For over a century now, dolls have been the go-to toy for girls of all ages. Thanks to games with them, children receive the necessary experience for later adult life. And, in principle, there is no difference what kind of dolls they are and what size they are.
Monster High dolls: furniture, photos, characters
Recently, the once beloved dolls of Barbie, Winx and others have been supplanted by designer newfangled Monster High dolls. Girls are increasingly choosing to play with them. It's hard to say what attracts children so much, but the fact remains that Monster High is popular.
But no matter how trendy and interesting the dolls are, they are just so boring to play. I would like to add a bunch of new clothes and, of course, create their own unique interior for them with beautiful furniture and various accessories. In addition, children like to create new things on their own or together with their parents, so they show their creativity.

Making furniture for Monster High dolls with your own hands is quite easy and fast, whilethe result of the work will be magnificent without any visible effort. All you need to create is a simple material and a tool and a bit of imagination and creativity.
And before moving on to answering the question of how to make Monster High furniture, let's look at the main characters in this series. This will help determine both the furniture needed for the character, as well as the colors and decorations.
A little about the most popular characters
To date, there are more than 40 Monster High dolls. And they are all completely different. The main characters are considered the following representatives of the Monster High universe:
- Draculaura. It is not difficult to guess the origin of this central character. From her father, in addition to the name, she inherited intolerance to sunlight and sharp long fangs. Its irreplaceable attribute is an umbrella. But despite the close relationship with the most terrible vampire, Draculaura is a sympathetic, cheerful girl who hates even the sight of blood. She is 1559 years old, she has a favorite pet - a bat named Earl the Magnificent. Preferred colors in furniture and interiors are black and pink.
- Frankie Stein. And here it is very easy to guess who the progenitor of the girl is. This is the youngest student of Monster High School. The girls are only 15 days old, but she is so sweet, friendly and inquisitive that she has already won the hearts of many monsters like herself. When making furniture for dolls for this Monster High heroine, you must adhere to the following colors: blue, black, red.
- Laguna Blue. A girl with webbed fingers and interesting fish-shaped ears is a descendant of sea monsters. She is not particularly adapted to life on land, but thanks to a special skin lubricating cream, she manages to attend her favorite school with her friends. In the interior, he prefers colors such as turquoise, purple, green, black.
- Claudina Wulff. And this is the daughter of the most terrible werewolf in the world. Claudine always looks great, she has a lot of fashionable clothes, and she is well versed in all the new fashionable designer stuff. And fangs and wolf ears give her appearance an eccentric look. In furniture, the girl prefers all shades of blue and black.
- Cleo de Nile. This is an Egyptian princess who strives to always look perfect. Despite all her selfishness, she is kind with her friends, but she requires unquestioning obedience from the rest. When making furniture for dolls for Cleo (Monster High) dolls, it is best to use all shades of yellow, as well as black and golden tones.
- Deuce Gorgon. This handsome guy is the son of the Gorgon Medusa. He puts his snake hair in a mohawk and constantly wears sunglasses so as not to turn anyone into a stone statue. Prefers interior colors such as green, black and red.
- Invisi Billy. This is the son of the invisible man. And in order to look more bright, he has to make every effort. He likes all shades of blue.

You got acquainted with the color preferences of the dolls in the interior. Now let's see how to dodo-it-yourself furniture for Monster High dolls.

The benefits of homemade furniture
Today, toy stores offer a large selection of different accessories for dolls. But some parents with children want to make furniture for Monster High dolls with their own hands. There can be many reasons, here are the main four:
- On the shelves there are often low-quality and short-lived toys. And it's easier to do something yourself than to throw out the purchased item two days later.
- Some live in small towns where there are no children's shops, and even if they wish, parents cannot purchase furniture for Monster High dolls for their child.
- Do-it-yourself toy is much cheaper and more interesting than purchased furniture.
- Many people are just interested in the process of creating things with their own hands.
How to build a house?
Before you make do-it-yourself furniture for Monster High dolls, you should think about where to place it. Of course, in the doll house. It is not difficult to build, you only need shoeboxes or a sheet of plywood.
- From boxes: Shoe boxes can be completely different sizes. They just need to be folded in any desired sequence and glued, or secured with a construction stapler. Each box is a separate room, the house can be two-, three- and five-story. It remains only to glue the wallpaper and decorate the walls and floor.
- From plywood: The partitions, walls, roof and back of the house should be cut from the plywood sheet. Connect all parts, fasten. Glue wallpaper on the walls, lay carpet on the floor.
And now, when the doll house is ready, you can safely proceed to the manufacture of the furniture itself from improvised materials.

Making furniture for Monster High
You can put any furniture in the dollhouse: beds, sofas, cabinets, cabinets, tables and chairs, and much more. We now consider the most popular interior items. The rest you can do by following these instructions.
To make a capacious locker, you will need:
- flat wooden stick;
- shoe box;
- stationery scissors;
- foil;
- color paper;
- glue;
- metal wire;
- matchboxes.
- Take the lid from under the shoe box, cut off the thick edges.
- Cut the lid itself into two parts - these are the future cabinet doors.
- Wrap the resulting doors with colored paper of your character's preferred color. Attach an evenly cut foil to one of the doors - this is a mirror.
- Stick the doors on the box in the same way as the lid itself.
- Paint the rest of the cabinet with colored paper too.
- Make small holes in the doors, insert wire handles into them.
- From a wooden stick, make a support on which there will be hangers with clothes.
- Build shelves from matchboxes.

- durable cardboard;
- needle and thread;
- wooden skewers;
- scissors;
- glue;
- stationery knife;
- foam;
- acrylic paint;
- varnish;
- fabric in desired color.
- Cut out the size of the highchair seat from cardboard - it can be any shape (round, square, rectangular).
- Glue the foam on top of the seat.
- Cut identical legs out of wooden skewers and glue them to the back of the seat.
- Upholster the seat with cloth.
- Paint and varnish the legs of the chair.
- By the same principle, you can make a table for Monster High dolls. The countertop is best made from plywood sheet. The whole table will have to be painted and varnished.

Required materials:
- plywood sheet;
- paper;
- foam;
- varnish;
- glue;
- fabric;
- acrylic paint;
- scissors.
- Draw the headboard and base of the bed on paper, cut out the details from the plywood sheet according to these templates.
- Fasten the bed pieces together with glue.
- Glue foam rubber to the couch, sheathe it with a cloth.
- Paint the rest of the parts with paint, then apply varnish.
- Sew the sheet, blanket and pillows from the remaining fabric and foam.
As you can see, quiteit's easy to give your children a real fairy tale.