How to get rid of moles in the country in a simple way - effective methods and recommendations

How to get rid of moles in the country in a simple way - effective methods and recommendations
How to get rid of moles in the country in a simple way - effective methods and recommendations

Moles are animals that ruined the life of more than one summer resident. Indeed, almost everyone who owns a garden plot is familiar with their "activities" firsthand. Of course, if we take into account the fact that moles live only in good soils, then we can be proud of our garden and the work applied to it. However, these small animals are capable of causing tremendous harm to all cultivated plants planted in the summer cottage. And these consequences of the life of moles can hardly please anyone.


If a lot of earth heaps appear on the site, due to which the landscape of the territory becomes similar to the lunar surface, then there is no doubt that these "blind workers" dug many passages, tunnels and holes here.

Many summer residents are concerned about the question "How to get rid of moles?" To immediately begin to eliminate them. Consider the most effective ways to deal with this animal.

Benefits and harms

The name of this small animal belonging to the class of mammals literally means "digger". It is precisely this activity that moles are engaged in all their lives, which takes place in dark underground labyrinths at various depths. Mammals dig the soil with their large front paws, while rotating around the axis of their own body.

Many summer residents, seeing wilted plants in flowerbeds and beds, believe that moles gnaw their roots. However, this opinion is erroneous. A small animal that brings so much trouble loosens the soil, penetrating it with its moves. And this brings far from harm, but benefit to a person. In the tunnels dug by the animal, air begins to actively circulate. In addition, the activity of moles contributes to an increase in the drainage properties of the soil, a decrease in its moisture content in the overlying and a decrease in the deeper layers. The earth penetrated by such passages is effectively moistened. As a result of the burrowing activity of animals, those substances that were washed out of it during eluvial processes return to the soil.

Along their moves, moles carry out constant migration - weather and seasonal. Here he gets his food, which is mainly earthworms. If he can, then he stocks up on food even for the future. In addition to worms, moles feed on centipedes, as well as larvae of butterflies, caterpillars, flies, beetles and other invertebrates.

the mole came out of the hole
the mole came out of the hole

These animals are not interested in vegetation. They damage planted crops mechanically, moving along their underground passages. Because of thissummer residents and are trying to find the most effective way to get rid of moles on the site.

Features of behavior

Before you learn how to get rid of moles in the area forever, you need to study some of the habits of these animals. For normal life, moles require a large amount of food. That is why they prefer to settle near a holiday village or garden. There are certain reasons due to which moles suddenly appear on the site. Among them:

  1. Loose soil in the beds, which is also constantly moistened and dug up.
  2. An impressive amount of food. The best delicacy for moles are eggs with larvae of garden pests such as worms, beetles and others.
  3. No natural enemies. Predators that the mole is afraid of (badgers, raccoon dogs, martens and birds of prey) do not try to catch the eye of a person. This is what the animal uses, climbing to the summer cottage.

Those who are wondering how to get rid of a mole in the garden should take into account a few points:

  1. Usually, where you saw one mole, you can find a whole family of these animals, consisting of dozens of individuals. That is why, not far from the appeared hole, you need to look for a couple more (they may be in the neighboring area). Such a situation requires the adoption of measures to destroy not one "digger", but a whole brood.
  2. In winter, the mole sleeps. He digs a hole for himself much lower than his own moves. Here, at a great depth, he arranges a small, warm andsecluded "lair", which can be found on an impressive mound of dug earth. If there is no such hill on the site, then the mink will be located on the existing hills, from which the snow under the rays of the spring sun leaves first. Having found such a "lair", you can easily get a mole out of it.
  3. The pest has no abandoned passages. At the same time, animals check their working highways almost every hour. And even if a person accidentally stepped on the place where the passage is located and pushed it through, the animal will surely restore it very soon.
  4. Moles don't like free space. On the surface of the soil, they feel unprotected, and therefore very rarely appear above the ground. But in its moves, the animal moves quite quickly, so catching it on the go in this case becomes a very difficult task.
  5. The mole has a very strong body and powerful paws. This allows him to constantly be in motion and dig the ground. It is very important to know for those who decide to catch the animal with their bare hands that it is almost impossible. The mole will not just escape from the hands, but in addition, it will scratch with its clawed paws or bite. On average, the animal moves underground at a speed of 5 kilometers per hour. In this regard, it is better to use special traps and traps to catch him.
  6. Moles are intelligent and cautious animals. They perfectly adapt to any terrain, not allowing a person to dictate their rules. If the owner of the site constantly uses the same repellers and traps, then the animal will easily bypass alreadythe danger he knows. Due to obvious vision problems, moles have an excellent sense of smell and hearing, which they have developed at the highest level.
  7. These pests can be called real gluttons. This is evidenced by the mere fact that they attack the garden with whole families, and dig passages so quickly that they cause irreparable damage to the site in a few days.

