DIY drums: step by step instructions, device, tips

DIY drums: step by step instructions, device, tips
DIY drums: step by step instructions, device, tips

A great idea, according to psychologists, is to teach a child to music from an early age. You can either buy a drum at a toy store or make your own. A simple tin can and a little imagination can help you easily realize your plan.

Benefit or noise?

Many adults think that there is no use in a children's drum. It is simply a source of noise and accompanies the appearance of a headache. Nevertheless, the drum is very often instructed to make by parents together with the kids in kindergarten. However, this does not happen for the additional workload of the crumbs and the parent on the weekends. Most often, a loud attribute is intended for performances at a matinee. And you can't do without it.

paper craft
paper craft

Don't think that crafting this item is a waste of time. Who knows, maybe the child has acting skills, and already in kindergarten he will decide on his future profession. And such a craft will bring a lot of benefits, even if it is carried out at the request of a kindergarten teacher.

What to maketool

In the mass of necessary tips for creating drums with your own hands at home, it is worth highlighting one not-so-serious recommendation. It is more of a comic character, but every joke has its own piece of truthful meaning. A homemade drum for a child can be used not at all for a matinee. It all depends on the imagination of the parents.

One has only to look around oneself, each person can notice several cans or packages that are unlikely to be useful. From these materials, you can make a drum for playing with your hands or special sticks.

homemade tool
homemade tool

Reasons for creating crafts

This question certainly worries all adults. Every parent wants to find out the reasons for such a pastime with their child. There can be several examples of the reason for such an activity:

  • Getting closer to your child through shared activities.
  • An exciting start to the evening for the whole family.
  • Development of coordination of movements and a sense of rhythm in crumbs. Indeed, with a craft that was invented and created by oneself, one can participate in an impromptu march.
  • Baby may not be easy to beat the drum with sticks, but try to reproduce an interesting favorite melody from a children's song or cartoon.
  • Drums that are played by hand can be a great way for a little one to spend some time in the garden.
  • Finally, the drum can become a weapon of revenge against annoying neighbors who constantly make repairs on Sundayin the morning.
music lessons for kids
music lessons for kids

It should be borne in mind that an act of retaliation for neighboring apartments can occur without disturbing the peace of adults. To do this, residents of an apartment with a newly-minted drummer need to buy earplugs or a pair of headphones in order to muffle the noise in the room.

Plastic bucket with lid

Not every adult knows how to make a drum with their own hands from a plastic garden bucket. You can paint such a tool with simple paints, it can also be pasted over with ordinary colored paper. It all depends on the imagination of the little master. The lid on such a bucket should fit tightly. After all, the tool will be damaged if the upper part of the tool flies off at the most inopportune moment.

The plastic bucket drum can be simply held in the hands, and can also be hung around the neck. It is very easy to perform this action. The material has two holes from the handle on the sides. It is in them that you need to thread an impromptu strap, fixing it with knots.

Sticks for such a plastic tool can be picked up from improvised materials. Pencils or old felt-tip pens that no longer draw can easily play this role. So, things will be given a second life and the child will be satisfied. Kitchen brushes that every housewife has can also make interesting sounds.

A child can try the sound of absolutely any object in the apartment, choose the most suitable one. Do not limit the imagination of the future musician or composer. A child needs to be given freedom sometimes.action.

Paper product

A decorative drum for a little musician can be created from plain paper or cardboard. To do this, cut out two circles of the same diameter. Their size can be any. After that, a strip of paper is cut out, which will become a connecting element for the top and bottom of the tool.

decorating a paper drum
decorating a paper drum

Paper construction can be glued together with glue or taped together. You can decorate the craft with paints or pencils, paste it with various paper illustrations, stickers, cover it with bright satin fabric and sew funny pompoms on the sides. So, do-it-yourself children's crafts will find their own individuality. This part of the work, no doubt, can be done by mother's little helper himself.

Almost any idea of a little dreamer can and should be brought to life. And for this it is not at all necessary to run around the shops and spend large sums. Do-it-yourself drums will not only look unusual and original, but will not require much time to create.

Required tools and materials

The basis of crafts for a child in this case will be a simple round tin can. Other materials needed include:

  • leather puncher;
  • a small piece of fabric in a bright color (can be replaced with colored paper);
  • leather patch;
  • glue gun;
  • leatherette laces;
  • adhesive for fabric elements;
  • cotton wool.

And also in progresswork will be impossible to do without wooden sticks.

Making a tool step by step

At the beginning of work, you need to cut out a part of a suitable size from a bright fabric and glue it over a jar. The fabric can be any. In its absence, the base is simply pasted over with colored paper, which is sold in any stationery store or supermarket.

DIY plastic drum
DIY plastic drum

A jar is placed on a piece of leather material and outlined. 10 cm must be added to the resulting diameter of the tool. Another circle is drawn.

On the radius of the part, with a pencil, areas are marked where holes will be located in the future. From the edge in any version of the manufacture of the drum with their own hands, make an indent equal to 1 cm. Holes on the skin are made with a special hole punch.

A leatherette cord is threaded through the holes obtained. It must subsequently be tightened tightly on one side of the jar. The same steps must be repeated when creating the bottom for making a drum with your own hands. The lace is also used for additional fixation of products diagonally. In this case, the element is threaded under the lacing, which is located at the top and bottom of the drum.

The final stage is the manufacture of drum sticks by hand at home. To do this, a wooden stick is connected to a bead-knob. A small cotton ball is glued on top of the bead, wrapped with thread so that there are no empty spaces left. This is how the drumstick is made.

design option
design option

Instead of total

It's so easy to make drums with your own hands. Without a doubt, this exciting activity will appeal to the baby. After all, a child in work can act as an apprentice. And creative activities with the whole family will not only contribute to the development of the child’s imagination, but will also have a positive effect on the imagination and thinking of the crumbs. If a child seeks to create things with his own hands, then this activity should be encouraged by adults, because such a pastime contributes to the development of children, the consolidation of various household skills, and simply brings joy.
