Basil: planting and care. Growing basil at home

Basil: planting and care. Growing basil at home
Basil: planting and care. Growing basil at home

Remarkable decorative characteristics and excellent medicinal properties make such a plant as cornflower more and more popular among flower growers. Planting and caring for it does not require special complex recommendations, so it attracts the attention of many lovers of such beauty.

Basilirist short description

cornflower planting and care
cornflower planting and care

The basil plant belongs to the buttercup family. This plant has the following characteristics:

  • creeping rhizome;
  • upright leafless stem;
  • stem, basal and openwork leaves resembling a triangle.

This flower is distinguished by white, pale pink or lilac color. Basil can be up to two meters high, and in some cases even more.

Main plant species

cornflower plant
cornflower plant

The grass basil has about 150 varieties, but the following types are the most popular:

  • Delaway basil - characterized by lilac-lilac flowers, maximum heightone and a half meters.
  • Small basil - blooms yellow and grows up to 1 meter.
  • Water-leaved basil - characterized by white or lavender flowers, maximum height of 120 cm.
  • Yellow basil grows up to 110 cm, has sharp-toothed obovate leaves.
  • Hybrid basil is characterized by relatively large growth, which sometimes exceeds a two-meter figure. Flowers of two colors: light lilac and light yellow.
  • Basilistnyk smelly. The main feature of the plant is a peculiar unpleasant odor. Yellowish purple flowers.

Basil: planting and care

flower cornflower
flower cornflower

This plant is not too whimsical. But still, there are some features of growing such a flower as cornflower. Planting and care should preferably be carried out in partial shade, in addition, abundant watering is very important, especially during the summer months. Violation of these simple conditions may cause some problems for the basilist:

  • blanching color of flowers due to exposure to sunlight;
  • the flowering period is shortened with insufficient moisture.

The soil for the plant should always be loosened and free from weeds. There are no special requirements for the composition of the soil. It is advisable to fertilize on time, as it affects the splendor of the plant. The best time to fertilize is spring. Nitrogen must be present in their composition.

Some varietiescornflower, such as watershed, need pruning.

Delaway basil: cultivation, reproduction

grass cornflower
grass cornflower

This plant reproduces mainly vegetatively, using the method of dividing the bush or cuttings. But another method of cultivation is also possible: by planting seeds.

The division of the bush is carried out in the middle of spring or early autumn. They are planted in moist soil, at a distance of 40 cm from each other.

Cuttings should be taken in early spring. They are young shoots, which differ in incompletely developed leaves. They grow well outdoors.

It is important to plant the seeds before the start of frost, but in late autumn, in open ground. Already in the second year, the basil plant will delight the eye with its flowers. They have a nice lilac color.

It should be noted that in the same place Delaway cornflower grows well for about 15 years. The plant tolerates frost well. It is also important to water plantings on time, since lack of moisture can provoke an invasion of a pest such as aphids.

Healing composition of basil. Medical applications

Delaway cornflower growing
Delaway cornflower growing

In alternative medicine, a plant such as cornflower is readily used. Its properties have been known since ancient times. Mostly in alternative medicine, common cornflower and stinky cornflower are used. It contains such basic components as:

  • tannins;
  • alkaloids;
  • phytoncides;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • pyrocatechins;
  • glycoside.

Researchers found talikmidin, thalmin, taliktrimin, berbyrin, talikmin, glaucine in the root system.

Infusions or decoctions of cornflower have the effect of:

  • hypotensive;
  • antispasmodic;
  • antimicrobial;
  • sedative.

Basil is used to treat the following diseases:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • dysmenorrhea;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • other gynecological diseases;
  • problems of ophthalmology;
  • lung disease;
  • neurological disorders;
  • boils;
  • purulent wounds;
  • hypertension;
  • heart attacks;
  • epilepsy;
  • malaria;
  • colds;
  • edema.

Decoctions, infusions, ointments, medicinal powder are prepared from the basil. But it should be remembered that the plant is still poisonous, so it should be used carefully and only after consulting a doctor.

How to properly harvest basil

For medical purposes, both the aerial part of the plant and the rhizome are used. Herbs are recommended to be collected in the summer months, that is, during the flowering period. Leaves up to the middle of the stem are suitable for preparing the medicine. They are carefully cut off, and the rest of the plant is thrown away, the roots are harvested in the fall.

Dry both roots and herbs, preferably under a canopy and always in the shade. Dry finishedthe raw material is characterized by preserved color, bitter taste and low odor.

The shelf life of such a healing medicine is no more than three years.

Landscape design and cornflower

cornflower properties
cornflower properties

The plant is mainly used to create original unique landscape design:

  • decoration of artisanal and grassy borders (large cornflowers);
  • as solitary plants;
  • planting in large arrays;
  • for decorating and creating exquisite garden compositions (small basils).

In landscaping, enthusiastic gardeners can create impressive compositions with this plant. Basil is suitable mainly for decorating backgrounds or tapeworms. This plant is distinguished by exquisite lightness of both flowers and leaves.

Shrubs with dark foliage are excellent partners for cornflower. This is a purple-leaved euonymus, brilliant cotoneaster, mahonia. Also, this plant looks great with large-leaved perennials, such as, for example, buzulnik, castor oil or rhubarb. The cornflower goes well with companions, which are Siberian iris, phloxes, catchment area, Asian bathing suit, gravel.

Thanks to such a variety of applications, more and more often, many gardeners want to see cornflower among the plants in their landscape compositions, planting and caring for which are natural and do not require complex recommendations. Only abundant watering and providing a place in partial shade -basilisk's main requirements.
