When furnishing our housing, we strive to make it as convenient and comfortable as possible. We think about the layout, choose beautiful and functional furniture, arrange the decor elements in their places. Particular attention is usually paid to design with

palni, because this is the place for relaxation. Accordingly, it is important to think over every little thing so that the rest becomes calm and comfortable. And products such as curtains and bedspreads for bedrooms help us in this.
What to choose?
Like any other products for the home, curtains and bedspreads can be made in a variety of styles: classic, minimalism, avant-garde, high-tech, and so on. They should be chosen depending on the stylistic decision in which the bedroom design was created. Curtains and bedspreads are most often selected in the same color or at least a similar tone. Modern designers offer the following combinations:

- Curtains and bedspread/pillows made from the same fabric. This combination is most common, because it looks spectacular and harmonious, regardless of the era. The peculiarity of the combination isthat such a set can be easily sewn with your own hands and thereby ensure the unity and harmony of the entire room.
- Curtains and bedspreads for bedrooms can be a similar shade to the walls. In this case, the curtains should be either darker or lighter than the walls so that the room does not merge into one color.
- Products for the bedroom can be selected in the same style and color with the head of the bed. In this case, you can choose either the fabric of the curtains to match the color of the headboard, or make it from the same fabric as the curtains.
- Curtains and bedspreads for bedrooms can be made in shades of the same color, only the degree of its saturation changes. Here difficulties may arise with the fact that the fabric under the light can change shade.

Following advice
When choosing the color and texture of the fabric, there are a few things to keep in mind.
- Color can affect the visual perception of a room: light and cold tones make a room bigger, warm and dark tones make it smaller.
- Cold tones will make the bedroom cooler, while warm ones, on the contrary, warmer.
- If the walls have a pattern, then the curtains for the bedrooms should be plain, and vice versa.
- The size of the pattern on the curtains and bedspread on the bed should be in harmony with the overall design of the room. That is, if the bedroom is small, you should not use a large drawing, and in a large one - too small.

- The mood of the whole room largely depends on the color of the curtains: for example, yellow, orange or red invigorate, and cold tones (blue,green, blue) relax. Pastel colors are considered the golden mean.
Curtains and bedspreads for bedrooms are needed not only for a decorative function. They regulate the lighting, thanks to which sleep becomes more pleasant and restful. In addition, with their help, privacy is achieved, since the room will be closed from prying eyes from the street. Due to the dense layer of curtains, it is possible to protect the room from noise, sun, cold. In any case, you should choose these products for your bedroom wisely, since this largely determines how pleasant it will be for you to be in it.