How to make a veranda with your own hands?

How to make a veranda with your own hands?
How to make a veranda with your own hands?

In order to decorate and expand the space of your home or country house, a veranda is attached to it. It is possible to be on it in any season in any weather. In this article, we will look at how to create a do-it-yourself veranda step by step.

Design concept

A self-made veranda should not be considered a separate building. It should harmoniously fit into the overall structure. Its construction can be carried out either simultaneously with the main building, or after some time has passed. However, it must be borne in mind that if the foundations of the house and the veranda were carried out at different times, then they will give a different drawdown. Given that the latter will be attached to the main building, it may warp, or in some cases there may be gaps between the house and the veranda, which can be filled with foam.

The veranda is usually made from the front door of a residential building.

Types of verandas

Do-it-yourself veranda in the country
Do-it-yourself veranda in the country

All buildings of this type are divided into 2varieties:

  • open;
  • closed.

The first one has only railings. Their roof is fixed on beams. Closed verandas are glazed. In this case, for some designers, the glass part may prevail over the wood.

Do-it-yourself veranda projects for the house should be created in such a way that they correspond to the general facade of the building both in style and in the materials used. At the same time, it must be taken into account that it correlates with him in size.

As a rule, a self-made veranda is not heated and is intended for use in the late spring - early autumn period.

Preparing documents

Currently, country houses need to draw up documents that may be needed when selling them. Therefore, the extension must be legalized. It is better to take this action immediately, because if it is discovered during control raids, you will have to pay a fine.

To create a do-it-yourself veranda project, it is better to contact the appropriate organization. This does not mean that you will not create it yourself, but from a design point of view, it is better to entrust the development to professionals.

After the preparation of the project, the owner takes it with him, as well as an identity card, an application, an extract from the USRN or other documents confirming ownership, the necessary authorities are visited in order to agree on an extension, after which it will be possible to start its construction. Upon its completion, the owner goes to the MFC, which, through Rosreestr, carries outregistration of a dwelling with an extension made.


DIY veranda tool
DIY veranda tool

To create a veranda with your own hands, you must first prepare the following of them:

  • level;
  • ruler;
  • hammer;
  • car;
  • rope;
  • shovel;
  • yamobur;
  • chalk;
  • circular or other saw;
  • drill;
  • chalk.

Next, to create a quality extension, you need to create markup, which will exclude redoing work in case something goes wrong.

Selection of materials

As noted above, a do-it-yourself veranda in a country house, as in a country house, must be made from the appropriate building materials from which the main building is built. In the case of using glued beams during the construction of the house, the veranda must also be wooden. If the house is brick, then the extension should at least be lined with this material. The combination, for example, wood and siding will not look aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, special attention must be paid to the correct selection of materials.

Creating the markup

Do-it-yourself veranda marking
Do-it-yourself veranda marking

When creating a veranda to the house with your own hands, you must first measure the distance from the front door to the potential location of the central support. It should be placed at a distance of a radius from the formwork of the planned extension. In this place, some kind of landmark is mounted with a chalk tied or other device, with whichyou can draw the corresponding geometric shapes.

Let's consider the creation of markup on the example of circles. Two circles are made with chalk, one of which coincides in radius with the previously determined distance to the central support, and the second is a third of the first.

In most cases, the veranda is mounted on props. First you need to outline the places where they will be installed.

Several pegs are being prepared, which begin to be mounted to the right of the entrance on a circle with a smaller diameter. Anti-clockwise pull the rope at an angle of 45 degrees. The next peg is placed at the obtained point, and this process is carried out until the circle is closed. Between the first and last pegs driven in, there should be an entrance door.

After the marking is finished, a thread is started along the circumference, which is tied to each peg.

Mounting poles

The construction of a veranda to the house with your own hands should continue after the marking has been done by creating an appropriate foundation. The simplest is the option with the placement of pillars.

Initially, the central one is installed. To do this, they dig a hole 1-1.5 meters deep, which is determined by the freezing of the soil in the cold season of the year. A pipe of a sufficiently large diameter (about 25 cm) is placed in this hole. A level must be used as the installation must be perfectly level.

Gravel and sand are placed at the bottom of the pit to create matching cushions.

The pipe is slightly cut and poured with concrete mix, placing oncenter bolt 10 cm long upside down.

Other pipes with a smaller diameter (about 15 cm) are placed along the circular markings. They should protrude at least 8 cm above the soil level. They are also filled with concrete mortar.

Before performing the last action, the pipes must be properly supported to create two squares, the first of which should include odd, and the second - even supports.

