Today we'll talk about growing basil - a stunningly fragrant herb with a very spicy taste. It is used to make sauces, salads, pizza and other dishes. In this article, you will learn how and when to plant basil for seedlings and how to continue further care of the plant. In addition, for those who do not have a summer cottage, it is possible to grow basil right at home. We will share tips for growing basil on the windowsill to create a spicy garden that delights not only with delicious, but also with beautiful greenery. And let's start with a description and varieties of its varieties.
General information about the basilica

People knew about the basilica over 5000 years ago. Moreover, it was used both in cooking and for medicinal purposes. Africa is considered the birthplace of this greenery, and it came to the territory of our country in the eighteenth century. In those years, basil-based cosmetics were especially popular - tonics, masks and creams.
Basil is an annual plant with oblong leaves in the shape ofpetioles. The height of the bush reaches 50-70 centimeters. The root system of the basil is branching and is located close enough to the surface of the earth. The leaves and stems of the plant are covered with fine hairs, and during the flowering period, the basil is covered with small pale pink flowers. The fruits are dark seeds, similar to small nuts, which remain viable for 5-6 years.
Classification of varieties

There are many varieties of basil that are suitable for growing in your area. The main division of basil is produced into green leaf and purple varieties of greens. The first includes such varieties as Italian, broad-leaved and Evenol. The following varieties of basil have purple leaves: ordinary, Yerevan, Dark Opal, Tulasi and Osmin.
Basil is also classified by flavors:
- Carnation. These include Darkie, Stella, Perfection, Dark Night, Clove Scent and Red Ruby.
- Clove-pepper. The varieties Marquis, Fantazer and Basilisk have a similar smell.
- Camphor basil, Aramis, Orion, Oriental magic, Ruby and Compatto have a peppery aroma.
- Lemon. A pleasant note of lemon in the aroma is present in the Moskovsky Bogatyr, Novinka, Iskra and Lemon Basil.
- Caramel. Such an original aroma is found in varieties Favorite, Caramel and Red Ruby Nem Zaden.
- The basil variety Tempter was specially bred for making marinades. Large leaves are used both fresh and dried.
- Anise. Such a smell have suchnamesake varieties like Anise Gourmet, Anise Delight and Anise Aperitif.
- Velvet basil variety is famous for its menthol aroma. The height of such a bush reaches 30 centimeters, with a length of leaves of about 8 centimeters.
- Vanilla. Variety Vanilla Aroma is used for the preparation of confectionery products due to its original spicy taste. The bush is unpretentious in care, especially in conditions of home cultivation.
Main features of sowing
Growing basil from seeds can be done in two ways:
- pre-sowing seedlings,
- one-stage landing in open ground.
Using the first method, you will not only get fragrant greens, but also have time to collect seeds before the onset of autumn - which means that it will be possible to sow basil next year. By opting for the easier way to grow basil, outdoors, you will deprive yourself of the opportunity to harvest the seeds before the cold weather arrives. Of course, you have the right to choose the landing method yourself. The following sections of the article will talk about the preferred (seedling) method, how and when to plant basil for seedlings, as well as how to care for this plant. This process is moderately troublesome, but is rewarded with fragrant greenery.
When to sow basil and how to care for seedlings?

