Replacing or installing plumbing equipment is a common option for working in an apartment. There are enough reasons for this: damage, breakdown, long service life, etc. Installing a toilet bowl with your own hands in a private house or apartment is a simple process. Of course, you can invite a specialist, but you will have to pay for his services. Having detailed instructions for performing the work, everyone, even a beginner, will cope with the task.

Before you start, you need to correctly plan how and what to do, as well as prepare all the necessary tools.
Space planning
It is clear that in any room it is important to correctly distribute the space. If this is a toilet, the required distance from the side wall, washbasin or bathtub must be at least 50 centimeters. This value is also affected by parameters such as:
- dimensions of plumbing;
- drain type;
- toilet level.
Once everything is decided with the main plumbing structure, you can distribute the rest of the components. In order for the toilet to serve for a long time, you need to choose it wisely. If we are talking about replacing the old one, then it is better to choose an analogue of the previous one. We are talking about the structure of the drain and the principle of fastening (to avoid reconstruction). Otherwise, you will have to install a new drain mechanism, corrugation, etc.
Before answering the question of how to install a toilet on a tile with your own hands, you need to decide on the model of the toilet. It should be noted that the equipment is divided into main types depending on the shape of the drain, bowl, tank attachment. There are:
- horizontal;
- 45 degree angle;
- vertical;
- funnel;
- dish;
- visor;
- combined with the toilet design.
There are also differences in fixing to the floor: with glue or sealant, cement, on taffeta, a special frame hidden behind a false wall, using dowels.
In the latter case, you can use a full grip, use corners, double hooks or secure it on four sides.
Before starting work, pay attention to the method of water supply. If there are violations, the structure must be completely replaced.
Installation procedure
How to install a toilet bowl with your own hands? Before starting, you need to conditionally divide all the work into several stages:
- selection of a new design;
- dismantlingold;
- repairing the sewer system and water supply.
First you need to prepare all the necessary tools:
- construction roulette;
- perforator;
- keys of all rooms;
- hose to replace the water supply;
- fum tape;
- fasteners;
- seals.
Getting Started
Before you install a toilet bowl with your own hands in an apartment or house, they dismantle the old structure. Before this, the access of water to the drain tank is turned off, after which it will be necessary to drain the remains from it. You will need to remove the drain hose. If the equipment has been standing for a long time, then before starting installation, you can wash it using special products.

After that, the tank is detached from the toilet. Wrenches are used for this. The same is done with fasteners to the floor of the main component. In some apartments, the drain entrance can be fixed with cement. In this case, it will have to be broken.
Please note: there is always water in the knee. To remove it, you need to shake the entire structure several times from side to side. And only after that the toilet can be dismantled.

In order to prevent an unpleasant smell from the sewer from entering the room during work, the sewer drain hole must be plugged with rags.
After that, preparatory work is carried out for the installation of new equipment. To prevent the toilet from staggering, the floor must be perfectly flat. Level check in progress. If there are differences, it is better to change the screed. This is done even in a new house or apartment. It is also worth checking the water supply and the drain system itself.
Standard installation
The whole process is done in several steps. Before you install the toilet with your own hands in the apartment, you need to study the attached instructions and perform standard manipulations:
- Drainage equipment being assembled in the cistern.
- Silicone is smeared with gaskets.
- The tank is being installed. Do not forget about the rubber addition between the designs.
- Silicon is used for washers and bolts before fastening.
- The pipe and inner float are fixed.
- The bowl is placed in the designated place.
How to install a corrugation on the toilet with your own hands? In parallel, work is underway with this equipment. A temporary plug is removed from the sewer hole and the corrugation is fixed in order to make the necessary measurements. Sealant will help eliminate possible leaks. It is used in the place of the corrugation seal and the definition of the drain. After that, holes are made in the tile for dowels. In this case, you need to use a hammer drill or drill. In order not to drill too much, it is worth making a mark on the drill equal to the length of the fixing device.

Dowels are inserted into the existing recesses, and the toilet bowl is put in place. Then the screws are screwed in. This must be done carefully so as not to spoil the facing material on the floor. As soon as workcompleted, the screws are hidden under special plugs (rubber or plastic). After that, the tank is filled with water. It is worthwhile to carefully monitor whether there is a leak in the drain. Only after that is the lid fixed on the drain tank.
Next it's time to fix the seat. There are always special bolts, brackets and gaskets in the kit. This is the simplest procedure that no one raises questions.
Installation with concealed cistern
How to install a toilet bowl on a tile with your own hands if modern technologies are chosen? The hidden drain tank looks pretty neat. There can be two options - floor construction or suspended with installation. The whole process consists of several stages.
How to install a do-it-yourself toilet installation? There are two main steps to take here. This is the installation and fixation of the cistern, as well as the toilet itself. Where does work begin? First - installation on the wall under the drain tank. Roulette is used in the work. You need to find the center, and from it you should measure the perimeter of the entire structure. It should be noted that the distance from the tank to the wall must be at least 120 millimeters. The equipment must be fully attached to the wall.
According to the masters, this design can only be fixed on the supporting wall of the bathroom. Once the preparation and marking is done, it is worth punching holes for the mounting components. After that, the anchors are removed. The design is fixed on them.
Then go to the tank. In this case, fasteners from the equipment kit are used. Water is supplied to the tankthe toilet itself is connected to the drain system. Do not forget the following points:
- During the work, holes are drilled and pins are inserted.
- Clutches should be located on the studs.
- The nozzles must match in diameter.
- Don't forget about cushioning the bowl, silicone or rubber does a great job with this.
To avoid leakage, a full check is performed after installation. At the end, a drain hose is fixed.

