One of the important stages in the construction of a country toilet is the choice of location. It is regulated by the current regulations. From water sources, for example, wells and wells, the country toilet must be removed by 25 m. It is better to start construction in a lowland.
Much will depend on the occurrence of groundwater. The lower their level, the smaller the cesspool will have to be made. It may not be a suitable option if the groundwater is too high. It is necessary to observe how the prevailing winds blow. This factor must be taken into account so that specific odors do not cause problems for either you or your neighbors.
Preparatory stage

Before starting construction, you need to prepare a drawing of a country toilet. With your own hands in this case, you can carry out the work without resorting to outside help. At this stage, you will need to decide on the dimensionsbuilding, its width and height. The last parameter can be equal to 2.2 m. As for the width and depth, they are equal to 1 x 1.4 m, respectively. The form is also important, but everyone chooses it independently. The most common options are toilets in the form of a hut, houses and towers.
You can easily build a country toilet with your own hands. A step-by-step guide will help you with this, you just need to thoroughly understand each step. For example, at the preparatory stage, you need to take care of searching for information, instructions, drawing up diagrams and drawings, selecting materials and tools. Among the latter, it is necessary to highlight:
- shovel;
- scrap;
- barrel;
- hand drill.
The shovel should have a short handle. Instead of scrap, you can use a hammer drill, which is especially true if the site has heavy soil. In the absence of a barrel, you can use the container, its volume should make 200 liters. She will be needed for the cesspool.
If you are faced with the question of how to build a country toilet with your own hands inexpensively, you can consider an alternative solution - a well meter ring. For digging a hole in this case, it is better to use a shovel with a short handle, because in cramped conditions it will not be easy for you to turn around with a long tool. If the territory is hard ground like heavy clay, limestone or pebbles, then a pick, crowbar or perforator should be used. To operate an electric tool, you will need a power connection.
You can also purchase a ready-made toilet fromthe number of those offered by modern stores, but it is more interesting to work with your own hands. When drawing up a project, you must provide for the presence of a layer of thermal insulation and a ventilation system. Construction can be carried out from improvised materials or modern sandwich panels can be purchased.
Creating a septic tank

You can create a country toilet-septic tank with your own hands on the basis of a cesspool. Its dimensions, or rather, the depth, will depend on the presence of groundwater and the level of their occurrence. The diameter can be determined arbitrarily, because there are no special recommendations in this regard. It is necessary to start manipulations in good weather, when there is no precipitation.
It is recommended to reach the sand so that the liquid fractions can seep easily. The pit is well cleaned, its walls and bottom are leveled and compacted. Then a barrel is installed, it can be based on any metal or plastic. But the last option is ready to serve not too long.

If you decide to build a country toilet with your own hands, the instructions will step by step allow you to figure it out. The technology may involve the use of concrete rings, this option is more preferable. But without a crane will not do. The storage tank can be formed from brick or stone, which are reinforced with a reinforced mesh or reinforcement, followed by a waterproofing device. The surface is then covered with plaster.
Building the foundation for a wooden toilet
Builddo-it-yourself country toilet (drawings are presented later in the article), you can start with the markup. The next step is earthworks. They involve drilling holes where the supports will be located. If you plan to operate the toilet all year round, then the foundation must be deepened below the soil freezing line. The basis is usually a rectangle.
Do-it-yourself country wooden toilets are most often created by home craftsmen. The basis will be a frame, which consists of a bar. It is cut to size. The outer skin for reinforcement may not be enough, so the frame is strengthened with scarves and braces.
To create a high chair at a height of 0.5 m, it is necessary to install transverse bars inside the future toilet. They will become the foundation. Since the toilet is small, the roof can be formed without the use of a lag. For the roof, any materials are used without restrictions. If you want the design to be in harmony with the house, it is better to use those materials that were used in the construction of the main building when creating it. If you decide to purchase or use leftover tiling, then it will require strengthening the roof frame.
Using the drawings of wooden country toilets, with your own hands you can cope with the task quite simply. At the next stage, you can proceed to the device of the floor and wall cladding. For lining outside and inside, you can use lining. The next step is to install the door and flooring. The latter are boards, which subsequentlyare stained. You can also lay ceramic tiles on a concrete base.
Work on ventilation
A ventilation pipe is usually installed on the back wall of structures, which is displayed above the roof level. If the toilet is planned to be used all year round, then a small patch should be equipped for heating.
Creating a play closet

