Dyeing leather goods is a fairly simple process. Typically water or oil based paint is used. The first type helps to preserve the natural softness of the material. When using the second type of dye, the skin may become rough and tough.
By mixing colors and adjusting the amount of paint used, you can achieve rich color, create completely new shades, and achieve special effects.

The article will discuss how to paint the skin with your own hands. The process requires certain rules to be followed. Otherwise, you may not achieve the desired result.
Car leather interior painting
It's no secret that even the most careful handling of a car's interior cannot protect it from wear and tear. Especially if the owner of the car often resorts to dry cleaning services. The chemicals used to clean the seats loosen the leather, making it much worse.invoice.
Buying new leather cases is expensive. Of course, you can resort to reupholstering the seats and their elements with new material, but in this case it is likely that the identical skin color will not be matched. Therefore, painting the skin of a car is the best solution.
When painting the interior, it is not necessary to turn to professional craftsmen. With a thorough study of the features of this process and the selection of high-quality materials, you can do the work yourself.
Do-it-yourself leather painting of a car interior means saving money, fast implementation of the process and getting an excellent result.
How does the dyeing process work?
First of all, you should thoroughly clean the interior of the car. At the same time, modern means are used that do not spoil the texture of the skin. Then, if necessary, existing defects should be eliminated, after which the skin surface is degreased. This will ensure that the new paint adheres better to the leather surface.
Pros of painting leather interior
Painting the skin of a car has several advantages:
- Leather surface becomes soft and supple.
- Material integrity and performance are being restored.
- The deformation of the material, its shrinkage and rigidity is eliminated.
- Painting the leather of a car interior allows you to achieve not only the restoration of its color, but also special effects. For example, some car enthusiasts use mother-of-pearl, gold or silver tint.
- Presencemoisturizing components protect the interior from drying out in the summer and increase the life of the seats and other elements.

What supplies do you need?
When coloring, it is better to use high quality products. Acrylic paints designed for automotive interiors are very popular today. Such products are applicable to both leather seats and vinyl elements, as well as plastics.
In addition, acrylic paints are characterized by elasticity. They don't crack or peel off. When applied, they lay down in an even layer, deliver maximum comfort when using.
Features of using pastes and creams
Painting the leather of the car interior can also be done with the help of products in the form of a paste or cream. They are applied with a brush or gauze swab. To obtain an intense color, the paint is applied in two or three layers, each of which must be allowed to dry for about an hour.
In the case of this type of application, drying the interior will take at least a day. If any defects occur during application, they can be removed with a solvent, masked with shoe polish or a special mastic based on furniture wax.
Spray car interior painting?
Painting the leather interior can be greatly simplified if you resort to the use of a substance in an aerosol can. First, all elements that need to be painted are cleaned, only after that you canstart spraying the material. The layer is uniform and smooth.

Pro Tip
Professional masters advise to color the skin while holding the balloon at a distance of 15-20 cm. In this case, one should not forget about moving the spray head along the surface of the product. Aerosol paint is also applied in several layers. After spraying the first, allow the skin to dry for 15 minutes. Only then can the second coat be applied.
The final drying of the interior will take several hours, after which small defects (streaks and sagging) are removed with a solvent.
Pre-material preparation
It's no secret that the quality of interior leather dyeing will depend not only on the paint used, but also on the preparatory work.
Before painting, it is recommended that the leather surface be thoroughly cleaned and degreased. No pre-priming required.
How to dye a leather bag?
This procedure can be done at home. Of course, changing the color of the bag will not work. But it is quite possible to revive the original shade, mask scuffs and cracks.
What materials do you need to dye the bag?
It should be noted that the skin perfectly perceives various dyes. But keep in mind that the bag is an accessory that is used every day, so it is recommended to follow a number of simple rules.
First of all, you shouldpurchase a leather dye designed for professional use. No other paints are recommended. Unfortunately, most of the means used by the people such as ink, brilliant green, iodine and even paste from simple ballpoint pens will not bring the desired result, moreover, they can ruin your thing. They will not provide uniform coverage, and under the influence of moisture they can shed.

