Calibrachoa are micro-petunias that bloom luxuriantly and do not require heavy watering. Previously, such flowers were grown only from cuttings. And now you can bring out the caliberhoa plant in a different way. Growing from seed greatly simplifies the spread of this species. The Calibrachoa mix is handpicked so that you can grow them in container plantings, on your garden plot, on your balcony in colorful pots and planters.

The Million Bells series includes about 18 varieties with a great variety of colors: dark yellow, pink, purple, pink-lilac, cherry, lemon yellow, red and crimson. Initially, in nature, calibrachoa flowers were purple in color - this is their natural color. Later, in our days, the plant became interested in flower growers, and breeding varieties appeared with brown, yellow, blue, white, red and pink flowers.
Calibrachoa has the main distinguishing feature, which is that the flowers of this plant have a "throat". It has a different color from the corolla and canbe brown or yellow.
Calibrachoa garden flowers are usually well-shaped and resemble a petunia bell. To date, breeders have bred terry varieties that are somewhat inferior in beauty and splendor to simple specimens.
What is the difference between Calibrachoa and Petunias?
Many flora lovers acquire a variety of and sometimes even rare plants at home, ranging from simple cacti to giant cans. Each plant has its own subspecies, which has a completely different structure. For example, you can take the common petunia. This beautiful flower has a kind of relative, but it differs significantly in genetic data. The name of this flower is calibrachoa, growing from the seeds of this plant is very popular today.

Calibrachoa has recently appeared in the homes of many flora lovers. The external differences between this plant and petunia were small, so many saw it in it. And even scientists biologists attributed this species to the genus Petunia.
But in 1990, scientists were able to prove that caliberchoa flowers differ significantly from petunias in DNA structure. So, if we consider a petunia, we can conclude that it has only 14 chromosomes, unlike caliberhoa, which has 18. So, by scientific standards, we can assume that these plants are completely different, although they have family ties.
Differences of Petunia, Calibrachoa plants
How are these plants different?
- Calibrachoa flower only about 3 in diametercentimeters.
- The number of flowers she has is much more than that of a petunia.
This amazing plant has its famous varietal series, such as the name "million bluebells". This species can shoot even with minimal comfort and without land - up to one meter.

As amazing as Calibrachoa is, little is known about it to the general public. Therefore, this flower can be sold under other names, such as surfinia and ampelous petunia.
The difference between surfinia and caliberchoa
- Flower size. It is usually small in size, but in minitunia it can also be up to 3 centimeters.
- The neck (mouth) at the base of the corolla has a bright yellow color.
- Calibrachoa leaves are elongated, about 1 centimeter wide and 4 centimeters long, covered with fine hairs. This is the main difference, since the stem is also covered with fine fluff.
- Calibrachoa stem is more like a shrub trunk, prone to woodiness, unlike petunia, which has a grassy stem.
Growing and care
Like all other plants, loves sunny color and calibrachoa. Growing from seeds greatly facilitates the spread of this species. Below we will consider in detail the main points of caring for this unusual plant.

Calibrachoa garden flowers are very similar to petunia flowers, onlythey are slightly smaller, their diameter is approximately 3 centimeters, with a smooth edge of the petal. The natural color of the flowers is purple, but now many varieties have been created with different colors: red, white, yellow and brownish. In many varieties, a dark vein in the center is clearly visible, and the very base of the petal is more brightly colored.
If you want Calibrachoa to please you with flowering all the time, then as soon as you notice that the flowers begin to wither, you need to pluck them, otherwise seeds will be tied on it. Flowering usually becomes weaker towards the end of summer, during this period it is recommended to trim the stems. Thanks to these manipulations, the branching and development of new kidneys is stimulated.

Leaves are much smaller than those of petunias (approximately 3-4 centimeters long and 1 centimeter wide), lanceolate. All green parts of the culture are covered with a tough but not dense cover of hairs.
Calibrachoa feels best on loamy and sandy soil, but can grow on any fertile land. It tolerates the additive well in the soil of compost or humus, but not manure. In acidic soils, lime must be added (250 g per m). Calibrachoa is usually placed in pots or containers with nutrient soil, which consists of humus, peat, sand, leafy or soddy soil. The soil should absorb moisture well and be loose. Be sure to add mineral fertilizers, which dissolve slowly, and hydrogel. Drainage should be poured at the bottom. Grows at 1 meter60 plants.

Lighting and temperature
For successful growth and flowering, the plant needs a sufficient amount of heat and light. Calibrachoas thrive on sun-drenched terraces or south-east or south-facing balconies. But this flower is afraid of the withering heat. If exposed to direct sunlight during the day, caliberchoa can burn. It is recommended to provide diffused light during these hours.
Place in the house
Calibrachoa has very fragile stems and flowers, strong winds can damage or rip them off. Therefore, an unglazed balcony on the upper floors is not suitable for keeping this plant. The most favorable place for growing caliberchoa is considered to be a place protected from any wind.
Calibrachoa seedlings. When to sow?
Calibrachoa can be planted in containers such as hanging baskets, balcony boxes or flowerpots. In order for the plant to feel comfortable in a new place, it is recommended to use a light substrate with a large amount of baking powder. At least three liters of earth must be placed on one container.
In order to achieve the maximum period of flowering plants, the best way to grow Calibrachoa from seeds. Planting period - mid-January, or February. Be sure to grow in well-lit rooms, as this plant loves sunlight. Planting caliberhoa large varieties of flowers is favorable in February - March. Depending on the sowing of plants, flowers can be obtained in April, mid-Mayor June.

The need for moist soil in caliberhoa is much less than, for example, in petunias. On the contrary, moisture for this species is unacceptable. If you overdo it with watering the plant, its tender roots will immediately begin to rot, and the caliberchoa will die. But she loves frequent spraying. On particularly hot summer days, it is recommended to spray the plant at least three times a day.
If the caliberchoa is in the growing season, then it must be fertilized regularly. It is enough to feed only once a week. When the plant has already appeared buds or flowers, it is better to choose fertilizers that contain a large amount of potassium and phosphorus.
The plant reproduces in two ways:
- seeds;
- cuttings.
When propagating caliberhoa with seeds, no one can give you a guarantee that they will grow the same lush, beautiful and he althy plant as the main one. Seedlings may not bloom well, and the flowers themselves may not be the same color and size as the parent plant.
A more productive option is propagation of caliberchoa by cuttings. The process is pretty simple. Apical cuttings about 4 centimeters long are cut off from the main plant in early autumn. From these cuttings, the lower leaves are removed and planted in a moist substrate. To accelerate the growth of roots, you should equip a greenhouse or simply cover the cuttings with a plastic cup, airing dailyplants for a few minutes.
Calibrachoa cuttings take root quickly in the greenhouse. After that, they need care, as for ordinary adult calibrachoa. They calmly survive the winter, and in the spring they cut off the top again from the formed bushes and root. Calibrachoa is grown from these fresh tops.
This plant looks great in flowerpots, hanging containers, bright pots. Combines well with ampelous plants.