Before you start building a toilet for a summer house with your own hands, you should study the step-by-step instructions. It can be based on the creation of a backlash closet. This system is a transitional link between a pit and a hygienic septic tank. At the base is an airtight pit. You can clean such a cesspool with sewage equipment. This possibility must be foreseen in advance.
The design works on a simple principle. The toilet should be located next to the house, while the toilet is located inside, and the cesspool is outside.
So, how to make a country toilet with your own hands? First you need to dig a hole, deepening 100 cm or more. Its walls and bottom are filled with concrete mortar. As soon as the mixture hardens, the surface should be treated with waterproofing mastic.
A waterproofing layer is also installed around the perimeter of the pit. It is better to use clay for this. A layer 50 cm thick is enough. A hatch is located on top of the cesspool. It is closed with lids made of cast iron and wood. A layer of thermal insulation is laid between them, which is often used as mineral wool. At the next stage, it is necessary to lay through the wall of the housesewer pipe. On it, the waste will go from the toilet to the septic tank. The toilet in this case also requires a forced ventilation system. To solve this problem, you can purchase a special fan or create natural ventilation. Its action will be based on the temperature difference.
At the final stage, a toilet bowl is installed, which is connected to a cesspool. After that, we can assume that the toilet is ready for use. Such a system differs from a traditional urban one only in that the wastewater will go to an equipped cesspool, and not to the sewer.
Creating powder closet
Such toilets do not provide for the arrangement of a cesspool. Instead, containers are used, which are located under the chair. When filled to a certain level, the tank is taken out and cleaned. A container should be installed indoors with:
- peat;
- hay;
- sawdust.
After each use of the toilet, these materials are poured into the toilet, which helps to reduce the intensity of unpleasant odors. It is easy to create such a country toilet with your own hands. Such closets are easy to use, and for the full use of the restroom, it is necessary to organize high-quality ventilation.
With intensive use every 2-3 years, the toilet can be rebuilt by installing a clean container in a new location. At the same time, the old cesspool is covered with earth. The fourth time you can "move" to the very first place, the waste will completely rot during this time.
Recommendations from a wood building specialisttoilet

Wood for creating a toilet house is an excellent material, it has many advantages, but it also has one serious drawback - over the course of its service life, the material gradually deforms and changes its linear dimensions. Cracks appear between the boards over time. To mask them, you should use a narrow rail. It is stuffed over the cracks, which makes it easy to solve the problem.
Should I use an earth-bottomed cesspool

If you wish, you can easily equip a country toilet-pit with your own hands. However, some nuances should be taken into account. The basis will be a pit with an earthen bottom, which acts as a natural filter. This option, although the most in demand, is only suitable for summer cottages, the owners of which do not visit them so often. If the toilet is not used very intensively, then you will not use the services of the toilets soon.
The cesspool has one important drawback, which is the slow absorption of liquid by the soil. If a large family constantly lives in the country house, which produces a significant amount of sewage and sewage, the toilet will not cope with its main task. Before you equip a toilet in a summer cottage with your own hands, you should familiarize yourself with sanitary standards and rules. They mention that the described type of pit, arranged under the toilet, processes during the day in a natural way up toone cubic meter of sewage.
Earth pits are potential environmental pollutants. This is especially true in cases where fecal effluents are dumped there. Wastewater is recycled in pits due to bacteria in the soil. But when the volume of sewage is more than the recommended volume, the effluents penetrate unchanged into the deep layers of the soil. In this case, the natural biofilter does not perform its functions. As a result, the contaminated liquid begins to mix with underground water layers, making well water unusable. As a result, the toilet in the summer cottage becomes a source of potential danger to the environment.
In order to avoid pollution of water sources, it is necessary to follow the rules that govern the placement of sedimentation tanks. They have requirements on how to properly dig a hole for a toilet. The cesspool must be removed from the artesian well by 20 m if work is carried out on clay soils. If we are talking about loam, then this distance increases to 30 m.
If there are light soils on the territory, it is necessary to start the construction of a cesspool 50 m from sources of drinking water. This applies to sandy and sandy soils. The characteristics of the soil have an influence on which side the waste liquid will be absorbed from. So, high-clay soils require pumping out accumulated effluents.
Shower and bathroom project

