturer to which you have a soul (for example, "Super-Mole"). I never take a pig in a poke, which is what I advise you. Therefore, do not forget to look at reviews about this product. Beware of fakes, especially Chinese ones!

How to install it

This is the most popular and effective repeller of all existing repellers. It works in the most simple way. You need to insert a nutrient element (battery) into it, then stick it into the ground by about 3/4 of the total height of the device. Mole ultrasonic cleaners will start emitting high frequency sound waves and vibrations. Animals will start to go crazy from this "happiness". Sorry for the irony, but they will literally trot with bulging eyes to get out of your area!


To outsmart pests, the mole repeller constantly changes the frequency of vibration and sound. This is necessary so that the aliens do not have time to adapt to it. This is a very powerful device! It can cover an area from 1000 m2 to 2000 m2. The manufacturers of these devices assure that in 2-3 weeks there will be no trace of moles in your garden.

Mole Repeller
Mole Repeller

And finally I will say…

So we discussed with you, dear readers, the main ways to deal with moles in garden plots. With that, let me finish talking about these animals. All the best to you!