Also, a floor-mounted toilet bowl with installation will be installed. There is no big difference. Here's how to install the toilet correctly with your own hands using this method:
- Metal fasteners are used. With its help, the knee is installed. For reliability, the design is fixed using the knee.
- The toilet is being installed. You should mark where the holes in the floor will be.
- The bowl is removed and the corners are superimposed, taking into account the marks.
- The design is put in place. It is necessary to drive the outlet into the pipe and install it with bolts.
- The tank is then checked.
- A drain button is initially made on the panel. At the end, it is displayed in place.
Installation will not be difficult. One has only to know the main steps and do not forget to check all the elements for performance even during installation.
Which mounting methods are best to use?
Now it's clear how to install a hanging toilet with your own hands. But what methods of fastening to the floor are best? According to the masters, there are severalmethods:
- On the created pedestal made of tiles. Two or four dowels are driven in for fastening. To make the structure strong, add a small amount of sealant or silicone to each hole.
- Fixation of anchors in the floor screed during pouring. Such a method must be performed with high accuracy. One of the main points is the choice of a suitable fastener length. This must be done, because otherwise it will not be possible to securely fix the toilet.
- Using the originally installed wood backing. This technique is not very effective today, but not so long ago only it was used. The fact is that the tree does not tolerate moisture, and it is always present in such a place. If we install a toilet with our own hands in a private house, this option should be abandoned.
- Iron corners attached to the floor. They are attached to the adhesive base. To ensure a strong grip, the surface is pre-treated and degreased.
Many are wondering how to install a toilet bowl with their own hands on a tile in a house or apartment, if it needs to be fixed against the wall. Experts say that only a load-bearing wall can act as a foundation. Only the most reliable design is used - a metal frame. It can be fixed on the anchor. The latter are pre-poured into the wall. There are enough methods, everyone chooses the option that suits them.
How can I connect a toilet to a drain?
You must first purchase pipe fittings, taking into account the available dimensions. This is done until nothing is attached to the floor yet. One option is to use a vent pipe. It is quite effective and provides complete insulation. This method is used in apartment buildings. When buying, pay attention to its diameter. It must exactly match the existing design.
Corrugation is used if the entire system is not located near the central sewer. It is easy to work with it, because the length is adjusted at will by the stretching method, and any angle is created. When the eyeliner is complex, then there is no better method to find. Builders recommend not saving on it, otherwise you can buy low-quality goods, which will later leak or crack. The best option is reinforced corrugation.

Today there are bathrooms with a vertical outlet. Basically, such models are found in new buildings. There are many advantages to such a design. This is a complete elimination of the occurrence of blockage, as well as leaks. There is one feature: the axis of the retaining elements must be perpendicular to the axis of the equipment bowl. In any case, do not forget about the maximum fixation so that unpleasant odors do not penetrate into the room. Therefore, a high-quality sealant is required in the work. After that, the toilet is fixed.
Application of horizontal release
According to the masters, this design is similar in working with corrugation fastening. If desired, the equipment can be placed close to the wall, freeing up additional space. Here you can not do without hardcomponent that will become the connecting link for the toilet and the riser of the sewer system.
To make the connection as accurate as possible, the work is done together. One sets, and the other helps to choose the right direction. The toilet is put in place, marks are made for fastening. Then the plumbing is removed, and holes are made on the floor. Then everything is according to the standard scheme: installation of dowels and the bowl of sanitary equipment itself. The connection point is closed with a sealant. Next, you should check for leaks by making a couple of drain outlets.
Today corrugation occupies a leading position. Its installation is fast and does not require large financial costs. At the same time, the toilet itself can be moved, no major alterations are required. There are cases when the bowl is fixed with an oblique release. Experienced craftsmen believe that such work is best done together.
Standard first step:
- The bowl is installed and the attachment points are outlined.
- Punch holes and insert dowels.
- The toilet is put in place and securely fastened.
All seams are coated with sealant. After complete drying, a leak test is performed. Since structures most often have a slope of about 45 degrees, there is rarely a water outlet in an unnecessary place.
How water is connected to the tank
As soon as the tank is fixed with the toilet, you need to run the water. Many people say that in an apartment or house, any source of water supply must have a shut-off valve. It is used during renovations. At the same time, in other sources, the supplyfluid does not stop.

The same is done with the toilet bowl. The hose is attached to the outlet itself and to the water supply system. FUM tape will help eliminate leakage. Today, there are enough specialists who agree to perform all the work for a certain fee. But now, knowing the information, you can cope with the task yourself. The money saved can be used for other purposes.
Replacing or installing a toilet is not difficult if you follow the instructions from the manufacturer and the simple recommendations of professional builders. All the nuances of the installation process are described above.
If there are doubts about the correctness of self-execution, then you should not start, otherwise you can make serious mistakes. It is necessary to study the stages of work in detail again. Installing a wall-mounted toilet with your own hands, as you can see, is also possible. Self-confidence and strict adherence to installation rules guarantee success.