A do-it-yourself country toilet and shower is easy enough to equip. Butto begin with, a project is being prepared so that the design is convenient and functional. Its size and shape can be any. But a house with the following parameters will become comfortable in operation: 2750 x 200 x 2520 mm. Shelves and rectangular benches are usually installed in such rooms. The structure can be installed on a columnar foundation. If you make each room with a width and length of 130 x 200 cm, respectively, then it will not be crowded inside. Ceiling height can be 2.5m.
Selection of materials
Before you build a country toilet with your own hands, you will need to select materials. The structure can be made frame by installing it on a columnar foundation. The roof is better to make a gable. For frame construction, a deep foundation is not required, because the building will have little weight. Thanks to the pillars, the structure will rise above the ground surface. This will protect the lower harness from fungus and dampness. Water will not linger under the base.
A cold attic can be equipped thanks to a gable roof. Water from its surface will drain faster. When buying boards and beams, you must take into account their moisture content. Its level should not exceed 22%, which can be determined using a needle moisture meter. You can build with your own hands. You can borrow the dimensions of the country toilet from the article or calculate them yourself. But first you need to prepare the materials:
- bars;
- wood edged boards;
- tile;
- plastic pipes;
- gravel;
- sand;
- plywood sheets;
- metal tile;
- sewer drain.
You can make the lower and upper trims from bars, the length of which will be 2,750 mm. Four beams should have a length of 2000 m. The cross section of these materials will be 100 x 100 mm. For vertical supports, bars of a smaller section are suitable - 50 x 100 mm. Their number should be equal to 24 pieces. For the crate, boards 10 x 100 mm should be used. Planks 40 x 150 mm are perfect for flooring in the toilet. You will need about 20 of them.
OSB-sheets act as a finishing floor. If you plan to lay the floors in the shower room with tiles, then its square should be equal to 2 m2. You will need a concrete mix of the M-200 brand in a volume of 1.5 cubic meters. For the manufacture of formwork, it is necessary to take care of the presence of plywood sheets. Wooden elements should not have cracks, knots or other damage. The draft ceiling will be sheets of plywood, OSB, fiberboard or chipboard. In order to make it convenient to fasten the bars, plates and metal corners should be used.
Preparation of tools
If you are planning to build a country toilet with your own hands, then you should take care of the following tools:
- shovel and bayonet shovels;
- concrete mixers;
- large capacity;
- screwdriver;
- building level;
- measuring tape;
- nails;
- self-tapping screws;
- pencil;
- planers;
- cord;
- square;
- hammer;
- axe;
- electric welding machine;
- jigsaw or hacksaw.
Step by step instructions
Step 1. When all the materials are purchased and the tools are prepared, construction can begin. To begin with, a place is selected. Then a columnar foundation is erected. Before this, marking is done with a cord and a tape measure. Next, you should dig a pit for a cesspool, deepening 2 m or more. The length and width of the pit can be equal to 150 x 100 cm, respectively. The pit is strengthened, for this its walls are laid out with bricks. The cement mortar will act as an adhesive.
Step 2. As soon as the walls are ready, the bottom is covered with a mixture of gravel and sand, then poured with concrete. The result is a concrete container that will not let the contents through the walls. Do-it-yourself country toilet, as mentioned above, is installed on a columnar base. To do this, dig 80-cm holes, the diameter of which will be 20 cm. 10 cm of sand is poured into the bottom, which is well compacted. A 10 cm layer of gravel is poured on top, which is well pressed.
Step 3. From plywood sheets or boards, it is necessary to make formwork for pillars. It will rise 30 cm above the ground surface. Several reinforcement bars must be inserted into the middle of the hole to strengthen the concrete. The metal frame is connected with a wire. Next, you need to knead the concrete and pour it into the formwork. If work is carried out in hot weather, then the formwork is covered with something, otherwise the concrete may crack. A drain is installed under the showerpipe. For the bottom trim, use square bars with a side of 100 mm.
Step 4. Wooden elements are interconnected in half a tree. Roofing material should be laid between concrete pillars and wood. The frame and the concrete base are interconnected using metal studs with nuts. The frame above the cesspool is assembled from a metal channel. At the next stage, you can proceed to the construction of frame walls. For this, bars 50 x 100 mm are used, which are located at the corners. The verticality of their position should be checked with a building level. Plates and metal corners are used as connections, which will mate the bottom trim and vertical supports.
