Who among us has not stood at a loss in front of a huge number of wallpaper rolls, not daring to make a choice? To prevent this from happening, even before going to the store, you need to think over the future interior of the home and determine what functional load the wallpaper will carry.

The living room is the front room in the house, the place where the family spends all their free time, where they receive guests and arrange holidays. The style of its design should first of all demonstrate good taste, and at the same time the room should look luxurious, but at the same time elegant.
Wallpaper in the living room is an important element of the design of the room, so their choice requires a creative approach. Properly selected materials will create an aesthetically attractive and truly cozy atmosphere in your favorite family space. Modern wallpapers with their assortment do not limit the imagination of the interior designer at all.

Recently, exotic wallpapers made from natural materials - bamboo, rice paper, straw, algae - are becoming more and more popular. Suchwallcoverings are handcrafted in China and Japan and this work is a true traditional art. Especially beautiful look so original wallpaper on the wall next to the aquarium. Of course, the interior with such wall decoration gives the impression of unusualness, even exclusivity.
Another type of modern finishing material is wallpaper for the living room made of foil. They are in perfect harmony with both classic and ultra-modern style. This unique material, in addition to its amazing appearance, has very useful additional properties: the ability to maintain the heat balance in the room, protect against harmful man-made radiation and enhance the sound insulation of the room. Foil wallpaper is an extraordinary choice for both sophisticated and extravagant interiors.

To create an elegant living room interior, wallpapers made of fabrics are ideal: silk, linen, velvet. A variety of patterns, textures, colors makes it possible to design interiors in a luxurious style. Such wallpapers in the living room “work” well if there is a desire to decorate the room “antique”, but unlike real old tapestries on the walls of palaces, they have quite modern protection against moisture absorption and odors, fading and pollution. Thanks to a special Teflon coating, fabric wallpapers do not require much maintenance, it is enough to occasionally clean them with a vacuum cleaner.
Favorite among all modern types of wallpaper are still non-woven and vinyl washable wallpaper. Explain the reasons why this coveragefor walls it is so popular, easy: interlining has a slightly silky texture, pleasant to the touch, high strength, the ability to mask slight flaws on the wall. This is not too expensive, beautiful and practical wallpaper for the living room. And the choice, to be sure, is really limitless, especially considering the possibility of painting them in the future. Quite often, interlining is used as the basis for the manufacture of vinyl wallpaper. Both those and other coatings are produced with different decorative effects: embossing, foaming, silk-screen printing, etc. A big plus in favor of their choice is the exceptional ease of gluing. Only the wall is smeared with glue, on which dry wallpaper strips are then butt-glued. They are easy to cut, do not crumple, give an almost perfect surface. No wonder that, despite the many "cool" new products, they do not lose their popularity. Now that we have got acquainted with some novelties in the world of wallpapers, we go to the store and choose wallpapers by price, by appearance, by quality, and most importantly, to your liking.