Taking into account the points described above and seeing clear signs that pests have appeared on the territory of the garden plot, you must immediately begin to deal with them.

Basic methods for killing moles

How to get rid of moles in the summer cottage? To fight these animals, you should not destroy the passages dug by them. After all, the animal will soon simply pave new tunnels for itself. How to get rid of a mole in a summer cottage? In order for these small animals not to cause disturbance, they are caught, destroyed or scared away. In this case, you can act in a variety of ways.

mole digs the ground
mole digs the ground

Effectively get rid of moles repellents, chemical and folk. All kinds of traps also allow you to clear the area from rodents. Let's take a closer look at these tools.

Traps and traps

By installing such devices on the site, you can easily catch a mole. And even despite the physical strength of the animal, he certainly will not be able to escape from the trap or trap. However, in this case, it is not entirely clear to summer residents inexperienced in such a matter how to place the device in an underground tunnel. After all, ifset a trap in the ground, break at the same time, the mole will definitely feel something is wrong and go the other way. Consider the main types of traps and how to use them.

mole trap
mole trap

If the question “How to get rid of moles?” arises before the summer resident, then he can use a trap, either made by himself or purchased in a store. Traps currently offered:

  1. Acting like spring-loaded mousetraps. Such devices press down the victim, interrupting her vertebrae. This is a fairly effective and easy way to get rid of moles. The main difficulty in this case will be only in the correct installation of the device. Two such mole traps are installed at once, and in different directions. Devices are installed and masked in such a way that the part that is designed to crush the animal does not cling to the vault when the mechanism is triggered.
  2. Plunger or harpoon. Such traps are quite simply installed over the course. After the mole touches the "watchman" in the tunnel, the mechanism is triggered, and the sharp spokes of the device pierce the ground, capturing the animal as well.
  3. Traps-scissors. They squeeze the mole from the sides. To install such a device, you will need to dig a tunnel, set a trap at the bottom of the passage, and then cover everything with earth.
  4. Loopback. These devices are wire mole traps. In their appearance, they resemble loops, which are placed inside the dug passage. When triggered, the mechanism chokesthe animal that is currently crawling through the tunnel.

And how to get rid of moles with more gentle methods? For this, it is recommended to use a tunnel or live trap. This is a simple and effective tool that tells you how to get rid of moles, without involving the destruction of the animal. Live traps can be made independently. Cans, plastic bottles or other cylindrical objects are suitable for this. You can also buy a live trap in the store. The basic principle of operation of this tool lies in the fact that, once inside the body, the mole is not able to get out of it, since closing valves block the way without reverse action. In this case, the animal remains alive and can be released into the wild away from the summer cottage.

Very often, moles in their moves get to prey only once. That is why the trap for animals should be installed in those tunnels that they use repeatedly. Otherwise, human efforts will be in vain. The active passages are located in the deep layers of the soil and are distinguished by more trampled earth.

Application of acoustic methods

How to get rid of moles in the country? A humane method to free the site from the invasion of animals is the use of repellents. The task of such devices is to create such uncomfortable conditions on the site that would have a negative impact on the well-developed sense of smell of the animal and its hearing. It has been proven that moles are afraid of loud noises. When they appear, the animals tend to get away from the source of noise as much as possible.further, for tens of meters.

The tools you need can be store-bought or DIY. Consider some of their types in more detail.

Technical devices

The most effective way to get rid of moles without exterminating them lies in the use of special devices. Their principle of operation involves the creation of noise that repels the pest.

Such technical devices are mechanical and ultrasonic. In the first of them there is a mechanism made in the form of a disk that generates special vibrations. The center of this element is structurally somewhat shifted to the axis of the shaft, which allows you to create a resonance that causes vibration. In ultrasonic devices, the desired effect is obtained by vibrating the emitter.

mole repeller
mole repeller

Distinguish between technical devices and the type of power source installed in them. So, there are devices powered by solar panels, as well as combined ones, where simple batteries are also used. Of course, the most convenient of them are the devices of the first type. After all, they do not require battery replacement. Such a device accumulates the necessary charge of energy during daylight hours, thanks to which it is active at night.

The effectiveness of both devices lies in the formation of special sound vibrations. They are not audible to people, but are a special barrier for moles. The propagation of ultrasonic waves occurs in the range of 36-45 m.