Sowing basil seedlings is done 60-70 days before transplanting into open ground, that is, no later than the end of March - the beginning of April. Two months is enough forgrowth and necessary development of a plant ready for transplantation. Growing basil from seeds is carried out in boxes with a soil mixture consisting of equal parts of humus, peat and garden soil. In addition, it is important to qualitatively fertilize the soil for planting seeds. For this, top dressing is used from superphosphate fertilizer, urea, potassium sulfate and potassium chloride, diluted in water. Before planting basil, the soil is sprinkled with this composition and warmed up to a temperature of 22-24 ° C. Seeds are sown on the surface of the soil without deepening, after which they are sprinkled with a thin layer of earth, watered and covered with a film or glass. The seedling box is sent to a warm place.
When growing basil, it is worth remembering that we are talking about a moisture and heat-loving plant. Therefore, when even a few shoots appear, the box with seedlings immediately moves to a well-lit place. The first shoots appear within a week after planting. At the same time, in order to create comfortable conditions for growing basil, it is important not only to maintain a constantly warm indoor temperature, but also to organize regular, but moderate watering. Excessive moisture is detrimental to young plants - the "black leg" disease begins to develop. A solution of copper sulfate, prepared from one liter of settled warm water and a teaspoon of the drug, will help to cope with it. It is also important to periodically turn the seedling boxes over - this will ensure uniform seedling growth and prevent sprouts from being lopsided.
Transplanting seedlings into the ground
Basil loves the most nutritious and fertile soil. Using soil with a high sand content can lead to thin stems and poor leaf development. Therefore, before transplanting seedlings, it is important to generously fertilize the soil with peat and compost, which, by the way, can be replaced with humus. It is also worth noting that the cultivation of this spice should be carried out in warm soil, and therefore the transplant process can only be started from the moment when the earth warms up well and the night frosts stop. Knowing when to sow basil, you will definitely prepare seedlings on time, and there will be no problems with the timing of transplantation.
Basically, the plant is transferred to open ground in June. Postponing this process to July is irrational, since this month is most often characterized by too hot weather. Seedlings are planted in pre-prepared pits, at a distance of at least 20 centimeters. The distance between the rows of basil should be about 30 centimeters. This planting pattern allows the plant to develop freely and be well ventilated. Additional soil fertilization is not required at this point, but it is worth compacting and watering it a little. For the first couple of weeks of growing basil, it is advisable to cover it with garden film - this will protect the greens from temperature changes and help them take root better.
Planting in open ground without seedling stage

This method of growing basil is more suitable for southern regions with a warm climate. Sowing seeds in open ground is carried out in the second half of April. For residents of mid-latitudes, these dates are postponed to May, withcomplete absence of night frosts. Before planting, the seeds are soaked in warm water, after which they are planted in the prepared soil to a depth of about a centimeter. The distance between plantings is observed the same as with the seedling method - at least 20 centimeters. The first pinching is done when the stems of basil reach a height of twenty centimeters. Plant care in the future is absolutely the same for both planting methods.
Irrigation, loosening and fertilization

In this section, you will learn how to water basil and take care of the soil while growing it. Soil moisture directly depends on weather conditions - the hotter the air, the more often it is necessary to irrigate. But you do not need to over-fill the plant, not allowing the soil to dry out at least a little. Too frequent watering will cause water to stagnate at the roots and rot. Since basil is a heat-loving plant, it should be watered with separated, warm water.
For better penetration of moisture and fresh air to the roots, the soil is slightly loosened before watering. It is very important to immediately remove the weed plant. They interfere with the proper development of green bushes, and also take most of the nutrients from the soil.
Every 3-4 weeks after transplanting basil, it should be fed with nitrogenous fertilizers, which contribute to better green growth. Most often, nitrophoska is used at a concentration of 2 tablespoons per 12 liters of warm water. Each bush usually consumes about 3 liters of such a solution.
Harvesting Features
You can start cutting leaves from mid-summer and continue until autumn. In addition, by removing the young shoots along with the buds, you will provide the basil with better leaf growth, which means a higher yield. To collect seeds, which is produced no earlier than September, do not rush to dig up the bushes, even when they dry out. With insufficient seed ripening, you will not be able to get seedlings and harvest next year. Yes, and growing basil on the site is useful for other crops. The fragrance of the leaves of this plant attracts many insects that pollinate crops that bloom at the same time. Also, essential oils repel various pests, and therefore a long stay of the plant in the soil will only benefit.
Basil harvesting for the whole year

Basil has a pleasant spicy aroma, not only fresh, but also dried. You can dry basil outdoors, in the oven, and even in the microwave. You can harvest both basil leaves and whole bunches. The second method is more preferable, as it allows you to preserve the aroma of the plant as much as possible. The collected greens are washed, dried on a towel and sent for further drying. In the case of a microwave oven, three minutes is enough. In the oven, the basil will dry out in 2-3 hours. Dried herbs are stored in paper bags or glass jars.
In addition, basil can be frozen. Freezing is subjected to whole leaves of greens, previously scalded with boiling water and dried on a towel. Convenient way to storealso pouring chopped basil with olive oil. To do this, the greens are placed in molds for freezing ice, poured with oil and frozen. Such blanks will add a spicy flavor to the dish when frying.
Basil at home

