We create the interior of the living room with our own hands

We create the interior of the living room with our own hands
We create the interior of the living room with our own hands

Who among us hasn't faced the problem of living in a small apartment? As soon as the joy of buying a new home subsides, we find that our "mansions" could be a little larger.

If there is still enough space in the bedroom, kitchen and bathroom, then here is the living room … No need to worry! Let's just use a few tips from designers and create the interior of the living room with our own hands. It is likely that with some tricks we can create a completely new room.

do-it-yourself living room interior
do-it-yourself living room interior

When creating the interior of a small room, we must solve two main tasks at the same time:

• correctly place all the necessary furniture;

• visually expand the space of this room.

Moreover, the room should be relatively free so that it does not feel cramped.

Living room planning

Before starting to create an interior, it is worth looking through specialized literature, relevant sites. Maybe there you can peep a living room interior design close to your taste and draw some great ideas for inspiration. Even if you are completelytrust your taste, you still need to thoroughly think over your own design and create a sketch - printed on paper or digitally.

Creating the interior of the living room with your own hands, you must adhere to some rules.

Rule 1. Leave aisles. The distance between furniture should not be less than 80 cm. Otherwise, it will be difficult to move along the aisles, and the room will look cluttered.

Rule 2. Put a sofa in the living room. A sofa is essential for this room, even if it is quite tiny. A corner or small regular model is better. On the sofa you can watch TV, receive guests, and even spend the night if necessary.

do-it-yourself interior photo
do-it-yourself interior photo

An ideal solution for small rooms where furniture gets dirty much faster is a corner sofa with removable covers. Typically, a hardwood model, such as beech or pine, with a metal folding mechanism is chosen. This will make it possible to use the sofa longer and not worry about its condition.

Rule 3. Create an accent. In the interior design of the living room, there must be a clear accent. It can be either a TV, or a fireplace, or some other decorative element. The ideal solution for the interior of the room is a plasma TV on the wall. This option will help save space and eliminate the need to place a table or cabinet.

Rule 4. Use zoning. In a small room, you can’t put shelving and screens, erect partitions, even if you create the interior of the living room with your ownhands. Zoning should be only visual. To do this, you can use:

- different shade of wallpaper;

- multilevel ceiling;

- different flooring texture;

- lighting of certain areas, for example, highlighting paintings or photographs.

Rule 5. Use color scheme.

living room interior design
living room interior design

When planning how to create an interior with your own hands, the photos above will tell you how to choose the color of a room in order to visually enlarge it. It can be a light version of the room, to which it is desirable to add bright accessories: sofa cushions, vases, carpet.

Different combinations of splashes of bright color will give the room a cheerful and cheerful atmosphere. A room in green will look interesting and fresh, although it is better not to use rich green in the interior of a small room. The blue color is right for the living room. Combining it with coffee, you can give the room a light cottage style, and combining it with china pink, you can create some romance.

Creating the interior of the living room with your own hands, you can try and experiment. After all, your small living room will be the envy of the owners of the chic mansion.