To those who have moles in the country, get rid of moles humanely anda fairly simple method can be done with the help of special technical devices. They will simply force the animal to leave the place it has lived in, which will save the future harvest. Among the disadvantages of such a technique, one can note the need to invest significant financial resources. After all, the devices are not cheap, and even for a small area they will need to buy several units at once. In addition, when the device is turned off, the moles are able to return to the site again.

Do-it-yourself scarers

How to get rid of moles yourself, while using a humane way to save the crop from the invasion of animals? Quite effectively, home-made noisemakers or noise installations help to deal with underground diggers. They are turntables made from empty cans, as well as rattles and empty bottles buried in the ground. All of the above devices can be made by hand. For example, a plastic bottle will make a wonderful spinner. To do this, holes are cut in the container, bending strips of plastic in the form of blades. Such a device is mounted on a metal pin. It is stuck into the soil to a depth of approximately 20 cm. The pin will transmit the sound of a rattling bottle into the ground.

A tin can can be placed on the lot in the same way. Being on a metal pin, it will begin to rattle at the slightest breath of wind. Noise will also be transmitted to the ground.

ratchet from moles
ratchet from moles

Another way to get rid of moles is a glass bottle, whichburied in the soil at an angle. In this case, the howling wind will scare away the animals. Sometimes gardeners bury jars in the ground, in which they put alarm clocks. Will scare away animals and the noise of various agricultural implements (for example, lawn mowers), as well as loud music.

It should be borne in mind that the above methods of getting rid of animals depend on the presence of wind. In calm weather, they become ineffective.

Use scents

What other way is there to get rid of moles? If the acoustic method for some reason did not fit, then you should try to drive the animals away using unpleasant odors. There are various folk remedies on how to get rid of moles forever, the list of which includes some products and substances that have a pungent odor. Among them:

  1. Kerosene. 100 mg of this substance is dissolved in a bucket of water. Rags or tow are moistened in the resulting mixture, placing them in molehills.
  2. Castor oil. The smell of this product is not liked by many animals. Castor oil is used by pouring it into small containers, which are then distributed over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe site.
  3. Naphthalene. This substance has a strong and persistent odor that effectively repels rodents.
  4. Tosol or fuel oil. These potent substances are able to retain their aroma for a long time. As a rule, rags and tow soaked in such a liquid are used.
  5. Mugwort and peppermint. These herbs contain a significant amount of aromatic oils. To get rid of moles in the areafolk herbal remedies, it is enough to pick up these odorous bunches and spread them in the area of passages and holes. Herbs should be changed as they wither.
  6. Vinegar essence. Such a substance perfectly repels pests, but its effect is short-lived.
  7. Ground red pepper. The powder is great at repelling moles, but only as long as it is dry.
  8. Chlorine bleach. Such a rapidly evaporating substance will perfectly repel animals. When using it, the liquid is poured into any small container and lowered into the mole passage.
  9. Cigarette butts or their infusion. They give off a tobacco smell that animals don't like.
  10. Herring heads. If a mole appeared on the site, how to get rid of this uninvited guest with folk remedies? To do this, it is recommended to spread the herring heads along dug animal tunnels and passages. In the process of decay, they will begin to emit an unpleasant odor, which will scare away the pest.
  11. Snuff. It is effective, but only when dry.
  12. Rotten vegetables or rotten eggs. The unpleasant smell of such products perfectly repels pests. However, it should be borne in mind that people will not be delighted with it either. In addition, it will not be easy to get rid of such aromas later.
  13. Tear gas. This method will require some preparation. A person before using it must put on overalls and provide respiratory protection. Tear gas canisters are sprayed directly into the hole. It is important to follow the rules here. That,whoever overdoes it will not scare away, but will kill the animals.

The olfactory methods listed above will require patience from the site owner. It will be necessary to survive the attack by smell not only for moles, but also for people. In addition, this method involves a long and methodical use of odorous substances with the renewal of their aroma.

Using poison

How to get rid of moles? To date, such an opportunity is provided by poisons sold on the consumer market. The use of these products allows you to completely get rid of the rodents that have appeared in the garden.

man caught a mole
man caught a mole

However, it should be borne in mind that before spraying poisons, you should carefully study the instructions attached to them. This is due to the fact that some substances sometimes turn out to be detrimental to plantings that grow on the land being processed. It should also be taken into account that the use of poisons is an inhumane method of eliminating animals, moreover, sometimes it is very unsafe for people. Do not use such substances in areas where children play.

Planting scare plants

How to get rid of moles on the site with folk remedies? You can scare away the animals with the help of the aromas of some plants planted in the beds. Moles do not like legumes very much, that is, peas, beans and beans. They are repelled by the smell of marigolds and daffodils, imperial hazel grouse and Siberian blueberries, lavender and castor beans, milkweed and calendula, onions and garlic, goat and black root.
