Has your favorite jacket faded in the sun or changed color during washing? Want to revive old jeans somehow? Have you ever wanted to experiment with a white T-shirt? In all these cases, we advise you to turn to the dyeing of clothes in order to realize your plan. And you can do it at home! Suitable for use are both special dyes that you will find in stores, and natural remedies - berries, vegetables or spices. Both are economical to use. So let's get down to business?
Which fabric can be dyed?
If you are going to dye clothes at home, first of all pay attention to the material from which the item is made (see the table for information).
Cotton, wool, linen, silk | The most suitable tissues for the procedure. |
Mixed textiles | These are compositions in which there is a proportion of cotton, wool - you can also successfully experiment with them. |
Polyester and other purely synthetic fibers | The coloring process is laborious, and the result will not impress you much - the color will be dull and uneven, the productsheds heavily with every wash. |
Outerwear | Dyeing outerwear is a rather difficult task, and even more so for a novice master. On your own, you run the risk of spoiling the thing. If there is a need for painting, then the best option is to take the coat or jacket to a professional dry cleaner. |
Denim | One of the most suitable materials for home experiments! |
Also let's see what kind of product is in front of us. It is best to experiment with T-shirts, shorts, jeans, skirts, and light-cut dresses. Tablecloths, towels and napkins are great. But the dyeing of leather clothes is already carried out by specialists.

How to determine the composition of the fabric yourself?
If there is no label on a thing, then we will present you folk methods that will help you find out its composition. It is only necessary to carefully pull out one thread from an inconspicuous area, and then set it on fire. Look at the result:
- Natural fibers (linen, cotton) or rayon burn quickly. There is a characteristic smell of burnt paper in the air.
- Wool, natural silk burn badly. Burnt wool fiber will smell like burnt horn.
- Artificial fibers melt - a burnt ball remains in their place.

Choosing a tool for painting
The surest option is special powder and paste dyes that you will find inhousehold store or market for needlewomen. To choose the right paint, you need to know the material and color of the product.
The easiest way to dye a white thing - the shade is the same as indicated on the packaging of the product. With colored products it is more difficult. It is advisable to wash them several times with bleach before painting in order to wash off, weaken the native shade. Otherwise, we can get a "gray-brown-raspberry" result.
If you just want to freshen up the color by dyeing your clothes, then choose a dye a few shades darker. For example, for blue jeans - blue, for a yellow T-shirt - orange. But do not compare with white - it will make all colors look lighter, brighter and cleaner.
It is wonderful to dye colored and even colorful clothes black - this tone absorbs all others. However, on a very bright thing, it will still have its shade. Therefore, home painting is best done not once, but several times - to establish the desired color.

Also at this stage, we suggest you decide on the purpose of staining:
- Light shades. In this case, the chemical dye is used in a smaller volume than according to the recommendations on the package. It can also be replaced with a natural component (see the selection below).
- Saturated shades. This is where chemicals are best. In some cases, it is even advisable to take a risk and exceed the recommended amount.
- Coloring of a white thing. Follow product manufacturer's instructions.
- Updating the old color. It is required to take the dye a little less than the norm.
Natural substitutes
But do not rush to apply "chemistry" to dye clothes! You probably have one of these safe and effective natural remedies at home.
Yellow color | Use turmeric, zira, carrots, wormwood, poplar buds, nettle roots, birch bark and leaves, orange peel. |
Orange color | Turmeric, wild apple bark, celandine will do. |
Red color | Intense shade will help get elderberries and blueberries, beets and wolfberry leaves. |
Brown color | Henna mixed with basma, onion peel, coffee, cinnamon, tea, oak bark will help here. |
Green color | Such a cheerful tone of clothes will be given by bird cherry or poplar bark, spinach, sorrel, juniper berries, elderberry leaves. |
Cyan/blue color | Here we turn to red cabbage, blackberries, quinoa seeds, sage, Ivan da Marya flowers. |
Black color | Dyeing clothes black at home is the prerogative of natural coffee. |
Now let's go directly to the implementation of the process.
What do you need for work?
To dye clothes at home, you need to prepare the following:
- Thing we will paint.
- The required amount of dye.
- Water.
- Capacity for the procedure.
- Woodenshoulder blades, sticks.
- Protective rubber gloves.
- Water.

Product preparation
We need to pre-prepare the thing for the procedure - remove all impurities from it, remove pellets and hairs. All this can affect the overall result of the work. If you are using a stain remover, be sure to rinse the product thoroughly. The substance may react with the dyeing agent, which will affect the final shade. Ironing the thing will also be useful.
If the stains do not want to be washed off, then the problem can be solved with the help of a dye - but only in dark tones. The Light Ones will not be able to paint over pollution.
Be sure to remove metal decor or iron buttons from things. As well as all fittings and decorations that are not desirable to paint.
We prepare different types of fabric in our own way:
- If you are dyeing a new cotton or linen item, it will most likely be starched by the manufacturer. This treatment should be removed by boiling the clothes for 20-25 minutes in a soda-soap composition. Do not forget to thoroughly rinse the product after the procedure.
- We prepare wool by rinsing in a water-ammonia solution (2 tablespoons of ammonia in 12 liters of water). If you are dyeing yarn, it is advisable to do this in skeins so that it does not get tangled. You can string it on a thin rope - to make it convenient to turn over.

Preparation of tools
Now we have to prepare and necessary for work:
- Be sure to clean the container from dirt!
- Enamelled, galvanized and aluminum containers are suitable. From the last two, you need to remove all scale before painting.
- The vessel must fit the size of the thing. That is, the product in it is maximally straightened - folds, crumpling can affect the result.
- Sticks for turning the fabric must be smooth, without knots and splinters. Also, the tool must be sufficiently strong and long.
- We need only soft water! Well suited bottled, rain or thawed. You can also soften ordinary tap water yourself: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of soda for 12 liters.

Chemical painting
If you chose chemical paint for painting clothes, then proceed as follows:
- Pour the dye into a small container.
- Gradually add small amounts of water to dissolve it.
- Strain from lumps and pour into a container where staining will be done.
- According to the instructions, dilute with the required amount of water, put on the included burner.
- Now we load the thing into the container.
- When dyeing, turn it over with sticks, stir in a circle.
- We finish the procedure when the product is uniformly colored and the shade is a couple of tones darker than intended.
- Then we rinse the thing very carefully. After the last rinse, clean water should drain from it. Otherwise, the product will shed heavily during washing.
- Send the thing to dry,but away from sunlight and heaters.

Natural dyeing
First, it is advisable to test the substance on an inconspicuous area of \u200b\u200bthe fabric. But the main instruction:
- Pour the natural component with water 1:2.
- Put on the stove, bring to a boil.
- Let it brew - the more time passes, the richer the shade will turn out.
- If dyeing with berries, then let things lie down in a saline solution (1/2 cup s alt per 2 liters of water), if with vegetables - in vinegar (1 part vinegar to 4 parts water).
- We put the products in the dye - it’s worth taking it out when the shade is a couple of tones darker than desired.
- Best hang dry to avoid streaks.

That's the whole procedure. Good luck with your experiments and bright colors!