The height of the pillars is determined based on the height of the floor in the main living space. The floor of the veranda is made 30 cm lower than that in the building so that its roof fits under the overhang of the roof of the house.

Formwork construction

Construction of formwork for the veranda
Construction of formwork for the veranda

After the poured concrete has dried, to continue creating the veranda with your own hands, you need to create a formwork. To do this, vertically arranged wooden blocks are screwed to each support with self-tapping screws. The height of the resulting structure must match the central pillar. Next, connect the odd supports. At the same time, boards of the required size are selected. A triangle is made on each even support, which is located in the center of the board connecting the odd ones.

After that, a second square is formed by connecting the even supports. When carrying out work, you need to ensure that the edges of the second geometric figure being created do not go inside the first one. The result is an even octagon that serves as the basis of the formwork.

Attaching end beams and leading boards

Quantitythe latter should match the number of pegs that were installed earlier. Their length coincides with the radius determined in the previous steps. They are placed from the central pillar through various corners of the resulting octagon.

End beams are installed after accurate calculations. To do this, determine the length of each of them, which should be calculated as the product of the length of the leading board by the sine of 22.5 °.

Next, the leading boards are attached to the bolt that was installed in the first stages. In addition to it, you need to use another bolt, which has a large cap. To make the result more reliable, use a nut and washer, fixed from different sides.

After that, a layer of gravel about 5 cm thick is poured under the resulting structure.

Attaching crossbeams

They are placed the same number in each of the finished sectors of the future veranda, built with their own hands. The former are placed at a distance of 40 cm from the center and from each other, the latter divides the remaining space. The first section is not divided into subsections, and the subsequent ones are divided depending on their length by one, two, four, etc. beams.

Installing the frame

Do-it-yourself veranda frame
Do-it-yourself veranda frame

This process is the most difficult and time-consuming.

To do this, first make the lower harness. Wooden bars (10 x 10 cm) are laid on brick pillars, connecting the corners of the first into a “half-tree”. Fastening is carried out either with spikes with pre-made through holes, ornails. Throughout the prepared lower harness, grooves are made for logs in the form of cubes with sides of 5 cm with a distance between them of at least half a meter. They are needed to install racks.

On wooden bars intended for racks, spikes of the required size are made, which should be determined based on the fact that they must enter the grooves with some tension. Racks are mounted vertically and secured with staples and nails.

To create a support for the window, we fix the transverse beam, reinforcing it with spikes.

From above, we install the top trim with cutout grooves for the rafters, using the same nails, staples and spikes for fastening. The rafters are attached to a horizontal beam, called a run, with the help of spikes and nails. The height is selected in such a way that the veranda, attached by hand, goes under the slope of the roof of the house.

Extreme posts are fastened with anchors.

Building walls and roofs, mounting the floor

Roof for the veranda
Roof for the veranda

In order to get a veranda attached to the house with your own hands, you need to upholster the walls with light materials, such as clapboard or boards. It is performed from the outside, starting from the bottom trim to the window beam.

A crate is attached to the rafters, to which a flooring is made of roofing or waterproofing material.

When laying the floor on the logs, edged boards are nailed, having a thickness of about 3-4 cm, impregnated with an antiseptic to protect against fungi and decay, after which they are painted over and, if necessary, the flooring is laid.

When formingof the octagonal veranda described above, flooring work begins from the outer edge to the center. In this case, the first row should protrude 2.5 cm beyond the end beam. Next, wooden panels are placed on the floor, which will hide all the bolts used. Ready-made columns and a roof can also be purchased at retail outlets so as not to mount it yourself.

Photos of a do-it-yourself veranda are shown in the article.

Installation of doors and windows

Flooring on the veranda
Flooring on the veranda

The first of them will be placed in the space formed between the top trim and the window sill. The line of window blocks should be located on the same level, they are fixed with nails or wedges. We install wooden frames in the blocks and install glass.

The door frame must match the size of the doorway. The latter is fixed with 2 upper anchors. Its horizontal and vertical alignment is carried out, after which the lower anchors are fastened.

In closing

Building a veranda with your own hands is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. In this case, it is necessary to use the material from which the main building is built. The veranda should be on a solid foundation, this article discusses the columnar, but there can be both monolithic and tape types. The decision to build a veranda should be accompanied by thinking about whether it will be attached to the house or not, since foundations erected at different times give different shrinkage, which can lead to distortionthe structure under consideration. In addition, you need to take into account the fact that a detached building does not apply to living space.