For those who live in an apartment and do not have a summer cottage, but really want to grow spices at home, there is a great solution - growing basil in a pot. This process is quite troublesome and very pleasant. This section shows you how to plant basil right in your home and enjoy homemade, not store-bought herbs.
The soil for planting should be light, loose and with good drainage. An important feature of soil preparation is its calcination in the oven for at least an hour. This procedure will prevent the emergence and development of pests and diseases. You can use both purchased soil and soil mixture collected independently. In both cases, additional fertilizer with mineral supplements is required. A container for growing basil should be about 30 centimeters deep. The box should be oblong so that the plant has enough space. Transplanting into a permanent pot is carried out after the appearance of 2-3 leaves on the sprout.
A two-centimeter layer of drainage is poured onto the bottom of the tank, after which a layer of fertilized soil is placed. The earth is well moistened, after which pre-prepared seeds are planted to a depth of about a centimeter. Landings are covered with film or glass and placed in a warm place. Trainingseeds for planting consists in soaking them for a day in a stimulating solution. After that, for 2-3 hours, the seeds are placed in a manganese solution for disinfection, dried with a paper towel and sent to the ground.
Conditions for sprouting and care
The air temperature in the room from +20 °С to +25 °С is optimal for the comfortable development of sprouts. During the cultivation of seedlings, the film is periodically removed for ventilation and spraying with water. Active watering of seedlings is not required, within ten days after planting, the first shoots appear. When they reach a height of 5-7 centimeters, a layer of soil is added to the container to strengthen the plantings.
Further care for basil is to maintain a constant air temperature, watering and feeding. The temperature should not fall below +16 ° C; at lower rates, the plant is additionally wrapped in a film. Drafts are also unacceptable. In spring and autumn, the basilica has enough natural light; in the cold season, an additional source of light is required. Watering is carried out daily, in the morning, with warm and settled water. In summer, evening watering and additional spraying in the middle of the day are added. The soil around the sprouts is slightly loosened to provide oxygen to the root system. The plant is fed with Agrolife fertilizer every month, placing a teaspoon of the drug on the surface of the soil. It is advisable to cut the flower stalks immediately after emergence - this will provide the basil with the best aroma and increase the yield.
The first cutting of leaves can be done in a month-one and a half after landing. The top leaves are cut off so that at least three more remain on the stem. When three tiers of leaves appear, the top of the stem is pinched. This procedure will limit the growth of shoots in height, but will increase the density and splendor of the bush.
Propagation of basil by cuttings
Another fairly simple way to grow basil is cuttings. This method is suitable for those who do not want to wait for the seeds to ripen. To do this, the top of the plant or a young shoot is cut off, the length of which must be at least 7 centimeters. The stalk is immersed in warm water until it is overgrown with roots and is ready for planting in the ground. After planting the cutting in a pot of earth, it is necessary to continue the usual care. Basil grown in this way is no different in taste and appearance from seed.
Useful properties of fragrant greens
In addition to the incredibly fragrant aroma, basil has a whole host of useful substances. The high content of minerals, tannins, essential oils, lepidin, saponin, glycosides and volatile substances (camphorium, eugenol, linalool) makes basil an indispensable spice in every home. The leaves of this greenery are rich in vitamins A, PP, C, K, E and B2. The low calorie content of basil allows it to be used in dietary nutrition.
Infusion and decoction of greens has antispasmodic, disinfectant, healing and anti-inflammatory properties. Basil is also used in diseases of the genitourinary system, especially in women. A decoction is often prescribed to lactating women to increase the amountbreast milk. In addition, regular consumption of basil will help you solve many digestive problems such as gas, constipation and indigestion.
It is also useful for men. Even the ancient Indians knew the valuable composition of basil, which positively affects potency. Daily consumption of these greens improves the functioning of internal organs, including the reproductive system, which increases fertility and enhances attraction.