According to the recommendations of doctors, fish must be present in the diet of every person. It is a he althy, low-calorie and easily digestible product with a high content of vitamins and microelements. The fish is boiled, fried, dried, steamed and baked in the oven. The list of dishes from this inhabitant of rivers and seas is limited only by the imagination of the cook. The only drawback that occurs when cutting and cooking fish is the smell. How to get rid of it, we will tell in our article.
General recommendations for working with fish
When cooking fish, an unpleasant odor can remain not only on hands and dishes, but also on clothes, furniture and in the air. Getting rid of a specific aroma is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. But still, it is better to take care to prevent its spread throughout the apartment. It is enough to observethe following general guidelines:
- Try to store fish in the refrigerator only when closed. To do this, it can be put in a container with an airtight lid or wrapped in foil.
- It is recommended to use a separate board for cutting fish. For the same purposes, you can select a special knife.
- Dishes that have been in contact with fish should be washed immediately without delay. In this case, the smell will not have time to strongly eat into the surface.
- Wet skin strongly absorbs various odors, so it is recommended to wear gloves when working with fish on your hands.
- To prevent the fish from emitting an unpleasant odor when frying, it should first be marinated using vinegar or beer with spices.
How to get rid of fish smell on hands

It is recommended to cut any seafood only with special rubber gloves. Otherwise, the skin will absorb an unpleasant odor, which you can’t get rid of with ordinary soap. But if gloves were not at hand, a few simple ways will come to the rescue:
- Lemon wedge. Concentrated juice very well removes stubborn odors, including fish. It is enough to rub your hands with a slice of lemon, without leaving the back of the palms and the areas between the fingers.
- Vinegar solution. To get rid of the smell of fish, as well as other unpleasant odors, the following method will help. In 1 liter of water, it is necessary to dilute a tablespoon of table vinegar (9%) anddip your hands into the resulting solution for a few minutes.
- Aromatic oils. It is enough to add a few drops of aromatic citrus oil to a bowl of water, then put your hands in it for 5-10 minutes.
- Beer. They need to wipe the skin of their hands, and then wash them again with soap.
How to remove fish smell from dishes

The chopping board, plates and frying pan will emit an unpleasant odor for a long time if they are not washed in a timely manner. In this case, several ways can be suggested to get rid of the smell of fish from dishes using improvised means:
- S alt. First you need to wipe the fat from the pan with paper towels, then wash the dishes with detergent. After that, s alt is poured into a dry frying pan and heats up well for several minutes. As a result, in just 10 minutes, s alt crystals will absorb an unpleasant odor and leave no trace of it.
- Dry mustard. It is recommended to dilute the powder in a small amount of water, and then wash all the dishes that were used when butchering the fish with the resulting solution.
- Lemon. It is recommended to wipe the pan or cutting board washed with detergent with a slice of lemon and rinse again with clean water.
- Vinegar. It is recommended to wipe the already washed dishes with a weak solution of vinegar, then rinse them under running water.
- Raw vegetables and fruits. You can get rid of an unpleasant smell by wiping dirty dishes with half a potato.
Remove fish smell from clothes

During frying, not only dishes are impregnated with an unpleasant aroma, but also curtains, an apron and home clothes. You can get rid of the smell quite easily if you immediately wash it in a washing machine or by hand. If this is not done immediately, the following methods will help:
- Soak clothes in a strong solution of laundry soap or water with vinegar (10 ml per 5 ml of water) for 30-40 minutes.
- Wash clothes and curtains in the washing machine with baking soda instead of regular laundry detergent.
- Boiling in a solution of laundry soap. Before using this method, make sure that the fabrics can withstand high temperatures.
- Rinse clothes with fabric softener and air dry.
How to get rid of the smell of fish in the apartment

Even if you thoroughly wash the dishes, hands and clothes after cooking, the aroma in the apartment will remain so strong that even the neighbors will know what is being served for dinner in this apartment tonight. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to take all measures regarding how to get rid of the smell of fish in the room. In this case, the following tips will be effective:
- Open the windows and air out the kitchen thoroughly.
- Make a wet cleaning by wiping the furniture and washing the floor with water with the addition of fragrant essential oil or vinegar.
- Toast a handful of coffee beans in a dry frying pan. A pleasant aroma in the room will be guaranteed.
- In a pot of water, boil half a lemon with clove buds for a few minutes.
How to minimize bad smell when frying fish

It will be easier to get rid of an unpleasant odor in the apartment after cooking if you listen to the following recommendations:
- Before frying in a frying pan with heated oil, you must first put a piece of potato, and then lay out the fish. A bow has a similar effect.
- Before frying, it is recommended to soak the fish in a weak solution of vinegar for half an hour. Then the smell during cooking will not be so sharp.
- To get rid of the smell of fried fish, as in the cases described above, wide open windows will help. In this case, the fragrance will not so much eat into furniture and clothes.
How to remove the smell of fish in the refrigerator

Fresh seafood has a short shelf life, especially in summer. If you put the fish in the refrigerator, then it is recommended to cook it in the near future. Otherwise, milk, vegetables, and meat will be saturated with the smell of fish in the refrigerator. How to get rid of it is another question. First of all, it is recommended to store all products in airtight containers, then the smell will have to be eliminated only from the dishes in which the fish was stored.
If the fragrance is stillspread, then you can get rid of it with the help of an acetic solution. The refrigerator must first be defrosted, and then wiped with a solution of its walls, door and shelves.
Soda solution has a similar effect. Soda must be diluted in a small amount of warm water, and then wipe the entire refrigerator inside with the prepared solution.
As an additional protection against unpleasant odors, you can put a saucer with a crust of Borodino bread, coffee beans or an apple slice in the refrigerator. These are natural adsorbents that absorb specific aromas and prevent them from spreading throughout the refrigerator.
Remove the fishy smell in the car
Avid fishermen know that it can be difficult to eliminate the peculiar fishy smell in a car. But the following tips will help you learn how to get rid of the smell of rotten fish in the car in just one night:
- Leave a container of vinegar solution in the car for at least 12 hours.
- In the same way, put a container of water and lemon juice into the machine in the same way.
- Wipe all the parts inside the car with disinfectant.
If the above methods prove ineffective, the car will have to be taken to a car wash for interior dry cleaning.
How to get rid of the smell of mud in fish

River fish, unlike sea fish, has one more unpleasant feature. In addition to a large number of small bones, it has the smell of mud, which does noteasy to get rid of. However, there are ways to help eliminate the specific aroma and improve the taste of the dish.
In the first case, before cooking the fish, it is recommended to soak it in milk for several hours. Or just add it to ordinary water in a ratio of 1:2.
No less effective will be the second way to get rid of the smell of river fish. It can be used in the preparation of fish soup or aspic. In this case, in the broth in which the fish is boiled, you need to put a whole onion, carrots and celery root. They will not only give the dish a special taste, but also allow you to get rid of the smell of mud. Before serving, these ingredients are simply removed from the broth.