What should be guided by when choosing?
Leather dyeing must be from reputable manufacturers. Such brands offer a wide palette of various shades. There can be up to a hundred or more in the catalog. You can always choose the right color.
Quality paints can be mixed. So you get a new tone and can not only update your accessory, but also give it a completely new look.
The best results, as already mentioned, are water-based or oil-based paints.
Coloring a bag at home
Painting leather bags comes out better when using products in tubes. These are real paints, not substances used for tinting. In addition, they make it possible to process the entire necessary surface. This does not damage the hardware. In the case of staining with a spray can, it is difficult to promise such an effect.

How to make a fixer?
If the paint you purchased does not come with a fixing agent, iteasy to cook at home. To do this, take an ordinary glass of vinegar and a tablespoon of s alt, as well as a liter of cold water.
This solution will help to securely fix the result and protect the item from fading.
What else do you need?
You will also need ethyl alcohol, sponges (you can use those used for washing dishes) and soft woolen or terry cloths.
Be sure to use rubber gloves. They will protect your hands from the negative effects of chemicals on the skin.
Cleaning the bag before staining
First, the surface of the bag is thoroughly cleaned of dirt, dust and stains. Particular attention should be paid to the presence of folds and draperies, as well as decorative elements. Don't forget the pens too.
Any remaining stain may manifest itself unpredictably after staining. Therefore, it is recommended to thoroughly clean the accessory.
When cleansing, do not resort to abundant wetting of the skin with water or the use of detergents. In extreme cases, you can apply a solution based on water, ammonia and baby soap and immediately let the surface of the bag dry. This rule is especially true for light-colored leather goods.
To clean the bag from dust, a dry soft cloth is used, and ordinary medical alcohol can act as a detergent. They should wet the napkin and wring it out. The cloth should be damp, but not wet. It is necessary to thoroughly clean the surface of the skin with a napkin, not forgetting the decor.
Alcohol is an excellent degreaser. As soon as the surface is dry, you can start painting the product.
Dyeing a leather bag and finishing with a fixer
A small amount of paint is applied to the sponge. You can also use a thick cloth napkin. The surface is processed with smooth circular motions. The seams should be walked twice, not forgetting the joints, as they can get a faded shade.
Skin coloring should not be done by rubbing, but by simply applying the product. Let the paint soak in for 30 minutes. Then polish the leather surface. For this purpose, velvet or a soft cloth is used.

Use fixer
It will not only fix the color, but also give the product freshness and glossiness.
When treating the surface with a fixer, do not use it in large quantities. Processing should be done with a wrung out napkin.
You can dye a bag in about an hour, even if it is large in size. You can achieve not only a refreshment of the original color, but also a new shade or use special means for spraying "under the metal".
Dyeing shoes at home
If you set out to eliminate the existing defects on your shoes, make their color more intense or even change the color, you can seek help from a specialist in a shoe studio. You can also dye shoes yourself at home.
An important fact is that shoes are based on different materials, and each of them requires a certain approach.
For example, if you intend to restore white shoes, then you should be especially careful about cleaning them. Do not use alcohol or acetone as they may damage the finish.
Painting leather shoes requires pre-cleaning. In order for the paint to lay down evenly, as in previous cases, the leather surface should be cleaned and degreased. Dust, dirt, cream or wax residues are removed from shoes. For this purpose, a special cleaning agent is used, which is attached to the paint kit. But if there is no money, you can make it yourself. For example, a soap-based solution is used. Dirt is removed with a rag. A small amount of ammonia can be added to the solution.
After cleaning, shoes should dry thoroughly. For this purpose, it is not recommended to use heaters, as shoes can dry out and deform.

How to choose a dye?
Many are interested in what paint to use when painting shoes. You should purchase only a professional tool. It can be released in the form of a spray, ready-made paint or powder that needs to be diluted. Acrylic shoe paint is usually used for decoration.
Today, the choice of skin coloring products is very wide. In the store you can choose the paint asfrom domestic and foreign manufacturers.
Dyeing process
Depending on the type of paint, it can be applied with a brush, sponge or brush. The paint should be applied evenly and in a thin layer. At the end, you should carefully look at whether there are any poorly painted places left.
Prepare the area where the leather will be dyed. It is recommended to do this away from food, children and pets. Rubber gloves should be worn on hands. It is better to do this process on the street.
If this is not possible, a very important nuance should be taken into account: the paint has a pungent odor. Cover the floor at the work site with cellophane or sheets of paper.