Step 5. A frame should be placed above the cesspool. Once it is formed, you can proceed to the construction of walls. It is necessary to install two pillars in the frame, the height of each of them will be 1960 mm. They should be located in place of the doors. The distance between the elements should be 770 mm. Once all the vertical supports are installed, the top trim should be made using square bars with a side of 100 mm. The harness is fixed to the corners and metal plates using self-tapping screws.
Step 6. If you are faced with the task of how to build a country toilet with your own hands, a step-by-step instruction will help you with this. It fully describes the technology. At the next stage, three vertical posts must be installed on the upper trim. A ridge board is fixed on top. From the boards it is necessary to make rafters forgable roof. A distance of 65 cm is maintained between the elements. The rafter legs must have a length that is 20 cm longer than the edges of the walls of the structure. The elements are fastened with self-tapping screws.
Step 7. When building a toilet in a summer cottage, at the next stage you will have to make a crate from an edged board, between the elements of which a distance of 30 cm is maintained. The board is connected on the ridge element. The length of the blanks is selected so that they protrude beyond the limits by 20 cm.
Step 8. You can not do without wind boards at this stage. The roof is covered with a metal tile, which is fixed with self-tapping screws to the crate. A vapor barrier layer is not provided here, since the interior space will not be heated. Do-it-yourself construction of a country toilet also involves the installation of a floor. To do this, cut the bars from the boards. They are fixed on the bottom trim with self-tapping screws. From the entrance to the pedestal, the length of the floor will be 100 cm. Now you can cut 5 bars, each of which is 40 cm long. Using self-tapping screws and metal corners, these elements are screwed to the floorboard.
When a country toilet with your own hands is built according to the above technology, you can proceed to the shower device. For this, a water tank is used. A tube with a shower head is attached to it. A flat roof is required to install the tank. Since in the described case the roof is gable, the installation will require the construction of a stand. It is made from a corner, a channel or a metal pipe. The elements are interconnected by electric welding.
You can prepare drawings with the dimensions of a country toilet with your own hands, as well as do the work. So, the stand for the container is made from a corner with sides of 50 mm. The thickness of the material is 3 mm. To strengthen the structure, every 100 cm it is necessary to weld the amplifiers, placing them perpendicularly. The length of the frame will be 4 m.
The result is a one-piece tripod-shaped stand. Near the shower wall, it will be necessary to drill 3 holes, deepening into the soil by a meter. A tripod is lowered into them and poured with concrete. A plastic 20-cm container, the width of which is 100 cm, can act as a barrel. Due to its low height, the water in which barrel will heat up quite quickly. Under it should be a wooden frame. It is made of square bars with a side of 50 cm. The ends are connected and fixed with self-tapping screws.
The next step is to install the shower pipe. For this, it is better to use 25 mm, made of plastic. Similar holes should be drilled in the barrel. Using rubber seals and a lock nut, install the fitting. A pipe is attached to it, followed by a ball valve. It is necessary to shut off the water if it is necessary to carry out construction or repair work. Holes should be drilled in the ceiling and a pipe should be threaded into it. It is located in the shower room, at this stage you will need tees and fittings. It is necessary to install a watering can with a tap in the tube under the ceiling.
Working on the seat
Schemes of summer cottages will be an excellent help in worktoilets. With your own hands, with their help, you can carry out the work without resorting to the help of specialists. The technology for arranging the interior space of the toilet provides for the installation of a seat. In order to make an even hole, you need to attach a bucket to the middle of the pedestal and circle it with a pencil.
With a jigsaw you can cut a hole in the marked area. Next, a bucket is installed and fixed to the screws. If the toilet is planned to be used in winter, then a foam seat should be purchased. In any weather, it will remain warm, which is important for he alth.